VED - new plate September?



T6.1 Ocean 199 4Motion
Looks ike we will not have our summer holiday (Scotland) in our first California, will be off with our Yeti towing the Eriba, something to look forward to when we return. We will not be back till end of August so no point really in having the old plate, get a new one start of September. Mentioned this to the dealer but he explained the process when the vehicle arrives they inspect then send off the V55 form, they have no idea when they will receive this back, when it comes back the vehicle has been register and supplied with a new reg. Seems crazy to have the the earlier plate when we will probably be picking up the T6.1 start of September. Anyone else in the same boat?
Crazy and don't believe that! Tell them you want the new reg and that's it. How do people order a new vehicle for the 1st September if it works as you are being told!!!
As stated - they can give you a 72 plate. Just keep hounding them.
Looks ike we will not have our summer holiday (Scotland) in our first California, will be off with our Yeti towing the Eriba, something to look forward to when we return. We will not be back till end of August so no point really in having the old plate, get a new one start of September. Mentioned this to the dealer but he explained the process when the vehicle arrives they inspect then send off the V55 form, they have no idea when they will receive this back, when it comes back the vehicle has been register and supplied with a new reg. Seems crazy to have the the earlier plate when we will probably be picking up the T6.1 start of September. Anyone else in the same boat?
When I bought mine I stipulated December 1st, it arrived in September. I picked it up December 1st and it was registered for that day. They can do it.
Just received an email from our dealer saying we can have a September plate but would lose the 4'service offer. We go away next week and will not be back till last day of August. Our t6.1 has arrived but will not be ready in time, so we hoped we could pick it up first weekend in September with the new plate. This is the email I received, bit confused :

"...I have spoken to sales manager and he has said he has no issue with registering the vehicle as a September plate but you would then loose the 4 service offer as this is only the finance offer you took in quarter one, VWFS won’t let me open up the campaign for a vehicle that has been sat at our showroom for over 1 month as they will check when it arrived.

The current VWFS California offer has 2 services and 4 years warranty, breakdown and roadside assistance so you would just lose 2 services."

We can't pick the California till end of August start of September, I know a new plate doesn't make a lot of difference but just madness to pick up a new T6.1 in September with a older plate. Our T6.1 was meant to be built in April so should have had it by now and using on our Scotland holiday towing our Eriba. Can understand with the virus things change, been told our T6.1 arrived at the dealer on Thursday.

Any advice?
I would say it depends on how long you plan to keep it? Judge the cost of two services against the depreciation difference in the plates. The longer you own the less this should be I would think.
I would say it depends on how long you plan to keep it? Judge the cost of two services against the depreciation difference in the plates. The longer you own the less this should be I would think.
Just received an email from our dealer saying we can have a September plate but would lose the 4'service offer. We go away next week and will not be back till last day of August. Our t6.1 has arrived but will not be ready in time, so we hoped we could pick it up first weekend in September with the new plate. This is the email I received, bit confused :

"...I have spoken to sales manager and he has said he has no issue with registering the vehicle as a September plate but you would then loose the 4 service offer as this is only the finance offer you took in quarter one, VWFS won’t let me open up the campaign for a vehicle that has been sat at our showroom for over 1 month as they will check when it arrived.

The current VWFS California offer has 2 services and 4 years warranty, breakdown and roadside assistance so you would just lose 2 services."

We can't pick the California till end of August start of September, I know a new plate doesn't make a lot of difference but just madness to pick up a new T6.1 in September with a older plate. Our T6.1 was meant to be built in April so should have had it by now and using on our Scotland holiday towing our Eriba. Can understand with the virus things change, been told our T6.1 arrived at the dealer on Thursday.

Any advice?
Nothing to do with VWFS what plate DVLA assign. A call to VWCS to point out your patience and understanding during a global pandemic and common sense should prevail.

It sounds like a dealer targets thing to me
Nothing to do with VWFS what plate DVLA assign. A call to VWCS to point out your patience and understanding during a global pandemic and common sense should prevail.

It sounds like a dealer targets thing to me
Contacted VW finance and explained the situation told if not happy to put a 'VW complaint' in via your dealer. Not a complaint about Norwich dealer but VW refusing to honour 4 yr service (offering 2yrs) as a September plate, March plate would have 4yrs but a matter of perhaps 2-3 weeks before the new plate, we will be away on holiday so can't pick up till early September - madness!
For all california’s ordered before 31st March, I believe they all came as standard with a 4 year care package for all customers for cash or finance. That was part of the vehicle order. The finance offer was just the £1000 deposit contribution. Could be wrong though but worth checking.

