What food to bring back from our trip abroad?



Guest User
We are travelling to France, Italy and Spain this year and was wondering what type of things we should bring back with us from certain regions? I am guess some local olive oil from Italy, mustard from France, maybe some good cognac from a small distillery? Obviously we do not have much room in the Cali so we are looing at small items that you cant get in the UK easily.

If you do not have room then jettison some non-essentials such as clothes, food etc.

It depends a lot on what regions that you are travelling through but Liguria it must be pine nut and basil pesto, orolive oil from Toscana.

Spain I would want to bring back Pata Negra, or jambon iberico...

France ... everything, but if coming up through Burgundy then mustard, ratafia from Champagne and quince jam from Picardie.

If coming back via Normandy then a calvados is essential.
From Spain I would suggest..... that's very difficult, there are lots of good stuff over there:

- Wine: There are very good wine in Spain.... and cheap. Probably the most populat abroad are those made in the Rioja region, wich are excelentbut you shoud try also from other regions like Rivera del Duero. If you like white wine try some albariño (from Galicia) or from Rueda region.

- Chess (queso): Same thing, lot of them. Try "queso de tetilla" from Galicia, or "queso manchego" from Castilla - La Mancha. Very good also idiazabal, roncal, or from Zamora.

- Jam (jamon): best one the "pata negra" (black leg). From Extremadura, Jabugo or Salamanca.

- Olive Oil.... great and cheap.

There are tons of very good products you could bring, let me know where in Spain will you visit.

But above all, enjoy all Spanish food over there, in restaurants for local people (avoid ones for turists)
When visiting my country you could load up the Cali with chocolate ( some find pralines from "Leonidas" the best as i heard from @GrannyJen ;)) . I think any chocolate by Cote d'or wil do....

Chicory ( the vetegetable) is a very well know speciality ....

The beers , but i never drink beer what so ever so not for me!

The Belgian fries are the best but you would have to eat them here , taking it to the UK would be no use..... :D

It's wierd we all want to take food&drinks home from holliday as you find the most stuff also in your own country.....offcoarse not all the products .

VW California Club
