

Rob James

hi all, I live in the South Wales area, needing to know of a good quality service dealership, one you can trust to look after our precious cali's, this area is covered primarily by-- whoops, I don't think I'm aloud to say. Does anyone recommend such a dealership, I don't mind travelling further afield to get the service we require. I've had some nasty experiences in the past, scanners left in the engine bay, radiator caps left off not to mention oil covered upholstery. Regards Rob
Thank you hotelcalit5- and wept I did.. Uuugh
Excellent recommendation , many thanks welshgas, South Hereford it's going to be, can I say welshgas sent me.
By all means.

Paul Woodsford.
My experience of VW South Hereford which is 100 miles away from my home.

Martin in sales - very nice and helpful overall and provided a good detailed handover. Young Manager Steve helpful too. On collecting (collected from railway station by Martin) was told there was a scratch on the roof which had probably occurred sometime during transport from the dock. I was advised very apologetically, that it would be repainted and a low loader would pick up my Cali within a short period and the affected part repainted. However no low loader but a nice friendly guy who dropped his Caddy off whilst he drove off in my brand new Cali. I advised him that I didn't need the Caddy and left it unused. A couple of days later my Cali was returned by him with the scratched area resprayed. I was a bit miffed though as I later discovered that there was considerably less fuel in my Cali than when I handed it over. I gave some feedback when prompted for some and asked for it to be forwarded to the Manager for his information only ( a quick phone call or e-mail would have been appreciated, after all I had just spent £48 K ! )

Earlier this year I had reason for some minor warranty repairs, (Bent spring on fuel flap and undone screw on left hand fridge strut.) Les was nice and helpful. He loaned me a Caddy for a couple of days however on collecting I was just given the keys. I asked for the repairs to be shown to me to see that they had been done which you would think would be the correct procedure. I also had a concern regarding a low speed knocking sound going over bumps. I was advised that it wasn't a safety issue but had been noted and should be monitored. I noticed on opening the sliding door the bench seat cover had been jumbled around ( would only have taken seconds to put it back in place ) a small Cali dog toy moved from the dash - no reason for it to have been moved so why !? and more annoyingly a mechanics greasy hair mark on the heading and greasy fingermark on the trim above the door. My wife was ill at the time and I just had more important things on my mind so didn't complain. Minor points but together add up as rather shoddy by most Cali owners standards. My advice is make it (politely) clear that you expect your Cali to be treated with care and not like a builders van ! And don't be rushed. I certainly will in future. I must add the receptionist was very nice with manners, something in my book which can certainly make the difference.
There is a very good team at Birmingham VW Van Centre, looked after me
Sheffield van centre, now jct600, for us everytime.

Hi There. We're starting to think about scheduling our first service. Having read some of the feedback on here, we've decided to be a little cautious over where we take our precious vehicle. We had a good experience when we purchased from the Leicester Van Centre, but having read a few posts on here, we realise Sheffield would be much easier for us, plus we have good experience of the jct600 network for our car service. We were curious, what was it about the Sheffield service that now has you hooked?
There is a very good team at Birmingham VW Van Centre, looked after me

Good to know, I've a service there on the 21st. Closer to me than Listers and have a courtesy vehicle.

VW California Club
