What’s your tipple?

Elly Swanson

Elly Swanson

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VIP Member
East Midlands
T6 Ocean 150
Inspired by Johntowers46 and his Marsten’s Pedigree. Also, I was at the East Mids shop meet recently and a lovely couple were showing me round there beautiful van and answering all my questions about where they stored their stuff. They opened the underbed cupboard to reveal their gin stash :). Impressively indulgent!

So what do you drink to chill out, socialise or complement a meal/time of day?
Where and how do you store it, when on the travelling or camped?
What do you drink it out of?

Could be alcoholic, or not.

Not exactly cooking, although it could be if you use it in recipes.
We have white wine, prosecco, Brewdog Punk IPA, a bottle of gin and a bottle of tonic in the fridge and red wine in a cardboard wine carrier which fits perfectly between the side of the cupboard and the passenger seat.

All are drunk out of stainless steel goblets.

We usually also have something like raspberry lemonade or an elderflower presse too for those moments when we don’t require alcohol!

+1 for Brewdog Punk IPA. I love that stuff, especially when chilled.

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fork lift truck disco mango pale ale or brewdog hazy jane love my beers fruity
This was a real treat to celebrate our first night in Brenda. A lovely bottle of San gimignano which I discovered in Italy!

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When we arrive and check in at Brevedent in Normandy I try and grab some cider from the shop. After pitching up, I open it and feel instantly on holiday.
A very aggressive chap in a South London cheese shop made me try his cider recently. I took a sip and was immediately back sat in a chair at Brevedent. I bought a bottle for £8! Pricy but worth it.
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Current favourite is Meantime London Pale Ale. 4 for £6 in waitrose at the moment too
Although I do get annoyed that all the current crop of ‘craft’ beer is sold in 330ml cans at prices higher than 500ml bottles of Proper Job, Adnams Ghost Ship or Butcombe (other favourites)

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