Upstairs bed storage limits



VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
Does anyone know what 'else' you can put on the upstairs bed and successfully and safely close the roof. Specifically we leave our fitted sheet on etc. but I wondered about screen cover which is soft and will squash plus we have a double thermarest we sometimes stick under the bed to make it more luxurious. It would add maybe 5-8mm when deflated ? Just wondering if you can leave that in there ok ?
Very difficult to say.i store my thermal blinds in the roof without any advise would be
never shut the roof with anything sharp or bulky
When camping we leave the bed sheet and window blinds up there but that's it. Make sure anything you put up there is flat and thin!
I thought i would report back on last nights testing. I had a few beers and a couple of whiskys onboard so mid test i fell asleep up there :D
There seems to be no issue with a couple of deflated therm a rests under the main mattress, certainly it didn't appear to hinder the roof closing and when its closed normally if you stick your hand in there is a fair bit of room anyway. I leave the net up there anyway and the new windscreen thermal cover lives in with the seats in the back. From a comfort perspective the therm a rest really makes a massive difference to the comfort level.
How about leaving my Zonesleep topper, as has been said before you can push an arm all the way in so I'm guessing a topper would be ok?
Does the roof not shut completely if there is too much up there or would it just keep closing and buckle the roof!!!

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