Work Table rattles



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204
Our work table often rattles when stored and driving. The retaining lever is locked but the table is not retained at the bottom so it can swing slightly. I can see there is a hard plastic knob sticking out that has to have some purpose. Is the leg supposed to be held by it?

Thanks A&A
This happens to us too, but seems to be due to the table not really being pushed back properly. Even though you find it's clicked into retained position it needs a firmer push. We find if you pull it back out and then push more firmly into place then the rattle goes.
When you stow the table give it a little tweak towards the bench seat, if it swings it's not stowed correctly. As it slides into the stowage position it should hook onto a lower retainer. Sometimes you need to 'guide' it into position when you stow it.

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This is a common issue. The rattling sound is almost as irritating as that of a baby in a restaurant crying, and the baby has been designed by thousands of years of evolution to produce maddening noises.

You just apply light pressure to the lower part of the table as you slide it home. That it can be clicked in place whilst incorrectly aligned is a design flaw, but one you can easily live with. :smile
As has been said push it back until the bottom pushes out towards you then, apply pressure in and back, this secures it top and bottom. :thumb
The black bit you mention is to allow you to have the table over the rear seats as a work surface when cooking etc. You should have strap in the van somewhere that clips onto that black plastic bit and hooks around the offside head rest.

Our table also rattles a bit. Ensuring it is properly connected into the bottom guide certainly helps. After a while, I realized that the table leg itself was not being held properly where a small plastic clip should retain it at the end. So occasionally, the leg would rattle. The simplest solution was to put a hair scrunchie thing around the end of the leg. Viola.. no more rattles..
Thanks all.

The black thing I was looking at is on the side of the kitchen unit so should trap the one on the table if its stowed properly. But I will have a go and try it on our next trip.

We replaced the felt pad on the underside of the table (when the pad fell off!) with a larger one (the kind you stick on the bottom of chair legs) - much better!
coordinated said:
We replaced the felt pad on the underside of the table (when the pad fell off!) with a larger one (the kind you stick on the bottom of chair legs) - much better!

We store our roof cover in the boot and it fits in the space under the seat and against the bottom of the table,when the table is stowed. We noticed that this tended to push the table too close to the cabinet causing it not to locate properly in its retaining clip thingy. It also caused the felt pad to come off and in turn caused a rattle!

We glued the felt pad back on and now take more care exuding the table. No more rattles though.
We have a small cuddly toy dog, just a few inches long, that we stuff between table and seat :lol:

When you stow the table give it a little tweak towards the bench seat, if it swings it's not stowed correctly. As it slides into the stowage position it should hook onto a lower retainer. Sometimes you need to 'guide' it into position when you stow it.

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Excellent tip. This is what was rattling in my van and driving me insane!! Thanks to your tip I have fixed it. Now a happy camper

VW California Club
