VW California Road Trip to Italy in 2020

@MattBW , @dayslikethis and myself are currently planning a road trip down to Lake Como in Italy for May 2020, we have already had a great response to this on Facebook so it looks like we have plenty of interest.

The initial plan is to drive down to Italy in convoy over the course of three days and arriving at Lake Como where we will be meeting some members of the VW California Club (Italy) for the weekend. We also have a great contact down in Italy who is researching campsites for us as well as a few day trip's.

This is all in the planning stage at the moment and we will keep you all updated once campsites and dates are confirmed later in the year.

Remember, this is for 2020 and not this year

View attachment 40585
We are definitely interested pkease.
I hope the passes over the Alps will be open...
It would be a shame to go so far and not experience them.
Seem to remember a thread about the above and having trouble finding it whilst looking for updates. With that in mind are there actually any further developments ?

Are the 50 or so people who expressed an interest in this not asking the same question ???
Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. I and I'm sure others will continue to monitor this thread with anticipation. :thanks
Have only just come across this thread, we would be up for it.
@Martin @dayslikethis @MattBW .

Please can we have more details, the suspense is killing me. Told my wife about this and she was so excited but that was in Jan and times is already going so fast. Mid July already. Sounds so exciting and would like some more details so can start saving the pennies and book holidays off work/ kids school etc

Thanking you verys much :-D
We are up for this. Its the wifes birthday in May so would be great
Sorry for the delay, this is currently on hold as we need more volunteers to help organise it. If anyone is interested please make yourself known.

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If anyone is interested in helping co-ordinate this then please let us know either in DM or below.

It is safe to say the interest shown far exceeded what we expected and it's safe to say we will need at least 3 more volunteers to help us plan and to help co-ordinate. It would suit someone who is confident and has traveled in Europe before.

It would entail:

  1. Helping identify and plan out a route for those attending.
  2. Help us identify and plan suitable campsites/aires/stopping points.
  3. Be a point of contact during the trip.
  4. Help us find suitable sites and help co-ordinate our vans onsite if required

Ideally some basic PMR446 radios will allow us to stay in touch during the trip, but we can of course use the forum or Zello channel as required.

There is clearly a lot of interest but we will need a little help to make it feasible and run smoothly :)
As said before I guess it all depends a little bit on the date and how long and how far. We can imagine to join and offer some help in Switzerland/Germany depending on the way where we want to „enter“ the area. Or offer our help but not driving down to Lake Garda depending on the time/school holidays.
Whatever def here to help if needed, good opportunity to improve my English, had the chance to be in Italy/Lake Garda and great way to give something back to this fab board!
Just drove from CH to Venice/Triest area. This could be one way to drive. Def not the „scenic route“ (we took the A4?). And cost us about €30.- until Bergamo.
If anyone is interested in helping co-ordinate this then please let us know either in DM or below.

It is safe to say the interest shown far exceeded what we expected and it's safe to say we will need at least 3 more volunteers to help us plan and to help co-ordinate. It would suit someone who is confident and has traveled in Europe before.

It would entail:

  1. Helping identify and plan out a route for those attending.
  2. Help us identify and plan suitable campsites/aires/stopping points.
  3. Be a point of contact during the trip.
  4. Help us find suitable sites and help co-ordinate our vans onsite if required

Ideally some basic PMR446 radios will allow us to stay in touch during the trip, but we can of course use the forum or Zello channel as required.

There is clearly a lot of interest but we will need a little help to make it feasible and run smoothly :)
Don’t know if it could be of any help, but if you’re going to condider Garda lake area (which, in my opinion is much better than Como), I can support you. Garda lake and Verona first of all, then little gems as Brescia and Mantova, Venice in one hour by train (not really smart going with Cali). A lot of thing to see and to do...
Think about it
@MattBW , @dayslikethis and myself are currently planning a road trip down to Lake Como in Italy for May 2020, we have already had a great response to this on Facebook so it looks like we have plenty of interest.

The initial plan is to drive down to Italy in convoy over the course of three days and arriving at Lake Como where we will be meeting some members of the VW California Club (Italy) for the weekend. We also have a great contact down in Italy who is researching campsites for us as well as a few day trip's.

This is all in the planning stage at the moment and we will keep you all updated once campsites and dates are confirmed later in the year.

Remember, this is for 2020 and not this year

View attachment 40585
Steph and I are very interested in joining in. We might use the trip as a jumping off point for southern Italy. Does anyone else have experience of the South?
Love it when this thread become live again :thumb :thumb :thumb ;) ;) :D :D
:cool: We are very interested if there's room ..Never been abroad in the Cali, John and Gwen.
Steph and I are very interested in joining in. We might use the trip as a jumping off point for southern Italy. Does anyone else have experience of the South?
I did a fair few areas in southern Italy and Sicily. Did you have any places in mind?
So 2020 is here! Just saw that 21st is possibly a bank holiday earlier might be worth? Any new ideas? How can we support you @MattBW ?
This is on hold at the moment due to many of us wanting to take our dogs, currently we do not know the situation on the pet passport after January 31st.

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This is on hold at the moment due to many of us wanting to take our dogs, currently we do not know the situation on the pet passport after January 31st.

Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
I keep my fingers crossed you guys find a good solution/you get a good solution.

The German Caliboard is again heading to Manerba:

Date: 21. May - 24. May 2020
A big grass pitch is reserved from the 18th - 25th May 2020.
Via Cavalle, 22 - 25080 Manerba - Gardasee - Italien

No need to subscribe just show up as long as you're fine to get any place (left) otherwise, call the camping for a specific area you want to stand.

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