Wanted: DSG 4motion



VIP Member
Kingston, near Lewes
T5 SE 174 4Motion
I have a beautiful 4motion but due to a problem having developed with my left foot now need to change to an automatic

On the lookout for one now and then will be selling my natural grey 4motiion with only 9,000 on a 61 plate

Will be at the Blacklands farm meet

Is anyone thinking of selling their nearly new DSG 4 motion
Yes..... I know it's not likely but worth a try !!!

Sorry to hear of the problems with your foot. Good luck with the search.
Have you sold your van yet? I'm looking for a grey 180
Not yet put it up for sale officially as still searching for the van I want
There is a grey 4 motion for sale I saw at vwcampervansales in burgess hill. It is older with more miles but if it is a 4motion you want it is the only one I have seen outside of the forum

There are two people who are who are interested to buy mine if they dont get one elsewhere when I find my dsg 4motion but will keep you in the loop if you wish
Thanks. Jeannie
Hi Jeannie,

I'd appreciate it if you can keep me updated if you are selling it. I had seen the one on vwcampersales but am looking for a slightly newer one, doesn't have to be 4motion but looking for 180. I can see the benefit of the 4motion where we go camping but am concerned the MPG will be much lower, how do you find it?

Thanks, Sam
jeannie said:
Not yet put it up for sale officially as still searching for the van I want
There is a grey 4 motion for sale I saw at vwcampervansales in burgess hill. It is older with more miles but if it is a 4motion you want it is the only one I have seen outside of the forum

Hello Jeannie

I'm shopping around for a Cali myself right now, and wanted to say a couple of words of caution about vw campersales. They may be totally kosher, but I must say that I had an extremely odd experience there earlier this week when my wife and I went to view their LHD 2005 Cali.

After taking it for a test drive, we noticed an odd burning smell which at first we thought was cigarette smoke but later realised was coming from the rear heater. We also noticed that the speedometer hadn't been converted from KM to MPH on import, which we thought was a legal requirement having looked into importing a Cali from Germany some years before. So we raised these issues - as you do before parting with £28k!

The reaction of the two men at VW Camper Sales was almost unbelievable. The gentleman who appeared to be in charge became extremely aggressive, seemingly unable to accept that there may be any sort of issue with the vehicle. Perhaps there isn't - perhaps it was just a faulty bulb in one of the light fittings as he suggested, I don't know. But the point is, he was angered just by the fact we were asking questions, and ended up telling us to "go back to Germany then" before storming off into his office - leaving myself, my wife and my colleague looking at one another in stunned disbelief. I wonder what he would have done had I asked to examine VIN numbers etc.

We were definitely going to buy it, but after that we quickly walked away - feeling sad that the Cali wasn't going to be ours, but lucky that we had seen this side of the business before handing over our cash.

Perhaps the gentleman was just having a bad day, I don't know - it was truly weird. But I guess they've been in business for some time, so they can't always be like this.

Anyway, there you go. Just thought I'd share that to help you consider whether their Cali is the right one for you.

I wonder if anyone else has had bad or, indeed, positive experiences with this dealer?

Ha I emailed them about selling our Cali, one line reply... "White is not for us"!

Seemed bit odd thought there would be profit in any colour :crazy :crazy

Looked at a few there when I was in the market. Glad I didn't go and view.

VW California Club
