What is bad driving?

Which of these motoring habits irritate you the most? (Choose up to 3)

  • Permanent occupation of the outside lane on the motorway because the speedo says 70

  • Sitting in the outer lane of a dual cariageway at 60 because it's an A road

  • Slowing down to a crawl at roundabouts when nobody is coming

  • Slowing down to a crawl at a green light because it may change to red

  • Leaving a 100m gap in front in a queue of crawling traffic

  • Nudging 1m from cones into merging traffic that had already politely merged 200m back

  • Pulling out from a junction in front of traffic, when there is a large gap further back

  • Slowing down on a main road to wave someone out when there is nobody behind

  • Reducing speed to 5 MPH because the scene of the accident causing the jam is too interesting to miss

  • Stopping on the hard shoulder for a wee or to get a twix from the boot

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Being over taken by a vehicle that then either pulls in too close and/or slows in front cause the driver can’t keep a constant speed like the ACC does. Rude.
You might not like people doing that, but so long as the lane separator is broken not solid, it is allowed: unlike driving at 71mph on the motorway, which is not allowed but universally accepted.
Ever been stuck at the Brynglas Tunnels?

As regards the 70 mph speed limit are you referring to your speed as displayed, or the actual speed ? Most Speedometers are set at 5% below the true speed. So would be perfectly legal to travel at 73mph as indicated on your display.
Most on that list - also; when someone over takes you on the motorway and then slows down.
Ever been stuck at the Brynglas Tunnels?

As regards the 70 mph speed limit are you referring to your speed as displayed, or the actual speed ? Most Speedometers are set at 5% below the true speed. So would be perfectly legal to travel at 73mph as indicated on your display.

It would be lawful to drive at an indicated 73, while actually driving at 69mph.

It is the casual regard many people have for speed limits that irritate me, not individual speeding offences.
Ever been stuck at the Brynglas Tunnels?

I don’t know. Possibly. Tunnels are notorious bottlenecks.

I did get an NHS COVID-19 app self-isolate warning after being stationary in traffic for 30 minutes just south of the Blackwall Tunnel. I assume the Bluetooth signal from someone’s phone nearby in the traffic jam indicated our phones were closer than 2 metres for 20 mins or longer, and the phone’s owner later tested positive.

Now that was *really* irritating!

Is driving with a knitted rug over your knee whilst smoking a pipe included ? Jeez. Have you heard yourselves. You've never done 71mph. Never cut a corner. Never crossed a solid white line? All the other drivers are sh1t. Maybe crawling along at 40mph in a 60 zone annoys people.
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I think this sums it up:

Does anyone know the name for this man's condition?
One and only one. Mentioned by others before. Hogging the middle lane on the motorway! Period.

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Most of the items on the list are now actually illegal (lane hogging-tailgating) or in some cases such as not merging in turn as directed by the Highway Code can be be seen as 'Driving without due consideration for other roadusers'
And who is going to enforce any of those.
We live in a lawless country.
Following a road rage incident a couple of years ago I was followed home and attacked on my own drive way. Neighbours filmed it. The police did absolutely nothing. Repeat, nothing. Zero.
The common anoyance I come across is trucks overtaking in order to go 1 or 2mph quicker, andleading to tailbacks of frustrated commuters driving on each other’s bumpers.
Interesting. I do try and not get permanently angry in this angry world though. Live and let live and tolerate a bit of difference. It doesn’t over bother me but I agree with some of the above comments on merging.

I do think we have developed a bit of a weird culture on merging as far back as possible… this then gets ridiculous and simply extends the tailback. You then get those self-appointed marshalls who straddle the lane to block the merging lane. Merge in turn at or near the cones is the obvious and fair way of stopping queue-jumping.

Otherwise I agree, driving too often brings out the worst in people and it’s best just to remain aloof .. watch the théâtre but don’t get angry or involved.

Incidentally - Cali drivers seem some if the best! Something calming about driving a lumbering bus
Middle laners, worst drivers on the road and should be banned.
Middle laners, worst drivers on the road and should be banned.

If we did that, everyone would be driving in either the inside or outside lanes.

