Water level in fresh water tank reading incorrectly



VIP Member
Grand California 600
Hi All

Happy New Campervanning Year, first mini trip this weekend to a mountain bike race.

Anyway the freshwater tank is empty but it still showing 3/4 full I am guessing the float is stuck inside the tank. Has anyone come across this before and was there a simple fix?

I filled it full in the hope it might reset itself, it showed full but then got stuck at 3/4 again

Cheers Justin
You're likely to get the correct information for your vehicle - if we knew what your vehicle was.

Ideally complete the details on your profile page.:thumb
A common problem. The water level meter is not particularly reliable. Get it replaced under warranty if you are still within it, otherwise it doesn't look too difficult to replace yourself.
2012 Cali Berghaus SE :)
Definitely worth checking through the access lid...

Even if the float still appears to move, it's not uncommon for the tube in the middle (that houses the wiring etc) to actually crack if it's allowed to freeze. (One potential downside of emptying the tank in UK type winter weather)

If it has, then it'll be a replacement. (Around about £80 but very easy to do)

Once you managed to open the lid from,the tank it would be easy fix ...
Worth trying to open it see how it looks like could be solved by cleaning things....
Cheers everyone will take a look this weekend
I've just cleaned and flushed the fresh water and waste tanks for the first time.

Am I correct that the waste tank will only register on the control panel when the waste level is at a full tank level?

I was expecting the graduated reading as you see with the fresh water tank levels.

Your nose will tell you it needs emptying long before the control panel!!
I'd rather not wait till that point. What are the rules/laws regards simply draining away?
I'd rather not wait till that point. What are the rules/laws regards simply draining away?

The law is that it's illegal to discharge waste water onto the road.

In practice, as it's only 'grey' water (ie a bit of suspended food waste and some soap/detergent) I'd just be sensible about it and let it drain somewhere on your own property, eg into a ground drain on the driveway, ideally one that discharges into the sewer not to a road gulley. Or empty it onto a flower bed etc.

Obviously we're not talking about Portapottis or anything like that here,right, just sink waste?
A bucket and a few trips to a hedge/flower bed should suffice.

If you are on a campsite with a motorhome service point then tip it down there.
My "full waste tank" indicator seems to kick in at about the same point as the waste overflow starts to flow, making the indicator pretty useless.
If you look at the size of the Sensor and position of the Overflow pipe, then I would agree.

VW California Club
