Would somebody show us their 680, please?



VIP Member
Grand California 680
Hello everybody!
We are two new joiners and recent motorhome converts and, although having been very impressed with a 600 here on display at VW Aberdeen, we’ve decided on a 680.
We’ve watched all kinds of 680 videos but before we buy one, we really would like to see one up close, in glorious 3D Technicolor®️.
Limited to Scotland atm (obvs) we are currently in Aberdeenshire (although we actually live in Hove, East Sussex) and atm none of the Scottish VW dealers have a display model.
Would any kind soul out there, in possession of a 680 anywhere in Scotland, allow us to come and take a closer look, please?
Many thanks
Ian & Ross
Can't help re Scotland, but its worth checking out the competition when you get back home'. Below about 20mins away from Hove:

Thank you. We’ll take a look when we get back next year.
If you wait a week or so then my one should be here in Aberdeenshire if nobody else has one available to show you.
Thank you so much.
We’re here, staying near Alford, until after NY and would be delighted to come and take a look.
Thank you.
If you give me some contact details I'll let you know when it's here. I'm only 30mins from you.
Hi Ian and Welcome

Just a heads up this web resource is world wide, not a great idea to post your email address in the open forum, unless you want the unsolicited attention of low life!

Good luck, hope to see some pics of your Cali in the future.

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Hi Ian and Welcome

Just a heads up this web resource is world wide, not a great idea to post your email address in the open forum, unless you want the unsolicited attention of low life!

Good luck, hope to see some pics of your Cali in the future.

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Thank you.
How do I DM then?
Hi Ian

You need to be a VIP member to DM

From memory about £15 per year IMP money well spent

The OP can post Vid on here or YouTube etc

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Hi Ian

You need to be a VIP member to DM

From memory about £15 per year IMP money well spent

The OP can post Vid on here or YouTube etc

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Thank you - I am a VIP member but I’ll sit down this aft and figure it out.
Tap on the persons profile, whom you want to start a DM with, you get an option to start a convo with the OP, the rest should be obvious

Post again if you need more help

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VW California Club
