Wind-out awning: stretched canvas?



Looking to buy
The other day I noticed that when I retracted the awning, some creases seemed to develop in the centre as I wound it in, and they became progressively more apparent the more I retracted it. I hadn't noticed this before, and no amount of winding out/winding in seemed to make a difference. Last time we camped some water pooled in the centre of the awning on a rainy day, although I drained it as soon as I noticed. I'm thinking now that this might be the likely culprit, and that the fabric has actually been stretched/mis-shapened.
Anyone come across this issue?
If I'm correct, I don't see many options to remedy the problem. Live and learn, I guess...
I found creases in my awning fabric last year, or the year before. Others forum members appear have experienced similar (search creases).

I had not suffered water pooling and am more inclined to think that the material had wound back on to the awning spool crooked.

I had my awning replaced under warranty on Saturday last week - although I did have to persuade the garage that it was a warranty issue (which I achieved by demonstrating that other forum users had successfully claimed under warranty).
Just found a pretty comprehensive thread on this issue: many thanks!
I have found that my wind out awning material definitely expands on a very warm day. No amount of rewinding makes a difference. However I now wait until later in the evening to wind the awning in and by this time it seems to have shrunk back and winds in without creasing.
I have found that my wind out awning material definitely expands on a very warm day. No amount of rewinding makes a difference. However I now wait until later in the evening to wind the awning in and by this time it seems to have shrunk back and winds in without creasing.
Yes, I think the temperature is a big factor.

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This our second awning. The first came apart at the seam which it seems is a common fault..Our second brand new seamless awning does seem to go crumpled in the centre as you wind it in BUT when it’s wound back out it doesn’t have any detrimental effect in fact it comes out nice and smooth. If you think about it it’s the outsides of the awning that are under tension and the centre is quite loose. Always keep an eye on it though.

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