A Tough Decision to keep the Cali or not to keep the Cali its just a number!!

mark housley

mark housley

T5 SE 180
A good few weeks back we decided to take the plunge and buy the Van i oops we had always wanted namely a California, originally i was going to convert my much loved 61 plate T5 panel van into the camper of my dreams anyway to cut a long story short i didn't do it and as mentioned decided to go the whole hog and get a California instead so my first port of call was my local VW Commercial Dealership here in sunny Manchester, the very nice salesman informed me he had four Cali's coming in and he kindly emailed me the list with all the specs on and wouldn't you know it the one i fancied was the most expensive one there (Typical) so the missis said go for it and that was all the persuasion i needed, so we paid our deposit and went away very excited but before we left the Salesman advised us whilst doing some paperwork to wait a few weeks and get your new van in September and it will be on the new 65 Reg to be honest neither of us thought of this in all the excitement and even though we had already booked a weeks camping in Devon in last week of August we agreed to wait.
One of the little extras i had done to the van was to have a Sportline front Spoiler fitted as i had already bought it from VW at no small cost let me tell you my god they know how to charge for a ten quids worth of bendy plastic!! anyway whilst dropping the spoiler off i saw my new Baby with a nice new 65 reg plates on it i took a photo its the one on my profile and it clearly shows a 65 on it so off i scampered happy as a lark or something equally happy.
Now fast forward a few weeks and we are on Holiday in Devon, on the Tuesday evening around 6pm i get a phone call from the Dealership its the very nice salesman and after the usual hello's he says in a very sombre tone The Words Every body Hates to Hear IV GOT SOME REALLY BAD NEWS FOR YOU
in a split second all sorts of scenarios were going through my head, one of the Mechanics has bumped the Van, its been stolen, i know the credit checks were all ok SO WHAT IS IT ???
IM SORRY BUT YOU CANT HAVE YOUR NEW VAN ON A 65 PLATE IT HAS TO BE A 15 PLATE, WHAT!!! WHY ????? Answer because VW has sent some crazy directive to all the Dealerships telling them that all passenger carrying vans built after May 2015 have to be registered on or before the 31 August and those that hadn't sold had to be bought and registered by the Dealerships and used as demonstrators for 3 to 6 months before being sold, something to do with Euro Cat 5 and Euro Cat 6 vehicles I didn't quite know what to say i was seriously in shock and Gutted i'd never bought a brand new car with a brand new Reg before and VW were tacking that away and there was nothing i could do i tell you it was more than ANNOYING!!
The Nice Man said i had a few options 1, have your money back and no hard feelings 2, go ahead with the sale and as a sorry VW will knock a Grand of the price and lastly apply to the DVLA for an on Approval Certificate thing im not sure what that was and the nice man wasn't very good at explaining that one either but i now know its something to do with vehicles being converted form one use to another ?
Anyway he gave me until the next day to let him know our decision hence the title of the Thread,
Well we thought long and hard and decided we had looked forward so much to getting the new van that we just couldn't let it go, So we have our lovely new shinny van on a 15 plate and we love it just as much as we knew we would.
This little experience i have to say has really knocked my views regarding VW i love the products but to treat people like that was a little surprising and very disappointing to be honest id much rather them have the grand and i have my 65 reg mad i know i suppose it could be man thing or just me.

And before you all shout it was probably the nice man boosting August sales figures i called other VW dealerships posing as a potential customer all but one had no new California SE's in stock and the one that did Liverpool when i asked about it being supplied on a 65 reg like the rest he pretty much came out with the same story pretty much verbatim, i even rang the DVLA to enquire about the Euro cat 5 and 6 thing and the lady i spoke to advised me that as far as the UK DVLA were concerned there was no reason the vehicle could not be a 65 Reg.
I know some people would think what does it matter its only a number even the misses thought that and was only to happy to have a Grand back but to me it did at the time its not to bad now iv kinda got used to it now and like said i still love my new CAMPA
So hopefully the next time i post something on here it will be about our trips out and about in Vimy thats his new name because as my youngest pointed out he is pretty much the same colour as Vimto.
I think that if you had a signed order stating it was a 65 plate and a September delivery then you had a legal contract and they could not withdraw the order,I here what you say about the other dealer but did you talk to VW themselves as it sounds like to me that there was an extra opportunity for them to make more money ,for example if it's registered as a demo they get an extra 10% ,shocking behaviour imho
I doubt in the long run a 65 or a 15 plate will make much difference, push for £2k off and enjoy it
IF I was that concerned about a number plate telling the age of my vehicle I would go for a private plate. I have a neighbour who always buy his car at 18 months old changes to his personalised number and most people think he has a new car.
I think £1000 is a fair discount. When you come to sell it you will describe it as a 2015 van.

