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When lockdown finishes



Guest User
So, we are all dreaming of lockdown finishing and when restrictions on campsites are finally lifted we are all going to head off (along with all the caravans, big whites , tents etc...) The roads are going to be gridlocked and campsites are going to be like hell on earth for several months ! Also imagine what NC500 and Devon and Cornwall will be like .

I am hoping restrictions will be lifted by county ( or council District) at a time ?
Im not so sure. Its a funny one to have a stab at.

I suppose if people connect with their base instinct we'll all be running naked and carefree to the nearest beauty spot and to hell with everything because we are free! OR we'll see slow build up over months (and months) to these places (and other public areas like sporting events, concerts etc) as people gather their confidence enough to mingle again. ...we shall see!
From comments passed and peoples feelings I fear no campervan will be welcomed anywhere until an antidote to the virus is found. The lockdown has a positive purpose and hopefully will restrict the continuing spread and deaths but when it eases that will not change peoples perceptions and fears. The people are frightened and that is worrying if this is not contained. The constant negative news coverage by the press and tv certainly informs - but also has a decidely negative effect on the population. Sorry if this seems negative but up here there is no welcome to travellers so my Cali is effectively in hibernation.
When restrictions are lifted it'll be up to the individual campsite owners and local businesses as to whether they trade, safe in the knowledge that the law is behind them. Yes the locals might grumble but the economy does need to start moving again. Of course only when it is safe to do so, human lives are and should be put before profit.
At one point when I was working in Dubai there was a prospect of the company buying a load of MRAPs that were being decommissioned in Kabul as troops pulled out of Afghanistan. Would have been perfect for dealing with the randomly dangerous traffic but apparently armoured cars not allowed as classed as weapons.
Maybe look again at converting one into a camper....
From comments passed and peoples feelings I fear no campervan will be welcomed anywhere until an antidote to the virus is found. The lockdown has a positive purpose and hopefully will restrict the continuing spread and deaths but when it eases that will not change peoples perceptions and fears. The people are frightened and that is worrying if this is not contained. The constant negative news coverage by the press and tv certainly informs - but also has a decidely negative effect on the population. Sorry if this seems negative but up here there is no welcome to travellers so my Cali is effectively in hibernation.
I disagree and with friends who own leisure dependent businesses including, pubs, restaurants and campsites I get a feeling they will be welcoming trade with open arms.
I disagree and with friends who own leisure dependent businesses including, pubs, restaurants and campsites I get a feeling they will be welcoming trade with open arms.
I was not referring to businesses but the residents and neighbours who are the people who matter. It is their concerns we have to recognise and up here there is some hostility mainly due to some trying to run from the cities to an area which had been free of the virus. Not helped by constant news updates and those who only think of themselves.
The media has a lot to answer for. Death rates not even exceeding those normally recorded from flu and pneumonia yet mass hysteria and unlawful house arrest... yet many still can't see this is all too contrived. I do however agree that sadly there will be those who will naively panic at the site of any return to normality.
Good afternoon,

I think also that when the restrictions are lifted, the tourist industry is looking forward to get the people back. Each booking, each overnight and each lunch will help the local tourist industry - and by gosh there is a lot in the west of Ireland.

I guess like always it will depend how the customers will behave. Sticking to the recommended behavior (whatever this might be), be polite and maybe a bit on the quite site will help to get things going.

We will start with day trips trying to keep away from crowds and take it from there. In July we planned to go to England for a wedding, but I can't see this happening.

Everything happened so quick and serious, which made an impact on everybody. For me is to ensure not to delay things (journeys, when allowed). I am not the youngest and waiting for years to get better might bring me into an age that won't allow to travel with a camper anymore.

Happy California,
The media has a lot to answer for. Death rates not even exceeding those normally recorded from flu and pneumonia yet mass hysteria and unlawful house arrest... yet many still can't see this is all too contrived. I do however agree that sadly there will be those who will naively panic at the site of any return to normality.

But surely the number of people getting / got the virus isnt anywhere near upto the numbers that would match a round or two of seasonal Flu??

Surely If it was so obviously the case then this whole 'pantomime' wouldve been discovered weeks ago, wouldnt it???..and by the rest of the world too and their various experts??! ...esp given the crap its causing economies???

All the pushback just now for campervans is locals thinking the occupants are either running away from a hot-spot to self-isolate and putting their local infrastructure under strain.

Once restrictions lift that perception will change and visitors staying on a campsite putting money into well-stocked shops, bars and cafes will be welcomed.
But surely the number of people getting / got the virus isnt anywhere near upto the numbers that would match a round or two of seasonal Flu??

Surely If it was so obviously the case then this whole 'pantomime' wouldve been discovered weeks ago, wouldnt it???..and by the rest of the world too and their various experts??! ...esp given the crap its causing economies???

I think the general consensus
All the pushback just now for campervans is locals thinking the occupants are either running away from a hot-spot to self-isolate and putting their local infrastructure under strain.

Once restrictions lift that perception will change and visitors staying on a campsite putting money into well-stocked shops, bars and cafes will be welcomed.
Here here.
Posted too soon...

I think consensus is that there are millions infected only some groups are more susceptible. As per flu, cold, pneumonia etc. Unfortunately the elderly (and I don't mean fit and healthy 70plus year olds as my mother on law is 70 and fitter than most 50 year olds) and immunity compromised are most vulnerable. Sad but they will by their nature be vulnerable to something. Speaking with my step sister who nurses on a covid ward she is frustrated also by the hype and politicization of this issue. Again she also thinks it is wrong and a total distortion that huge and I mean huge pressure is put on staff to record ALL deaths with Covid.
But surely the number of people getting / got the virus isnt anywhere near upto the numbers that would match a round or two of seasonal Flu??

Surely If it was so obviously the case then this whole 'pantomime' wouldve been discovered weeks ago, wouldnt it???..and by the rest of the world too and their various experts??! ...esp given the crap its causing economies???

I don't think this is just about comparing the death toll numbers like for like between Covid-19 and other viruses. It's about the R-nought value of Covid-19 which without social distancing is significantly higher than seasonal flu.
I don't think this is just about comparing the death toll numbers like for like between Covid-19 and other viruses. It's about the R-nought value of Covid-19 which without social distancing is significantly higher than seasonal flu.
Maybe. Being created in a lab (patent owned by Gates foundation) trial run last year with a vaccine already conveniently in place we are all just guinea pigs in a very Orwellian game....
So the government are saying schools could be going back as early as first week of May which will not go down well with our kids who thought they were off till September, also over 70's will not be allowed out until a vaccine is found which could be 12 months or more which will drive my parents mad.
Maybe. Being created in a lab (patent owned by Gates foundation) trial run last year with a vaccine already conveniently in place we are all just guinea pigs in a very Orwellian game....

God not another batshit conspiracy theory.

But on the other hand, these things always seem to come back to Bill Gates, so it MUST have been him. Or maybe 5G so it's whoever owns that. But I didn't know Bill had a vaccine ready, I look forward to being able to order it off Amazon, as Jeff Bezos is obviously in on the whole thing too.

VW California Club
