Hi everyone, thanks again for all the helpful advice earlier.
We’ve now plugged the hookup in to the domestic electricity and we plugged a phone charger into the three pin socket. The charger’s blue light lit up so that seemed promising, but the van control panel then showed the battery symbol not the hook up picture. The trip in the back cupboard hadn't changed position, it still showed as on.
We removed the charger from the three pin socket.
We then switched the trip in the back cupboard off, then on again, and the symbol on the control panel returned to hook up. The van carried on charging.
So presumably the socket is not functioning and maybe the fuse is gone?
We’re off on a longish trip soon. We can manage without the three pin socket, but we’re wondering whether to try and find out where the fuse for that socket is and change it (we are not electrical experts by any means!) As I said before the 12v socket next to it works fine.
Thanks for any thoughts.