If you can look very sad and get a few quid off, or maybe some dealer fit accessories then double winner :)
I can imagine you being a little disappointed, but to be honest, I'd be happy with the way this turned out for you. As others have said, take the discount (plus a bit more if you can get it) and enjoy. I've bumped (not physically) into loads of other Cali drivers on the road and I can honestly say I've never noted what registration they had...I've usually been too dazzled by their smiling faces ;)
I'm surprised that any of you can even remember your registration number :shocked

I'm the one that is normally stood in the garage / hotel reception etc staring dumbly ahead as someone says "can you just pop your vehicle registration on there for me" ....

Then followed by all sorts of gymnastics trying to see said vehicle without looking totally stupid :oops:
The only differance between a delivery mileage15 plate or a 65 plate is the value when you come to sell it ,and I would rather have it in my pocket than the dealers. I think it's the principal ,that you were indeed recommended by the dealer to wait for the 65 plate and then they came up with a cock and ball story and tell you that it's got to be a 15 plate!!! I agree that what's done is done and it's not worth getting too upset about it and that you should get on and enjoy your Cali but with 30 years BMW motor trade experience and 20 of those at senior management level ,it does not make sense what they said and just sounds like bullying tactics by the dealer concerned to make a bigger margin later down the road.
I would have screwed about that if I'm honest. The fact VW sell T6 panel van's with the old Euro 5 Engine too means their reasoning doesn't hold weight. I'd want half a years depreciation off the price which is more then a grand IMO
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If you can go back and get more off try this, but as all others have said, it doesn't make too much difference whether it's 65 plate or 15 plate (I actually like the look of 15 plates better - I guess I'm a little odd then :p)

And as Gasgas said - it's a load of b***sh**t regarding it's got to be 15 plate - yeah it's got to be so the dealer gets the massive incentive in terms of more discount for compensating them for pre-registering vehicles - it was like that when I was in the game in the 80's and I'm sure it's still the same now.

I can totally understand your annoyance, but this will soon fade when you're out and about enjoying the pleasure of owning the Cali :)
I think that if you had a signed order stating it was a 65 plate and a September delivery then you had a legal contract and they could not withdraw the order,I here what you say about the other dealer but did you talk to VW themselves as it sounds like to me that there was an extra opportunity for them to make more money ,for example if it's registered as a demo they get an extra 10% ,shocking behaviour imho

Hi Gasgas, No i didn't speak to VW at the time i just didn't think of that i was panicking over how things were going to pan out, a week earlier the Salesman was telling me to go away and enjoy my week away then a few days later im stuck in Devon with just my iPhone and no internet and a very random signal "CRAP" so iv got to sort out my free five day VW insurance and instruct my bank to transfer funds over to VW for Friday morning and they are telling me it should get there for then but can not 100% guarantee it that is unless i pay £25 Quid because its over the £10,000 limit so i paid and everything was ok got phone call Friday Morning to tell me all the funds were transferred and that was it all i had to do was get to the Dealership on the Monday Morning and sign a few agreements and that was that i thought it was very nice of them to open up on a Bank Holiday Monday just for little oll me.
Buy a private plate with the £1000. No one will ever know.
Already thought of that, but iv got used to it now apart from the explaining why the 15 plate to the people i had told i was getting my first ever new car with the new 65 reg
If you can go back and get more off try this, but as all others have said, it doesn't make too much difference whether it's 65 plate or 15 plate (I actually like the look of 15 plates better - I guess I'm a little odd then :p)

And as Gasgas said - it's a load of b***sh**t regarding it's got to be 15 plate - yeah it's got to be so the dealer gets the massive incentive in terms of more discount for compensating them for pre-registering vehicles - it was like that when I was in the game in the 80's and I'm sure it's still the same now.

I can totally understand your annoyance, but this will soon fade when you're out and about enjoying the pleasure of owning the Cali :)

Thanks Bluestone, iv kinda got over it now i wrote the page with my little sado story last week but didn't get round to posting it on the Forum, i think i just wanted to say something about VW and crapy way i felt i had been treated and with hindsight i wish i had told them to shove it on the Friday afternoon, but i didn't and im glad we are off this weekend me and the missus for our first foray out and about not sure where yet i was thinking the Cotswolds so if you can recommend anywhere id much appreciate it and Thanks Mate

Sorry don't know where would be good here, it's odd but I tend to go to Europe mostly, I'm sure there are many members on here who will have excellent suggestions :)

Yeah at the end of the day, who cares ;) You get to see all the lovely shinny bits on the inside and camp in an awesome camper, know one sits there and looks at the reg plate, I also don't necessarily agree with the lower value, I think the millage, condition, month and year that make more difference, and IMO 15 or 65 won't make a hill of beans difference and certainly not £1K.

