Wrinkled roof



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
We recently hires a Californian for the night from Heritage Commercial vehicles in Bristol to try it out before ordering a high spec model. When my wife returned it we were charged £1500 for causing a roof ripple. The roof was only put up and down once following the details given by the salesman. Door and windows open, no obstructions in the gutter, no breeze and nothing in the roof bed. Not sure that is was us caused the "damage" as we did not look outside at the roof before collection was but if they are so sensitive why does anybody have one and what did we do wrong?

I am getting very nervous about parting with £60K and then putting a new roof on every time I use it. I would be very grateful for any tips or suggestions before I totally discount a Californian. Needless to say if we go ahead I shall not be going back to ask Heritage to quote and would rather buy online.
Hi Jeff sorry to hear this. The main reason for a ripple in the roof is the canvas not folding in properly causing the hinge to buckle slightly if you checked everything was OK when you lowered it I would say the dealer is having you on. I have opened and closed mine hundreds
Of times in the last 4 years with no problems.the bellows bungee does help to keep the canvas away from the hinge :thumb
Many thanks for the response. We did look to see that all was safely gathered in before lowering and I can't help feeling that we are being blamed for something done by others and not spotted, hence my desire to go elsewhere if we go ahead with an order.

I spotted the bungee when surfing for bits the other evening and thought it a good idea if we got one of our own. I can't understand why the hirer does not fit one for £12 unless there is a constant source of £1500 to be had from one roof.
Challenge them. I wouldn't just part with £1500 and I wouldn't just accept that you damaged the roof. If you caught the fabric in the scissor mechanism you would know about it. The fabric would be damaged or, heavily marked around the scissor mechanism.
They should have carried out a formal check of the vehicle in your presence prior to hire and they should have revised the roof and the whole vehicle together and agree and sign paperwork accordingly.
Hope you get it resolved soon.
I am trying to summons up the energy for a challenge as I know what dealers can be like, but at that price challenge I shall. My wife took it back this morning and was basically refused her car keys until she paid up and as she had to get to work there was no option. Really good on customer care that company. What they let slip was that another customer returning (possibly today) had the same problem on a similar van. Not sure if they meant the same van or a similar one but on speaking to other dealers and owners they all say that lowering the roof as per the handbook should not give rise to problems unless foreign bodies or air being trapped or in a strong wind. Salesman did his best to intercede on our behalf as it is his commission or sales figures that will now be affected but to no avail.
A case of hirer beware, same thing happened to me with a car, but i backed up my claim as i did not damage vehicle. I took photos of damage and rest of vehicle before accepting it.

John :headbang
Does £1500 strike anyone as odd? I doubt that would cover removal repair refit and we know it won't cover a new roof.
It sounds like the price was just pulled out of the air. Surely a proper quote would have taken some organising.
Also, did you hire it or 'borrow' it? Did you sign something that says you be liable for that type of damage, or were you told you just needed to put in on your insurance? Very odd situation.
It says he hired it from a VW dealer so maybe that quote is at cost price?
We hired from heritage Bristol and the insurance excess is £500 for body damage and £1500 for roof damage,so it's the excess they are trying to charge you not the entire cost of the repair.I hope you don't have to pay out and still get round to ordering your Cali.
The dealer needs to prove the damage alleged was caused by you. Refusing to hand over your car keys (if this is what happened) is pretty unsavoury. Definitely worth challenging.
My thanks for all your comments and I thought it only fair to provide an update. This morning I received an email from Heritage agreeing to waive the £1,500 and refund the money. Having spoken to a number of owners I am now feeling a little more confident about placing an order and will invite Heritage to provide a quote. However, the first thing I shall do after ordering the van will be to order a bungee cord just in case!

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