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Winter tyres only on Thunder alloys



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Just wondering if anyone knows why the winter tyres, when specified with a new order, are only available on the Thunder alloys? I wanted to order the Neva wheels but they are no longer available, so I opted for Cascavel anthracite alloys with winter tyres but this combination is not available either - when ordering, my dealer was only able to add these to Thunder alloys. I opted to leave the winter tyres off and go with the Cascavels but I would really have liked the winter tyres fitted :headbang

The dealer couldn't understand why this was the case either, as the wheels are the same size and both J, but I thought somebody on here might be able to explain!

Not sure why you can only spec them on Thunders, but we have a brand new set of Thunders with Goodyear Vector Mud and Snows coming up for sale if you are interetsed?
Hi Oli,

Thanks for letting me know about the thunders but I think I have just about spent the lot for a while now! I will have to wait and get some winter tyres at a later date. It's a shame as the price is good when ordered with a new build.

When you want winter tyres - there is a chap on here called Benn who supplies them at a good price on steel wheels.

Looks at this thread for details: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5634189&p=66655&hilit=winter+tyres#p66614

Then you can keep your alloys nice and clean for the summer.

Best to use summer in the summer and winter in the winter, as long as you can find somewhere to store them and can get them changed.

We don't bother on the van as if it is snowing then the van stays put, but I have winter tyres for the car.

Hi Teeboy,

Thanks for the link to the other thread. I have to put my hand up to being a bit of a girl though, as I really don't think I could bear to drive round in my beautiful shiny Cali with steel wheels on, even just for the winter... I don't really have anywhere to keep a set of wheels either, and would have to get someone else to change them for me. I was just thinking of running M&S/four season tyres year round as they feel safer somehow, especially in the wet round the lanes on my daily commute which are frequently awash with silt off the fields. The Cali will be my only vehicle so leaving it on the drive in winter won't be an option unfortunately. She will need to go everywhere with me :D I guess I'm just worried about the concept of 'low rolling resistance' tyres more than anything - I don't want to be floating along with no grip on the road. I'm probably just worrying too much!

Thanks again,

VW California Club
