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CampervanBits Internal topper

Hello Paul,

I'm not trading there, but I am going for a look around on the Thursday (25th). I'll be in the Cali with the Cozy fitted so if you're about you can take a look :)

We are going on the Saturday so won't see you this time. Haven't yet collected our new van just super keen and excited looking at all the options. Can you leave the heating running low in the van on a thermostat while you sleep when it is cold?
Yeah that's certainly what we do. I do have a carbon monoxide alarm for piece of mind - but the chance of that are slim due to the way the heater works. I carry a small oil filled radiator when on ehu too as the heater some times get on my other halves nerves - depending on the amount of wine she's had before she goes to sleep!
Hi are you still selling the Cali Cozi as I couldn't find it on your web site, probably just me. If so is there a version for the Ocean and are the zip windows aligned with the windows on the Ocean? Concerned that the translucent canvas on the new van will have my kids up even earlier than the dawn chorus.

Also keen to hear from any folks who have been living with the internal topper for a while and how are they finding it. Any downsides? Is it a better proposition than the external job?
- You never have to worry about it after installation (compared to external topper),
- it's really dark with windows closed (a huge plus in summer if kids are used to sleeping only in the dark),
- temperature effect is great
- good ventilation
- be even more careful when closing the roof not to trap canvas,
- a bit harder to close the latches on the beach... I got used to it quickly.

What I see as one of the biggest benefits of a california compared to camping with a car + tent is how quickly everything can be set up and how quickly you can be on the road again. The cali cosy fits perfectly into that picture. Awnings and external toppers do not.
But if you're staying several days in the same spot or camping site, the difference is less of course. We just happen to love those long tours where we drive a little bit every day and discover new locations, then camp wild most of the times.
I can confirm what zeratul says.
We have the original that Nick made which has been in the van now for a year and is still as good as new despite having been up and down a lot of times.
We have only used the external topper once last year when were on site for a few days and it was pouring down so if it came to a decision between internal/external the internal would win. So much less faff than the external one for general use.
This thread has my initial report on the Cozi.
Hi are you still selling the Cali Cozi as I couldn't find it on your web site, probably just me. If so is there a version for the Ocean and are the zip windows aligned with the windows on the Ocean? Concerned that the translucent canvas on the new van will have my kids up even earlier than the dawn chorus.

Also keen to hear from any folks who have been living with the internal topper for a while and how are they finding it. Any downsides? Is it a better proposition than the external job?

Yes we're still making them - its just happens that every-time we make a batch, they get snapped up before they hit the website. I've sent half a dozen or so out for the T6 Ocean but I've not heard a thing - which is normally good news! I have some coming out of production this week Tom if you'd like to try one and feedback to the forum? :thumb
Yes we're still making them - its just happens that every-time we make a batch, they get snapped up before they hit the website. I've sent half a dozen or so out for the T6 Ocean but I've not heard a thing - which is normally good news! I have some coming out of production this week Tom if you'd like to try one and feedback to the forum? :thumb

How do you get your name on the list to reserve to buy one or try? What is the cost?

I pick my Ocean up on the 1st March and using it that weekend?
Dean, give Nick a call directly - I did and mine came through a couple of days later. Great service.
Ours arrived yesterday and Mrs Padders got it fitted today. Bit fiddly but the instructions are very clear, just don't be in a hurry. It's looks great, roof closed just fine and we can't wait to test it this weekend. As was said, just give a Nick a call,direct, you'll find him most helpful.
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that after having our internal topper now for over three months, I have this afternoon got round to fitting it!!!

What a fantastic piece of kit, superb quality and relatively easy to fit. Including watching Nick's youtube video, it took me one and a half hours in total.

Once installed, the warmer temperature and lower noise levels were immediately noticeable. Like other people have stated, the fact that the topper can be left attached at all times, even when the roof is down, has got to be one it it's top pluses for me.

Now looking forward to our first camp of 2016. I cannot rate this product highly enough.

Excellent work and support from Nick and team at comfortz.

Chris and Liz
Packed up and ready to roll tomorrow, it's going to be cold so it will be a good test.

