VW California - The Common Faults Poll

Please tick all faults that have occured with your Cali:

  • Airbag Light (Recurring Fault)

    Votes: 12 14.3%
  • Blistering Paintwork (Roof Front Panel)

    Votes: 39 46.4%
  • Control Panel (Faulty Knob)

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • Control Panel (Faulty Display)

    Votes: 7 8.3%
  • Condensation (Windscreen)

    Votes: 30 35.7%
  • Earth Shunt Repair

    Votes: 10 11.9%
  • EGR Valve Fault

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • Electric Sliding Door Fault

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Oil Cooler Leakage

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Steering Knock

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • Windows (sliding) Leaking

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • Window Blind Faults

    Votes: 16 19.0%

    Votes: 13 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Bourton on the Water
T6 Ocean 150
This poll has been requested by people for a while so here it is!

If you can please choose which of these faults you have had on your Cali (either current or in the past ) You can select all eleven if you need to :crazy

Later on in the year we will be conducting a full survey on faults via email, in the meantime lets see which are the most popular faults as of now.
For the record our vote is none on the list :hello

For a benchmark and to give it some balance, how about a 'No Faults' option.

Forums are already breeding grounds for complaints and often give a false impression of what the majority experience.
Every one of these faults has been discussed on the forum at some point so it is not as of we are alerting people to something new, this poll is only running for 7 days anyway just as a guide.
Martin said:
Every one of these faults has been discussed on the forum at some point so it is not as of we are alerting people to something new, this poll is only running for 7 days anyway just as a guide.

I agree Martin but a no faults option would offer balance - this will be a lively post for the next 7 days - so anyone browsing this forum will see it.

I would add oil cooler leakage category. I had it recently, perhaps it is not common but quite a known problem on pre face lift T5.
I see your point now Phil/james sorry, I read the post on my phone and did not read it properly :oops:

That makes sense and I have now added this to the list of options.
I am afraid everyone will need to vote again as the poll feature resets all previous votes to zero when you add a new option.

So lets start again ...
What about the failure of the hydraulics of the pop up roof?
I've seen it's quite common, mine has been substituted...
Or did I miss something on the above list? :sad
And how about a general roof not closing properly.
Water Pump Broken :headbang

OK I am new to campers and VW, but I have always thought they lasted forever with a bit of tender loving care as they grow older and wiser :thumb

But to be honest we bought ours second hand march time last year on 18,400 miles has now gone in for its second service, the first for us costing ÂŁ400+. Which is not cheap for every 2 years or 22,000 miles and it looks like it going to be the years not miles for us as we still have not reached 19,000.

But to have a broken water pump before 19,000 miles surely VW would not let anyone have to pay for that, they build their vehicles to last, don't they? :help

If anyone has a good contact for VW customers service please pass their details to us or any VW press as I am not happy :censor

Has anyone else had this problem? The cost of the pump is quoted to be around ÂŁ300+

many thanks Steve

With a very empty bank account if I want to get to Cali's On The Farm :hello
SoulfulSteve said:
Water Pump Broken :headbang

OK I am new to campers and VW, but I have always thought they lasted forever with a bit of tender loving care as they grow older and wiser :thumb

But to be honest we bought ours second hand march time last year on 18,400 miles has now gone in for its second service, the first for us costing ÂŁ400+. Which is not cheap for every 2 years or 22,000 miles and it looks like it going to be the years not miles for us as we still have not reached 19,000.

But to have a broken water pump before 19,000 miles surely VW would not let anyone have to pay for that, they build their vehicles to last, don't they? :help

If anyone has a good contact for VW customers service please pass their details to us or any VW press as I am not happy :censor

Has anyone else had this problem? The cost of the pump is quoted to be around ÂŁ300+

many thanks Steve

With a very empty bank account if I want to get to Cali's On The Farm :hello

Often when water pump breaks it results with major engine damage. If this has not happened to you then you are lucky. Always look at the bright side of life. :upsidedown :bananadance :mrgreen:

But indeed, The water pump should also be in the poll, in my opinion...
I only have a problem with the condensation but i think its down to me not having a thermo cover thing.! (or am i wrong). Where is the cheapest place (but not compromising quality) can i get it from.

I am V.I.P. so I assume I get the discount when ordering the cover how and where do i get this to work.?

Has anyone had issues with condensation when using the thermo screen cover.. :!:


Hi Martin, you haven't mentioned the roof bellows there.....
BMVS-Camper-Hire said:
Hi Martin, you haven't mentioned the roof bellows there.....

Cheers Oli, I knew there was going to be some missing :headbang

We may have to do another one again in a few weeks. If anyone else can think of some other common faults, please let us know.

Too much work and too little play is my biggest 'fault' :cool:
Yeah me too californiaman!
If we hadn't already paid for it i think we would seriously consider selling it tbh.

VW California Club
