Would you sea launch a boat (rib) with your brand new ocean?



VIP Member
T6 Cali On Order
So I know this is a bit of a strange one but would love to hear some thought on the matter. we currently have 3 cars. A 2016 jeep which we use mainly to sea launch a 5m rib. Has to be 4wd due to the fact That depending on the tide, we sometimes launch it on sand rather than the slipway. We also have a Vito Which we use as our main vehicle (we used to have 2 very large French mastiffs, now only one) and a brand new California ocean 4motion with diff lock and the black alloys sports pack.

the original plan was to sell the jeep and the Vito and use just the California. It’s so attractive to us to just have one car rather than all the cost associated with 3. Now that it’s arrived, we are having second thoughts about using such a beautiful shiny vehicle to drag and pull a boat into the sea (with all the implications of seawater getting all over the underside) let alone about putting the drooliest dog ever into it.

so my question is this. what would you do? not sure if it’s worth selling the jeep (valued at £14k).

also, would be great to hear if anyone has used it to launch a boat in the sea and the sort of precautions they took to minimise salt water damage? I.e rope launch, hose it with fresh water after etc…)

lastly, any thought on how the black alloys will fair?
So I know this is a bit of a strange one but would love to hear some thought on the matter. we currently have 3 cars. A 2016 jeep which we use mainly to sea launch a 5m rib. Has to be 4wd due to the fact That depending on the tide, we sometimes launch it on sand rather than the slipway. We also have a Vito Which we use as our main vehicle (we used to have 2 very large French mastiffs, now only one) and a brand new California ocean 4motion with diff lock and the black alloys sports pack.

the original plan was to sell the jeep and the Vito and use just the California. It’s so attractive to us to just have one car rather than all the cost associated with 3. Now that it’s arrived, we are having second thoughts about using such a beautiful shiny vehicle to drag and pull a boat into the sea (with all the implications of seawater getting all over the underside) let alone about putting the drooliest dog ever into it.

so my question is this. what would you do? not sure if it’s worth selling the jeep (valued at £14k).

also, would be great to hear if anyone has used it to launch a boat in the sea and the sort of precautions they took to minimise salt water damage? I.e rope launch, hose it with fresh water after etc…)

lastly, any thought on how the black alloys will fair?
Not done it, but seen it done.

Again, my thoughts based on protecting other vehicles from corrosion etc.

With 4mo and diff lock, I would be more than happy to use the Cali. Yeah, it is shiny, but it is there to be used and it cleans up well.

A few things
1. I have seen the rear diff go under water when launching, so I would put in breather tubes on the rear diff as a safety precaution.
2. As you may be doing with the Jeep, good to get acf50 or any other anti rust coating on the underside to be on the safer side
3. As always, a wash with water after a launch would be a good habit (again, as you may already be doing)
4. I always keep a largish brush with me to clean the sliding door runner areas when visiting the beach. A brush before closing the door always helps to keep the dirt from there at bay. That is the only area that I would watch out for, for damage by sand/dust.

For the dog, just get a waterproof washable seat cover

The launch I witnessed was of a skidoo and the owner was more than happy to do it and return to a really warm van for a cuppa and change.

Enjoy the Cali. :thumb
My thoughts around launching on a beach having had the experience of doing it with a defender we used to have is I would probably not as it could all go horribly wrong very quickly. 4Motion diff lock in a field and the same on a beach with the tide coming in are just two different things. There's also the sand and salt water to consider - it gets everywhere as you are probably aware.

We have just taken ownership of a 4Motion Cali, we don't beach launch any more but we do tow our boat (gets craned in now). Our thoughts are is to keep both vehicles for one year (we too have 3 with a mini I have) and to re assess.

My thoughts now would be to keep your Jeep for sea launches or use your Cali to tow and find someone else who is beach launching with their vehicle to assist (I know easier said that done sometimes)

Good luck !
I forgot to mention above , whilst considering for a year we have kept our LR Discovery
So I know this is a bit of a strange one but would love to hear some thought on the matter. we currently have 3 cars. A 2016 jeep which we use mainly to sea launch a 5m rib. Has to be 4wd due to the fact That depending on the tide, we sometimes launch it on sand rather than the slipway. We also have a Vito Which we use as our main vehicle (we used to have 2 very large French mastiffs, now only one) and a brand new California ocean 4motion with diff lock and the black alloys sports pack.

