Not in your area but i went through the same process of trying to find the best installers around. I ended up taking my recommendations for the high end performance car drivers and they were all raving about these guys so i used them.
https://www.teamvalleytinting.com/. Had all rear windows done and a sunstrip, i cannot find any fault with them and lifetime guarantee on the film against colour fading/distortion. I went as close to 5% as possible without it getting too dark in side, i think it worked out as adding 20% to the already tinted Ocean windows. Now it is much cooler inside on sunny days, visibility is absolutely fine during the day looking inside-out, but you cannot see in without pressing your nose to the glass, which was exactly what i was hoping to achieve.
It doesn't take too long to do, I think it was about 3 hours in total and that included me looking inside various customers cars with different tint levels before i made the final decision, they basically used a light meter and measured the light in the car i likes then matched mine to that.
I have already had two people stop to ask where i had it done so they could go there as well. I am sure you will have someone local to you that offers the same.