I tend to set my cruise control at 58mph on the motorway and find my stress levels greatly reduced as I pootle along. No tailgating. No undertaking. No cutting up.
If we did that, everyone would be driving in either the inside or outside lanes.

I tend to set my cruise control at 58mph on the motorway and find my stress levels greatly reduced as I pootle along. No tailgating. No undertaking. No cutting up.
Fine in the inside lane...
How about the “40 F**ker”
Does 40mph everywhere thinking he/she is being safe.
You follow him/her for miles trying to find a safe overtake. When you get to the village the moron steams through at 40 ignoring the 30 then it takes you another 10 miles to catch/try to pass again.

Also the muppets that tailgate you through 30/40’s as if you’re holding them up, then when the limit opens up snd you boot it they’re nowhere to be seen!!
How about the “40 F**ker”
Does 40mph everywhere thinking he/she is being safe.
You follow him/her for miles trying to find a safe overtake. When you get to the village the moron steams through at 40 ignoring the 30 then it takes you another 10 miles to catch/try to pass again.

Also the muppets that tailgate you through 30/40’s as if you’re holding them up, then when the limit opens up snd you boot it they’re nowhere to be seen!!
TARTs and FARTs. 30/40 All The Ruddy Time.
The common anoyance I come across is trucks overtaking in order to go 1 or 2mph quicker, andleading to tailbacks of frustrated commuters driving on each other’s bumpers.
Prohibition of truck overtaking is quite common in Europe; beginning to be used in U.K.
I cannot understand the mentality that considers trying to overtake something travelling 2 m.p.h. slower and taking nearly 10 minutes to do it is O.K.
Never mind what everyone else is doing.

They may be having a heart attack or a stroke, be under the influence of drink or even drugs, legal or otherwise. They may have less than optimal eyesight or hearing. They may be a new driver or just be lacking in confidence. They may have passed their test in another country by driving 100yards in a straight line or they may not have a licence at all. Or they may be just a selfish arrogant impatient b@$tard for whom the rules don't apply.

Just keep calm, try to obey the rules of the road and above all, make allowances.

There are no perfect drivers.
The times I tailgate, is when the one(s) in front of me are just driving too slow.
I can not force anyone to go faster, but they force me to drive slower? If the max speed is set at 70km/h I want to drive that speed (if possible), not 65 or slower.

And the funny thing that most of you think is bad driving:

Nudging 1m from cones into merging traffic that had already politely merged 200m back​

In Belgium it is the law to drive to full length of the lane before merging to the free lane. Anyone merging too soon cause more traffic jam because no one will let you merge. If you merge at the cones, you just use the "zip" method: one from the left, one from the right.

I have a wonderful example of this method, if you want I can upload the whole dashcam footage.

I came up at a highway, when the (Belgium) right lane was free, and before I came up, the left lane was completely full. So in your opinion, I had to drive up the highway, drive in reverse, to merge at the back of the traffic?

Where should I merge? Here somewhere, or at the cones, over 500 meter further?
View attachment 80621

Indeed, as stated in the Belgian law: 500 meter further:

View attachment 80622
Yes that is law in the UK too but people tend not to do it. I do confidently and smile sweetly at those who sat in the Lane a mile back causing the jam.
Motorway. You can travel at 70 in the inner lane. Cars are whistling pass in the outer lane in excess of 70 mph.
You come across a vehicle in the Middle lane doing 60.
Question. Do you continue at 70 thus undertaking the vehicle or do you cross to the outer lane overtake then pull back into the inner lane?
Motorway. You can travel at 70 in the inner lane. Cars are whistling pass in the outer lane in excess of 70 mph.
You come across a vehicle in the Middle lane doing 60.
Question. Do you continue at 70 thus undertaking the vehicle or do you cross to the outer lane overtake then pull back into the inner lane?
If I undertake I will be committing an offence and potentially causing an accident, so I would move to the outer lane to overtake.
My thinking is that in this country undertaking is not allowed (in this context) so we do not expect traffic to be passing on the left so there is a danger that the middle lane hogger could move across into the slow lane and collide with me.

VW California Club