the original plan was to sell the jeep and the Vito and use just the California. It’s so attractive to us to just have one car rather than all the cost associated with 3. Now that it’s arrived, we are having second thoughts about using such a beautiful shiny vehicle to drag and pull a boat into the sea (with all the implications of seawater getting all over the underside) let alone about putting the drooliest dog ever into it.

so my question is this. what would you do? not sure if it’s worth selling the jeep (valued at £14k).

also, would be great to hear if anyone has used it to launch a boat in the sea and the sort of precautions they took to minimise salt water damage? I.e rope launch, hose it with fresh water after etc…)

lastly, any thought on how the black alloys will fair?
I think you have answered your own question on this...... sea water and sand are highly invasive and aggressive at the best of times, and that is before any time/tide/failure related mishap. Keep the Jeep, sell the Vito, use the (very expensive and new) California for all the other stuff.... dilemma solved! :thumb

Of course this won't allow you to use the boat and Cali over the same period, but you can't have it all!
So I know this is a bit of a strange one but would love to hear some thought on the matter. we currently have 3 cars. A 2016 jeep which we use mainly to sea launch a 5m rib. Has to be 4wd due to the fact That depending on the tide, we sometimes launch it on sand rather than the slipway. We also have a Vito Which we use as our main vehicle (we used to have 2 very large French mastiffs, now only one) and a brand new California ocean 4motion with diff lock and the black alloys sports pack.

the original plan was to sell the jeep and the Vito and use just the California. It’s so attractive to us to just have one car rather than all the cost associated with 3. Now that it’s arrived, we are having second thoughts about using such a beautiful shiny vehicle to drag and pull a boat into the sea (with all the implications of seawater getting all over the underside) let alone about putting the drooliest dog ever into it.

so my question is this. what would you do? not sure if it’s worth selling the jeep (valued at £14k).

also, would be great to hear if anyone has used it to launch a boat in the sea and the sort of precautions they took to minimise salt water damage? I.e rope launch, hose it with fresh water after etc…)

lastly, any thought on how the black alloys will fair?
Summarising my Ramble earlier the answer would be dont do it, find an alternative, salt water and sand will find its way in, the Cali is a heavy old beast and although there is saome cabability there, but if it goes wrong you may not be able to recover your Cali before the old phrase kicks in 'Time &Tide waits for no man' :)
...or woman...or Brand New lovely shiny. expensive Cali.. :)
Thanks guys. I think we are leaning towards that option also. I think that in those rare cases that we want to tow the boat on a holiday to use at same time as the cali, we could rope launch the rib to avoid any sea water touching the cali.
I launched and recovered a RIB a few times when helping out at UK Windsurfing events. The Cali coped fine but TBH I was never happy doing it and wouldn't do it on a regular basis for the reasons mentioned above.
Thanks guys. I think we are leaning towards that option also. I think that in those rare cases that we want to tow the boat on a holiday to use at same time as the cali, we could rope launch the rib to avoid any sea water touching the cali.
I used my past two calis I’ve owned as work vans (electrician), also had three dogs that travelled in them.
I sold both for very good money (market price).
Don’t be worried about using van how you want. Just enjoy it.
I used my past two calis I’ve owned as work vans (electrician), also had three dogs that travelled in them.
I sold both for very good money (market price).
Don’t be worried about using van how you want. Just enjoy it.
They wont enjoy seeing their pride and joy engulfed in sea water. Did you have any electrical contract work on the beach?...with a rising Tide. I can assure you its a different ball game and have seen may Vehicles swamped and even washed away due to 4WD not living up to expectation. Its just not worth the risk. The only Veh I was happy to tow and launch on the beach was a LR Defender and I have rescued quite a few vehicles stuck in the sand before the tide came in.
As taught on RYA poweboat level 2, the correct way to launch and recover a trailer boat is with a sufficiently sized rope, between the boat trailer’s hitch & the car’s tow bar, of sufficient length to keep the vehicle totally away from the water and a slippery ramp.
Therefore any car appropriately sized for a boat can launch and recover it.
As taught on RYA poweboat level 2, the correct way to launch and recover a trailer boat is with a sufficiently sized rope, between the boat trailer’s hitch & the car’s tow bar, of sufficient length to keep the vehicle totally away from the water and a slippery ramp.
Therefore any car appropriately sized for a boat can launch and recover it.
Alternatively, you could consider an extension bar - something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/35359359...624&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

VW California Club
