Which battery should I buy? Replacing original VARTA battery in T5.1



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So I bought my California SE new in 2013 and after all this time the starter battery was flat after a 5 day no-movement camping trip. Resulted in lots of very helpful French campsite workers jump starting me. It’s been ok since then as I’ve nursed it however it’s 11 years old and deserves a rest.

It’s been ok at home however I know I asked too much of an 11 year old battery after opening and closing the top without the engine running, letting the cab lights work every time we slid the side door, opened the drivers door to grab bags in the footwell, charged my phone from the front socket, played a CD. Doh!

So which battery should I replace it with? I have a VARTA 5K0 915 105 G which is 72Ah, 640A. See image. Don't know the exact physical size. I can’t find that exact one so I assume it’s obsolete.

I’m away right now so will order the new one to arrive before the upcoming trip to Pilton.


If you want to stick with a like for like replacement, then according to a few battery supplier websites, the new Varta equivalent is 570409064/5704090643122.
Battery Type 096, short code E13

But please double check this yourself before ordering!

I would double check the dimensions, terminal orientation, etc.

In the past I have found Tayna in the UK to be competitive on battery prices and their deliveries are usually next day.
like for like is the Varta F18. I recently swapped mine out for this, and it fits and works perfecto.
Tanya are a good source.

Note that the Varta battery listed is the one that comes up on Varta site as the current replacement for yours. 2Ah lower.
Enduroline with higher rating worth considering.

11 years and already having to replace your starter battery?
Mine lasted 14! years.

All the years after 6 years are bonus for a starter battery.
Just replace it with a same type (AGM, EFB, normal), same dimensions, at least the same specs as the original.

VW California Club
