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How much does it cost to run a Cali?



T5 SE 180
Sometimes it's best not to think about it! ..but if you want to know how much it costs one Cali owner before you buy, see the attached pdf. Please feel free to comment on any of the assumptions.

For those already committed, best not to look, eh!


  • Van Costs.pdf
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not included how much you save on holidays away
Sometimes it's best not to think about it! ..but if you want to know how much it costs one Cali owner before you buy, see the attached pdf. Please feel free to comment on any of the assumptions.

For those already committed, best not to look, eh!
A little one sided. What about the savings for holidays etc: Also if you use it as a Daily Driver then strictly speaking you should deduct the costs of running a simple/cheap vehicle that you would use as a Daily Driver. Also there should be a costing for " The Joy " of owning one.:thumb
If you do the count every car is waste of money ...
If you can't affort it certainly counting won't help...
Only thing i try to count is my hollidays;)
That's an interesting document. Obviously depreciation is still a big part of the total (looks about 45% of the total without getting my calculator out?). It you sold it by June I think you'll do a bit better, but your end year values look realistic to me.
Looking at other threads are you missing the cam belt £500 at 4 years? (I haven't worked out how to copy a link yet but hopefully one of the other regulars will PM that info soon - no doubt a link to a search on how to do it...:headbang)
Looking at other threads are you missing the cam belt £500 at 4 years? (I haven't worked out how to copy a link yet but hopefully one of the other regulars will PM that info soon - no doubt a link to a search on how to do it...:headbang)
Mmmmh,its just been serviced and there was no mention of the cam belt. Maybe next time. I was surprised that I have had to replace both rear springs though, one this time and one last year. I thought the T5s were designed to carry significant loads.
Have you paid >£500 for a maintenance contract for 2015, 2016, 2017?
My servicing costs have been nothing like that for a 2011 Cali

BMW @53.5K - 3.5 years and 21k miles - depreciation 33.5k - cost per mile without fuel, insurance, tracker, servicing etc = £1.59.

The Cali is cheap.
I didn't buy our Cali to save money but having studied those figures I found nothing alarming. Buy any vehicle costing the around the same and I am guessing that the costs involved would be broadly similar. However the depreciation wouldn't. Let's hear it for the Cali.
What is the old saying regarding looking at the prices on a menu? If you have to look at the prices, you probably cannot afford to eat here. We are racing to the tunnel after cancelling our return trip on Brittany Ferry (received full refund on return portion ). I must say that after driving for 11 hrs to reach Pons (included 1.5 for stops along the way), overnight in hotel and now a further 7 hrs to the tunnel - oh ZuluCampi we miss you!!
Have you paid >£500 for a maintenance contract for 2015, 2016, 2017?
My servicing costs have been nothing like that for a 2011 Cali
To be honest, I am not sure what I paid for the 3yr service contract. The servicing has been expensive since then but includes two new rear springs, a N75 valve (Moo Valve) and the fitting of a spare wheel cage, wheel and tyre.
Who do you insure with? My 2015 SE Costs twice that!
Nationwide last year and this, Directline before that. I switched because of a ridiculous hike in the DL premium following a claim.
I didn't buy our Cali to save money but having studied those figures I found nothing alarming. Buy any vehicle costing the around the same and I am guessing that the costs involved would be broadly similar. However the depreciation wouldn't. Let's hear it for the Cali.

BMW @53.5K - 3.5 years and 21k miles - depreciation 33.5k - cost per mile without fuel, insurance, tracker, servicing etc = £1.59.

The Cali is cheap.
Yes, true.
What is the old saying regarding looking at the prices on a menu? If you have to look at the prices, you probably cannot afford to eat here. We are racing to the tunnel after cancelling our return trip on Brittany Ferry (received full refund on return portion ). I must say that after driving for 11 hrs to reach Pons (included 1.5 for stops along the way), overnight in hotel and now a further 7 hrs to the tunnel - oh ZuluCampi we miss you!!
Quite, so.
Well, I can tell you how much it costs to run my Cali after 7 years. Actually it's an update of a file I posted 3 years ago. This is just a dispassionate sharing of numbers in case it helps. I'm not saying Cali's are cheap or expensive. Just what mine costs because I have the numbers. If the thought of cost kills your spirit of adventure and runs counter to your fun-loving care-free personality, don't open the file!

Here are some caveats:
It has been serviced by the VW Commercial dealer throughout.
I haven't always done what they have suggested at the time they have suggested it, but made a judgement which usually put off things like disc, tyre and even timing belt replacement.
I have had a couple of scuffs that have increased insurance.

It is the best thing I can ever remember buying. I use it a lot. I really enjoy the great adventures we have had with it and continue to do so. Personally, the cost isn't something I attach one once of emotion to, I just need to know for family decision making. I don't much care what it costs but the attached analysis may be of interest to those say looking at alternatives or judging whether to buy new or used perhaps. And someone may tell me where I am going wrong!


  • Van Costs.pdf
    212.8 KB · Views: 152
I had Albert for four years:

He replaced my second car which cost new - £46,000. .... sold after two years for £28,000.

My second car therefore cost me £18,000 in two years. I sold Albert after 4 years. I sold him for £11,000 less than I paid for him. Therefore owning a Cali reduced my capital costs of car ownership by around £7,000 at minimum.

Albert averaged 30mpg. My previous second car averaged around 40 mpg. Albert was cheaper to service and keep on the road than my previous second car, was cheaper to insure and I can therefore with confidence say that Albert was cheaper to run.

