Vinyl/rubber fitted mat for living and boot area



Hello, i have just ordered our first California!
I am looking for a vinyl, or rubber, fitted mat to protect the living area, and maybe the boot area (i have the 5th seat option). I like the idea of the vinyl standard/supplied vinyl floor, but i wanted to keep our new California pristine!
Does anybody know of a supplier?
Thanks a lot
Only know of fitted carpet suppliers. You could buy some vinyl & cut to fit yourself.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, i think this may be the best way forward...if i really do want vinyl to protect the vinyl! It has also crossed my mind that i may simply use the van as it is and not worry about it!
The floor is non-slip, so heavy boxes stay where they are put. I use a 1.5 x .75 meter mat. The drawer opens over it, but have to move it to slide seat forward. Mat can be used outside the door as a door mat. It proably could be washed in washing machine, but when it gets that grubby I will just replace it. I think it came from lidl.
I think on further reflection i agree with you...i saw a mat in IKEA today, looked washable and practical - much like the one you have i guess. It was the wrong colour (brown) - so i didn't get it - but i am sure i will see a grey one somewhere. And yes, if it doubles up as an outside door mat - sorted! our house we always take our outside shoes off at the no reason why this rule should not extend to our new camper...

Thanks for your advice/thoughts!

Thanks. Another fine suggestion!
Does this one cover the entire "living area"? (i have not taken delivery of my van yet so cannot nip out and measure it).
I'm just getting prepare for delivery day!
I use one of those mats in the Cali. I really bought it to protect the carpet when doing the school run etc. with kids having muddy shoes. We generally use it as an outdoor mat when camping. It does just about cover most of the living area (needed to be cut down slighltly), although it's not fitted by any means.

The only issue with it is that it is very thin and does tend to move around rather a lot (usually down into the step well). Definitely saves cleaning the carpet too often though!

Thanks. I guess the thinnish mats are good as they can be used inside and out, and also take up little room if rolled up and stored.

I was going to get carpet over mats - but have read that many owners have had problems with the seat not sliding forward and also the mats curling up at the edges. So i have decided to either go for the "loose" fitting thin mat, or the rubber option, and the "no outside shoes the back of the van" rule!

Thanks for the suggestions/thoughts - much appreciated.

Ok, know this is all about personal preferences, so here is mine. I've had campers for last 20 years, and found that carpeting is essential and that hard/rubber mats are not nice to live with in the main living area...
So I invested in brandrups carpeting (which is well designed, is secured so it can't move about, and doesn't curl up) PLUS the essential shaggy wool rug... This shaggy wool rug is the key. So let me explain.
I do a lot of trips out and weekend cycling events that often find one of us in the van dripping wet and freezing cold from being out in disgusting weather.
Firstly, when its wet, I found its better to soak up the wet rather than letting it sit on top of hard/rubber mats.. The shaggy rug is perfect for soaking it all up.
You take the rug out and hang it outside/in the house, to dry
When camping in cooler months, you want something nice to put cold feet on... A shaggy wool rug is perfect and homely... Everything else leaves us feeling cold.
When in sandy or gritty areas, you want something to capture all that grit and stop it being spread into the nooks and crannies of van.. The shaggy wool carpet catches an amazing amount of grit...
Just take the rug outside and shake it out each day.
Every evening when camping, you just fold the rug over, to make way for the bed to be laid out.
Every couple of weeks, I shake out the rug and stuff it into the washing machine... Comes out like new
Last weekend it even saved the day when a glass of red wine got knocked over.. Spilt all over my rug, which soaked it all up.. no stress
I love our rug... It makes life Simples :)
What a thoughtful, practical, and born from experience sort of a suggestion!
Leaves me with one questions: Does the Brandrupp carpet mat enable the bed draw to easily slide out along it's runners with no chance of damaging the Brandrupp carpet mat? In other words does it just properly fit no worries?

Thanks a lot

The solution that works for us is simply an offcut of our house carpet, cut exactly to size so it doesn't slip around. It's thick enough not to curl up or fray and. easy to shake out and get any mud off.

We need to roll it up when the bed comes forward but it's not a hassle. I did this as a stopgap when we first got the ban but haven't seen any need to change it in 2 years.
Thanks a lot for your contribution to my pre-delivery California anxiety issues!

Is this a common syndrome?

I think a fair few people have come up with a similar (although not identical) solution...

My anxiety levels are beginning to subside, so thanks to everyone!

Now i have sorted keeping the the mud and grime at bay...all i need to do is find the money to pay for the van come delivery day!

I find the qtm mats available through the forum to be great I bought the supreme set for £85
About a year ago taylormade so good fit and wearing very well indeed
Thanks. Have there been any curling issues, issues with the drawer not opening, or the drawer wearing out the carpet?

No not as yet. I will take a pic and show you :thumb

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
Brilliant. Thanks a lot for the photos.
So the drawer moves forward on it's tracks no problems?

Yes no problems in a year. There is a small flat spot where the drawer runner is but not a problem as yet and for £85 I thought if they wear I can replace them :thumb I think I have had my monies worth :thumb
Seem good value at £85.

Thanks for your help.


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