Anyone know how .....



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West Sussex
Cali now sold
To recover stuff lost between dash and windscreen? :oops:

I'm just packing up to be off, need my credit card to get out, tossed it on to the dash, missed the square bit and just watched it ever so elegantly slide down the gap between dash and windscreen .....

Goodness, I said "oh silly Jenny"....

honest ... I did :rolleyes:
The other remedy was when i had to have a new windscreen fitted, you would't believe the muck down there

order a new one
A new one is on its way .....

will it do any harm being stuck down there?

Remember you are talking to a mechanical dumbo, I have visions of nasty grinding noises and flames suddenly shooting up from nowhere :shocked
Try turning the blower on full onto the screen. Might blow it out. Be prepared to duck :)
I had a similar problem. I pulled one of the speaker covers off at the end of the dash and then used a fly swatter down the crack to push the card to that end. With the cover off, you can then just about see the card. It's then a case of trying to push it against the windscreen while you pull up with the swatter!

I also found lots of other things down there - several pens/pencils and lots of parking tickets!

Get your hoover out and suck it out with the small nozzle must be a powerful cleaner

Remember the advert Hoover beats as it sweeps as it cleans and can probably suck up credit cards
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Dyson hoover with several Ikea thick drinking straws duct taped on to make them small enough. Discovered a whole world down there !
Dyson hoover with several Ikea thick drinking straws duct taped on to make them small enough. Discovered a whole world down there !
Catch 22, need a credit card to pay for the £££ Dyson :)
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Dyson hoover with several Ikea thick drinking straws duct taped on to make them small enough. Discovered a whole world down there !
I use this type of contraption to clean out the sliding seat rails - I use the clear tubing used for aquariums - we could make some and sell them in the cali shop :)
Oh Granny,
You never fail to amuse!
Blooming lousy timing.

Oh what a cunning lot we are!
Try a bit of duct tape gently squeezed down the gap?

Good luck :headbang
It's slid past the heater ducts so no use trying to blow it out...

I can't even see it ....

my arms are not long enough to fiddle with anything the other side of the dash to the steering wheel...

Oh well,

Either smash the windscreen or order a new card ....

I've at least managed to drive 60 miles without funny noises coming from somewhere or puffs of acrid smoke followed by a million pieces of soot inscribed with my CC number being blown into the air ... ....
My wife would have that out in a jiffy if we were at the shops ;)

... come to think of it, might be a good place to hide hers (but I'm sure she would find it).
I've had a car park ticket stuck down there since the first week I had the Beach. I got a few others out but the last one is in for the duration.

Blutac, great idea!
Try going up a very very very steep hill!

A more sensible option might be to use a long plastic fly swat or something similar with a post it note selotaped to the end. Fish around with the sticky portion of the post it note facing downwards to grab the card. It just might do the trick.
"Converters of panel vans" (to give us a cuddly nom de plume) have this all the time. We actually *make money* lifting the cab mat :Grin
Hi Jen,

If and when your new credit card arrives, maybe this is the place to store it. Spares you a Hoover.

And don't forget that you put it there, as I once did. Found the card only six months later.


Hello Jenny,

You think you got problems.:eek:

Take a look at these links for another T5 forum.:confused:

Some people are suggesting various solutions that may work for you ?;)

But I have seen someone selling a rubber strip that seals this gap off but cant seem to find it at this time.

When do do find it I will post it here as it would apply to all T5/Cali owners

Good luck
Further to post above. I have found a link to the trim that is available to block off the troublesome dash/windscreen gap.This is the info from the persons facebook link/ad. Just to say---I have absolutely no connection with them and therefore no vested interest. Anyone interested must make their own contact and make their own decisions.

There is a video showing how the strip works but I can't seem to upload it.

This info is taken from the persons facebook link :

The T5 dash trim is still in demand, so I have 60 units on order but have forward orders for ten already...

This solid rubber extrusion fits perfectly without adhesive in the gap between your dashboard and windscreen that vw left after manufacture... And stops things falling down the gap.
It is supplied to length for a t5 and is £15 posted to anywhere in the UK

I have posted pictures of some of the impressive hauls I've seen you guys harvest from your vans in comments as well as a picture of the trim fitted from both inside and outside of my t5.

If you want to secure one you can still order now


Hope this is of some help. I think I am going to make contact and order one.
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Has someone removed my post and links to another forum I posted for Jen ????
Has Admin removed my post and links to another forum I posted for Jen ???

If so why has this been done ? I thought this was supposed to be a members forum that helped other members with advice, issues and problems and shared ideas and suggestions.
I took quite a bit of time searching the info for Jen and it looks as if its been removed because it referred to another forum. Please explain ?
They're still there i can see them

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VW California Club
