Which way round do you sleep & why?

Well that didn’t take long to go :offtopic. :headbang:D :Iamsorry
I also sleep bottom bunk head to rear of the van, top bunk head to front.

I still snore either way.
Downstairs.... Both ways, but generally heads to the tailgate.

Upstairs, mostly heads to the front, more headroom this way. We've tried the other way up here also, and it was fine.

We don't carry levellers, so whichever way we lie, we try to keep our heads above our feet.

We park-up with consideration to wind-direction, best view and privacy etc..... So, being able to lie either way is handy....
my wife fortunately sleeps above ... I flee downstairs, with my head on the Portapotti, very comfortable if you have to throw up the excesses of alcohol ....
Downstairs, feet to tailgate. It’s more comfortable on the shoulders as I sleep on my side.
Upstairs, feet to tailgate.

Try it
It’s more comfortable on the shoulders as I sleep on my side.

Thanks. Never really considered this, I sleep on my side also.... And have noticed the difference, but somehow not put “two & two” together.

Makes sense, now I think about it tho, even with the comfort mattress (which I have.)
Ordered from Cromwell Direct - Not cheap..... But a perfect fit, and good quality.
Muji drawers are an alternative. 2x24cm and 18+30cm fit snugly under the multiflex in its rearmost position.

There's a gap between them and we slot out double burner in there and wine wrapped in tea towels. You can access the drawers from the boot, and you have a choice of leaving them in situ when you make the bed or removing them and stacking.

They probably do not have such an effective capacity as boxes as space is lost due to them being drawers; but they have certainly survived our unusually robust testing regime!

We keep all our kitchen gear in the boxes. If stopping overnight we can cook and eat without unpacking.

Height x Width x Depth
18 x 44 x 55 - £17.95
24 x 44 x 55 - £19.95
30 x 44 x 55 - £25.95


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Downstairs, feet to tailgate. It’s more comfortable on the shoulders as I sleep on my side.
Upstairs, feet to tailgate.

Try it
We've always slept head to tailgate but will be trying feet to tailgate next time that we camp, makes perfect sense to us now that we've read the above.
Thanks. Never really considered this, I sleep on my side also.... And have noticed the difference, but somehow not put “two & two” together.

Makes sense, now I think about it tho, even with the comfort mattress (which I have.)

I found even with the toppers (we have 2) the multiflex board has no give and it’s around where my shoulders are.
So we spun ourselves round and now the seat absorbs some of the pressure and makes it more comfortable. Their must be springs in the seat, some-what similar to a bed. So with the toppers on and sleeping that way, it’s super comfortable :cool:
Downstairs, head to tailgate - so the pillows don't disappear in the middle of the night! How do the rest of you reverse sleepers prevent that? Also so that there is something to rest the pillows against when I.m reading in bed!

Upstairs - not my department but my grandchildren sleep head to the rear for the same reason. I don't have a safety net but they haven't fallen out (they are 12 and 16, not tinies!).
Downstairs - head to rear window,

Upstairs - head to front of car

simply because that's how it is meant to be, how else can you reach for the switch of the night lamp at night ?

VW California Club