I overnighted in Albert 350 times. At least 250 of those occasions I would have used an hotel. My campsite fees on average £15, my hotel costs on average, £100, lets be ever so conservative and simply say that Albert saved me in hotel costs what he cost me in capital ownership costs.

Therefore for me, with my own peculiar lifestyle, I can say that by swapping my previous second car for Albert he never cost me any more to own and with certainty was, (still is with Alfie), a lot cheaper to own.

This is of course before I even start to add back savings on dog sitters (we take our dogs with us now rather than paying house-sitters to look after dogs and house) and restaurant savings (we "eat in" most times now instead of having to eat out).

Add in the intangible benefit, sheer freedom and joy that a cali gives me, it's a no-brainer.
Well, I can tell you how much it costs to run my Cali after 7 years. Actually it's an update of a file I posted 3 years ago. This is just a dispassionate sharing of numbers in case it helps. I'm not saying Cali's are cheap or expensive. Just what mine costs because I have the numbers. If the thought of cost kills your spirit of adventure and runs counter to your fun-loving care-free personality, don't open the file!

Here are some caveats:
It has been serviced by the VW Commercial dealer throughout.
I haven't always done what they have suggested at the time they have suggested it, but made a judgement which usually put off things like disc, tyre and even timing belt replacement.
I have had a couple of scuffs that have increased insurance.

It is the best thing I can ever remember buying. I use it a lot. I really enjoy the great adventures we have had with it and continue to do so. Personally, the cost isn't something I attach one once of emotion to, I just need to know for family decision making. I don't much care what it costs but the attached analysis may be of interest to those say looking at alternatives or judging whether to buy new or used perhaps. And someone may tell me where I am going wrong!
Ouch, I presume not having a twin turbo engine, 18" wheels etc will save quite a lot. A light right foot will also help but on balance I tend towards the ignorance is bliss type of attitude..
Well, I can tell you how much it costs to run my Cali after 7 years. Actually it's an update of a file I posted 3 years ago. This is just a dispassionate sharing of numbers in case it helps. I'm not saying Cali's are cheap or expensive. Just what mine costs because I have the numbers. If the thought of cost kills your spirit of adventure and runs counter to your fun-loving care-free personality, don't open the file!

Here are some caveats:
It has been serviced by the VW Commercial dealer throughout.
I haven't always done what they have suggested at the time they have suggested it, but made a judgement which usually put off things like disc, tyre and even timing belt replacement.
I have had a couple of scuffs that have increased insurance.

It is the best thing I can ever remember buying. I use it a lot. I really enjoy the great adventures we have had with it and continue to do so. Personally, the cost isn't something I attach one once of emotion to, I just need to know for family decision making. I don't much care what it costs but the attached analysis may be of interest to those say looking at alternatives or judging whether to buy new or used perhaps. And someone may tell me where I am going wrong!

I'm confused by your spreadsheet that seems to show you think it's cost £113k to run your Cali for 8 years. That simply can't be right!

I'm on my phone and can't have the spreadsheet open while I type but the rough and ready sums seems to be annual cash costs averaging £3.5k a year * 8 years = £28k. Add around £13k of non cash depreciation gives a total of £41k.

Which feels about right

Your bottom 2 lines are I think bonkers. Your cost per mile is about right.
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And someone may tell me where I am going wrong!
I have been trying to get my head around your figures. The cost seems incredibly high.

I think that you have erred in your calculations.

Your total running costs 2011 to 2019 are £26,832
A replacement van would be ~£65,000
You estimate the value of your van at £28,860

£65,000 (replacement cost) - £28,860 (current value) = £36,140 (depreciation)
£36,140 (depreciation) + £26,832 (running costs) = £62,972 (8 year cost)
£7,872 cost per year.

It works out significantly cheaper if you use the original purchase price to calculate depreciation.

Your total running costs 2011 to 2019 are £26,832
Purchase price £49,919
You estimate the value of your van at £28,860

£45,919 (replacement cost) - £28,860 (current value) = £17,059 (depreciation)
£17,059 (depreciation) + £26,832 (running costs) = £43,891 (8 year cost)
£5,486 cost per year.

Using your figures:
Total Cumulative Cost £113,901
Less £26,832 running costs = £87,069 (implied depreciation)
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Can’t be bothered to actually quantify it, but previous vehicle was a Landrover Defender. Similar annual milage. Fuel consumption 25mpg, California 30mpg. Servicing costs over 4 years for both vehicles comparable. Tyres for both vehicles, 1 set more for the California so + £700.
Insurance for both vehicles - California additional £200 over 4 years.
Both vehicles bought new. Depreciation over 4 yrs was £16,000 for the Defender and maybe £20,000 for the California.

So, California has cost an additional £5,000 compared with the Defender.

But, approximately 15% less spent on Fuel.
Hotel costs, when owning the Defender about £48,000 minimum + Meals over 4 years.

Hotel and Camping costs whilst owning the California about £12,000 + Meals ( significantly less, probably 75% less as cooked ourselves ) over 4 years.

So overall the California has probably saved some £30,000 over 4 years.

NOW, if the California is only used for the Summer months and is low annual milage then the costing would be severely skewed towards the expensive side.
I cant believe you consistently pay £700 for 4 tyres especially in 2012, is that right ? I just bought the Michelins for £500 plus fitting so call it £ 580 - £600 a set. What am I missing.

Also must have been some scuff to jack the insurance to £900.