Which colour is easiest to keep clean!



Hi all - total newbie to all this with loads of questions! Done all the shows this year looking at conversions but have made the decision to buy the Cali :thumb My partner likes the sand beige whilst I prefer the blue. Any advice on the easiest colours to keep clean - I am a bit OCD with paintwork :oops: More questions to follow in next few weeks! Thanks. :hello
I would say possibly natural grey or sand beige are easist to keep clean?
Wow Martin - that was fast. Thanks for that. Its funny the sand beige was the first colour we saw and we keep coming back to it. What a great forum. :D
Definitively not white. Had a white van, never again. It was T4, other than colour I preferred it then T5.
Blue is not :cry:

Albert looks a mess after just one wet day.
Thanks GranyJen - that's first question answered then - sand beige it is! :clap
dood said:
Thanks GranyJen - that's first question answered then - sand beige it is! :clap

I was only talking about the inside :?

You should see the outside as well!!
Both our vehicles are grey - seems to resist the non stop rural/seaside muck our roads fling at us.
The worst is black.
Just jumping on this (sorry!); any views on how difficult the Toffee Brown is to keep clean would be much appreciated! I am hoping it won't be too bad (certainly not as bad as Black, Dark Wood, Blackberry or White I hope) as my daily commute is in good part a very muddy rural one, especially in the winter. I'm hoping the brown will disguise the dirt but this may be wishful thinking! :D

:thanks Maud
Maud said:
Just jumping on this (sorry!); any views on how difficult the Toffee Brown is to keep clean would be much appreciated! I am hoping it won't be too bad (certainly not as bad as Black, Dark Wood, Blackberry or White I hope) as my daily commute is in good part a very muddy rural one, especially in the winter. I'm hoping the brown will disguise the dirt but this may be wishful thinking! :D

:thanks Maud

Our courtesy Caravelle was this colour and definitely resisted looking dirty well.
I will raise that to a sand beige - silver - grey :)

Deffo not black - but black does look ace when clean :)
Sand Biege without a doubt. :cool
Sugar..... ordered white...
As previously stated black is a hard colour to keep clean, but looks smart when clean

Strange as it might seem I think white has the lowest maintainance in my experience,I hardley ever clean my white Transporter,it just seems to take ages before it looks dirty
The cali on the other hand gets cleaned when not realy needed (natural grey) :D
My black Tiguan was hard to keep clean but looked good when it was. I have today just washed my Reflex Silver Cali after 3 months but not the roof. I also like Sand Biege.

VW California Club