I always say if your happy with a purchase then that's all that matters :)

If you want to come down to Suffolk then I can recommend some very nice places :)
I would have screwed about that if I'm honest. The fact VW sell T6 panel van's with the old Euro 5 Engine too means their reasoning doesn't hold weight. I'd one half a years depreciation off the price which is more then a grand IMO

Cheers Rippers, Like i said in my last reply i wish i had told then to shove it thats what my head was telling me but in my heart the van was already mine id been looking forward to it for weeks as much as my head said stuff em i just couldn't give it up i was finally getting my Campa van after three years of saving and sorting out who was going to do the work and all the other things involved with the conversion and in the end leaving all that behind because of some offhand remark by guy to realising my ultimate dream to actually get a new California!! and loving it.
The only differance between a delivery mileage15 plate or a 65 plate is the value when you come to sell it ,and I would rather have it in my pocket than the dealers. I think it's the principal ,that you were indeed recommended by the dealer to wait for the 65 plate and then they came up with a cock and ball story and tell you that it's got to be a 15 plate!!! I agree that what's done is done and it's not worth getting too upset about it and that you should get on and enjoy your Cali but with 30 years BMW motor trade experience and 20 of those at senior management level ,it does not make sense what they said and just sounds like bullying tactics by the dealer concerned to make a bigger margin later down the road.

Well Gasgas, ill put it down to lesson learned! just peed off with VW.
Sorry don't know where would be good here, it's odd but I tend to go to Europe mostly, I'm sure there are many members on here who will have excellent suggestions :)

Yeah at the end of the day, who cares ;) You get to see all the lovely shinny bits on the inside and camp in an awesome camper, know one sits there and looks at the reg plate, I also don't necessarily agree with the lower value, I think the millage, condition, month and year that make more difference, and IMO 15 or 65 won't make a hill of beans difference and certainly not £1K.

I always say if your happy with a purchase then that's all that matters :)

If you want to come down to Suffolk then I can recommend some very nice places :)

Cheers Bluestone, the plan is to travel top to bottom left to right so one day we will get there at the moment its going to be drive for two or three hours and see where we get to the down side is not being able to prebook a campsite as we won't have made our minds up for us its turn left for South and Right for north so we will decide on the flip of a coin.
Regarding the sail value ill worry about that in a few years time o_O.
Thanks for the kind Comments
Cheers Mate,;)
IF I was that concerned about a number plate telling the age of my vehicle I would go for a private plate. I have a neighbour who always buy his car at 18 months old changes to his personalised number and most people think he has a new car.

Hi Andy, i think you missed the point It mattered to me mate like i said iv never had a new car with a new reg number all my previous vehicles have had multiple owners i worked bloody hard to buy this van.
Yeah I agree with you about the dealer, but what the hell life is to short... Just get out there and enjoy it ... By the way I've got the same model and colour as you 180 se DSG in Blackberry (I think Blackberry Cali's will get a premium by the time you want to sell it anyway )The best colour imo
Yeah I agree with you about the dealer, but what the hell life is to short... Just get out there and enjoy it ... By the way I've got the same model and colour as you 180 se DSG in Blackberry (I think Blackberry Cali's will get a premium by the time you want to sell it anyway )The best colour imo

I love the colour and the speck and it looks the mutts with the Sportline Spoiler i have ordered the RNS510 DAB sat nav, and thats about as much as im going to do to it i was having the reverse camera fitted with sat nav but the fitter doesn't think its doable to get the wires to the tailgate he said he will check it out when he fits the stereo so im still hopeful, we are off out in this weekend so my next posting will about our first trip out.
TaTa for now.:thumb
Hi Andy, i think you missed the point It mattered to me mate like i said iv never had a new car with a new reg number all my previous vehicles have had multiple owners i worked bloody hard to buy this van.
You're still the first owner.
What does a piece of paper matter?
Head for the hills and enjoy :D
Hi Andy, i think you missed the point It mattered to me mate like i said iv never had a new car with a new reg number all my previous vehicles have had multiple owners i worked bloody hard to buy this van.

I can understand that, a once in a lifetime.

As others have said after a few years of having the time of your life it's not going to matter when you come to sell it, it will still smell new .. until you fry the bacon, but you still can't help getting a little bit of a bad taste in the mouth over it.

Now, sit in seat.... start engine.... drive off .... SMILE........

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