What are the chances?

Joker 1299

Joker 1299

T6 Ocean 204
I live in Morley, a town to the south of Leeds with a population of around 45,000. Yesterday, I was out walking our two puppies (12 weeks and nearly 8 months) on a circular walk of about an hour. Got back home and dried the dogs then realised that I didn’t have my phone on me. Sh*t! I could have sworn I put it in my pocket before the walk. Checked all the usual places it might be at home - nothing. Oh, b*llox, I don’t need this! It must have fallen out of my pocket on the walk. Put the younger dog (Chester) in his crate and set of with Bennington, the older one, to re-trace our steps. I took my work phone with me this time. Ten minutes in I was beginning to realise the futility of the task at hand when I got a call from Claire who was away visiting her granddad in hospital... Have you lost your phone? Me- Yeah, why? Incredibly, someone had found my iPhone and posted a picture of the screen saver (me, Claire and one of the dogs) on a local Facebook page, Morley folk. Claire plays rounders for the local team and the team captain saw the post and recognised Claire from the photo. She sent Claire a text saying, Someone has found your phone or maybe Steve’s on the Glen (the local park), I’ve spoken with her, told her I know who’s it is and she will keep it safe.

Unbelievable! I phoned my number and spoke with the lady who found it and arranged to meet her outside a local shop. Within 15 minutes of realising I had lost my phone, I had it back in my hands. My faith in humanity and local community restored!
Awesome. I like to hear stories like that. This actually happens a lot but we dont hear about it so much as the negative stuff because as is scientifically proven, people are 100% more emotionally affected/interested by negative stuff than positive stuff. That’s why the media focuses on problems so much.

Maybe we should all share any positive stories like this.

I spoke to one of our suppliers recently from London. He said that he was doing some business in Liverpool and he had a lunch with someone there. He had realised later in the day that he had left his wallet in the bar and only realised a few hours later when he was with us in another town. He frantically tried to get the details of the bar, called them and asked the bar staff if by any chance it had been handed in. To his amazement, the barman said yes, a man had handed it in shortly after he had left. When he went back to pick it up later that day, it still had everything in it including his £100 in cash!

He was amazed because he had a pre conception of Liverpool. He thought the chances of that happening in London were slim!!

Obviously anything can happen but it sure gives some faith in humanity.
Many years ago I found a wallet - no money but loads of credit cards in it and handed it to the local police station who said they would return it to the owner. I never expected to hear anything else but a couple of weeks later I had a lovely letter from the grateful owner together with a gift card to use at a local shop as a way of saying 'thank you'. I valued that gesture too!
Many years ago I found a wallet - no money but loads of credit cards in it and handed it to the local police station who said they would return it to the owner. I never expected to hear anything else but a couple of weeks later I had a lovely letter from the grateful owner together with a gift card to use at a local shop as a way of saying 'thank you'. I valued that gesture too!
Last trip to Morocco I walked out of a caff. Hadn’t got far when I heard running feet behind me. It was the man from the caff; I thought perhaps I’d forgotten to pay but he was bringing my phone that I’d forgotten!

VW California Club