Four free services (two interim, two major) and an MOT test
Four-year/120,000-mile factory warranty
Four years of roadside assistance
For all california’s ordered before 31st March, I believe they all came as standard with a 4 year care package for all customers for cash or finance. That was part of the vehicle order. The finance offer was just the £1000 deposit contribution. Could be wrong though but worth checking.

Four free services (two interim, two major) and an MOT test
Four-year/120,000-mile factory warranty
Four years of roadside assistance
Yes that is correct, we were told VW would honour this offer. Our T6.1 has just arrived at the dealer (last Thursday) paperwork ready to send to for VED, not sure when the California will be ready uncertain how long this can take (1-3 weeks!) BUT we are away in a few days and do not return till end of August so cannot now pick up our T6.1 till September. VW will not let the dealer register the vehicle in September with original offer even though the dealer has no idea how long the VED might take, paperwork could arrive back just a week before the new plate. They have offered similar deal but with only two services which is probably worth around £500. I know it is only a number plate but waited a long time and a very special purchase so for the sake of perhaps two weeks waiting at the dealer to get a new plate (ordered mid February) and pick up the first few days in September we thought was not a big ask!! Been told to do a official 'VW complaint' now via the dealer!
I think VW being unreasonable but in the end It’s only a number plate. Free services probably more useful- is it really worth the stress?
I know and we thought that, (might be slight difference in re-sale value but not much) this could be our first and last California, big purchase and for the sake of two weeks thought they would understand, going to speak to the dealer again to see if it delays things by much the 'complaint' route. As he said he still doesn't know how long it will take to get the V55 form back either. Going to try and look into insurance in the meantime, all have asked for a reg number previously which the dealer can't supply as they don't have control of this with the present V55 system/issue!
Going to try and look into insurance in the meantime, all have asked for a reg number previously which the dealer can't supply as they don't have control of this with the present V55 system/issue!
Our new T6.1 is insured with Comfort. They did not need the reg number to provide me with a quote. What I really liked is that I booked them to call me when I arrived at Robinsons. I had checked the van so paid the premium to Comfort and that was the first bit of admin done.
I know and we thought that, (might be slight difference in re-sale value but not much) this could be our first and last California, big purchase and for the sake of two weeks thought they would understand, going to speak to the dealer again to see if it delays things by much the 'complaint' route. As he said he still doesn't know how long it will take to get the V55 form back either. Going to try and look into insurance in the meantime, all have asked for a reg number previously which the dealer can't supply as they don't have control of this with the present V55 system/issue!
Mine came back within a week as the dealer was on it.
I think in your position I would make a decision quickly and forget about it, you don't want to ruin the experience of getting your new Cali.
I think in your position I would make a decision quickly and forget about it, you don't want to ruin the experience of getting your new Cali.
I know, just bit miffed to be put in this position really, new vehicle older plate, not that often you spend a fortune on your first camper van. Will not spoil the fun though, still very excited. Something to look forward to after returning from our holiday in Scotland.
It is only a number plate. If I was that sensitive about the plate just buy a £350 personal plate.
Do people still worry about the number plate. Whenever I've bought cars I just go by the year.
After all were talking about a MY 2020 vehicle, but VW are now on MY2021.
It’s still a 20 year
Just not a 20n half year:)
I know it is a personal thing I suppose, not often you buy a new vehicle though, well certainly for us!
Looks ike we will not have our summer holiday (Scotland) in our first California, will be off with our Yeti towing the Eriba, something to look forward to when we return. We will not be back till end of August so no point really in having the old plate, get a new one start of September. Mentioned this to the dealer but he explained the process when the vehicle arrives they inspect then send off the V55 form, they have no idea when they will receive this back, when it comes back the vehicle has been register and supplied with a new reg. Seems crazy to have the the earlier plate when we will probably be picking up the T6.1 start of September. Anyone else in the same boat?
Has the vehicle arrived at the dealership ? If not, ask the dealer to delay requesting a V55 and assigning a registation No. He can then register it for you for Sept. How do you think you see cars driving around with the new plate on the first day they start. They can do it, perhaps he just wants his money.
Has the vehicle arrived at the dealership ? If not, ask the dealer to delay requesting a V55 and assigning a registation No. He can then register it for you for Sept. How do you think you see cars driving around with the new plate on the first day they start. They can do it, perhaps he just wants his money.
I once got a sales guy who wanted to register my car in august so the transaction was going on his august sales numbers. Might be as simple as that.

VW California Club
