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Useful items available from Ikea



Guest User
This is a list of items that owners have bought from Ikea and which have a useful place in a California. I will try to update it as they are recommended -

Found by coordinated and used as a bin which fits behind the passenger seat -


Found by coordinated and used between the front seats x1, in the kitchen cupboards x2 and the bench drawer x3 -

BOHOLMEN Washing-up Bowl

Found by Andy (Via Facebook) and used as a bin which fits behind the passenger seat or on the side door step -

RATIONELL Waste Sorting Bin
Called in the Nottingham IKEA today after 3 Rationell bins and were told they didn't have any, thought they were being discontinued. Fortunately we'd already bought 3 a month before. Instead we got one of these Samla boxes, plus lid:

They come in clear or black, and in two sizes. We bought both in clear.

We use the Boholmen washing up bowls as a food and glass/plates containers under the cooker.

We also got a Bolmen step stool to go on one of the front seats to aid getting into and out of the roof.

Turn it upside down and it's a useful container, the bit you tread on has rubber inserts which should keep it from sliding around the rear passenger compartment. We won't be taking our heavy telescopic ladder on our travels.

(The names read like characters in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, don't they? "Boholmen and Bolmen buried Rationell's body in the woods at Samla, behind the Ikea store... etc") :grin:
We find the Ikea Skubb boxes are very handy for subdividing the underseat drawer and storing stuff in the cupboards. No rattling.
They used to do them in black, not sure I'd buy them in lilac. There are bigger ones too.

We've also got some Rationell Variera non-slip shelf liner stuff (a roll) to line the kitchen cupboard shelves so things don't slide about. Haven't fitted it yet though.

The blue Ikea carrier bags, and the clear zip-top large storage bags, are invaluable for lugging stuff between house & van.
Tried the shelf-lining stuff but it wasn't ideal, so I cut up a couple of very old karrimats to fit shelves, the under-bench drawer and line the boot. They're ideal for this - we also use the small Multi-Mat 'sit mats' sold in outdoor shops for a couple of quid to stop stuff rattling in the under-cooker cupboards (and to line the wardrobe floor safe box, just the right size).
Idea bags great for wet sailing gear. Non slip mats cut to size for all the shelves from gooutdoors super cheap and stuck down with photo mount spray.
Those Ikea Dimpa bags are great - we also use them for storing out-of-season clothes in the loft (living in a flat that's not much bigger than the van!).

VW California Club