Isn't it funny how the dogs know something is up? As soon as we started loading up today, they started to get very excited. They were sat in the van ready to go, but alas I was still working. One more sleep and we are all off. TBH not sure who is the most excited. :bananadance
Hi there all.
I'm really interested to get one of these for our newly acquired van. We went out for the first time this weekend just gone and there was a notable difference in temp 'up top' where the children slept. They seemed fine and said they weren't cold but neurotic mum that I am couldn't sleep incase they were cold! So! trying to weigh up pro's and con's between this and external cover type thing seems mainly about convenience of having in situ all the time and therefore not needing to faff around putting it on once you arrive somewhere and having the inconvenience of having it taking up space when travelling to and for. does that seem about right? Am I missing something else.
How does the cosi work with regards to condensation? We noticed some up the top on the Sunday morning, would it increase or decrease it (sorry if this seems like a really obvious answer).
We have a T6, how does this work with lights that are up there (which I think are a new addition to this model)?
Cheers, Becci
I think there is a case for both the toper and the internal cosy. The cosy is easily the least hassle of the two , since once it's in the roof you just leave it there. It definitely keeps the roof warmer and darker. We don't get any condensation. It only fits round the sides of the roof, so won't interfere with your roof lights. The topper is brill at keeping out heavy rain, but has to be put on each time - a five minute job but easier if you are tall or have a step. In the winter we use both even if it's not raining - we sleep upstairs in sleeping bags and merino PJs but without the heating on.
Hope this helps
We have the internal topper and it definitely improves the insulation up top keeping out the cold and drafts from the vents. We sleep downstairs with 2 kids in the roof. We keep the heating on all night as otherwise we feel the temp drops too low up top. In the van the temp is circa 19 'c in the roof it drops about 3 degrees lower. We stayed last weekend and there was a frost in the morning (the coldest night so far for us). We used an electric blow heater to boost the up top temp when we went to bed about 11pm and again about 4am when I woke. At that point it had dropped to 13 'c up top but 20 secs with the blow heater makes it toasty again as it is a relatively small space. The kids were unaware so like you Becci I am probably being over cautious... Our primary reason for getting it was to keep the kids dry rather than warm.
I've also learnt that making sure you turn the driver's seat helps. Had a couple of nights where the dogs were in a sauna downstairs whilst I was barely warm enough up top. Turn the driver's seat and the heat flows upstairs much better making it more comfortable for all.
Paul, that's a really helpful reply thanks. Think we're erring towards a liner initially and will then see about a external thing if we feel we need it.
Also Alison, thanks for the turning the seat tip, that makes a lot of sense - we kept the heater on overnight and woke up sweltering downstairs!
Highly recommended , we are just back from a weekend away where it sleeted on Sunday morning, and the van (with retrofit Webasto heater) was warm all night...this with the heater off after 10pm. The Cali Cosy has made all the difference to the usability of the pop up outside the summer season. No condensation issues whatsoever and as others report it does make the van seem much lighter, and once fitted it doesn't seem to impair the roof operation at all, not that I am allowed to play with that part anyway.
Great tip from Alison re drivers seat...normally thats left facing forward with us, but what you say makes good sense, we'll try it next time. Thanks, Ian
When sleeping 4 or 5 in the cali, do you open up a window for extra ventilation?
We have a lot of moisture on the inside of all windows in the morning, it can be annoying when you have to leave and can't see through the windows. We had this before the cali cosy as well, so just wondering if I read here 'no condensation issues whatsoever'.
When sleeping 4 or 5 in the cali, do you open up a window for extra ventilation?
We have a lot of moisture on the inside of all windows in the morning, it can be annoying when you have to leave and can't see through the windows. We had this before the cali cosy as well, so just wondering if I read here 'no condensation issues whatsoever'.
Unless it's warm weather (rare in the UK!) you will always get condensation on the single glazed windows in the California, and probably more so if you have a cosy as some of the moisture in the air would have condensed on the roof canvas. I always carry a couple of micro fibre cloths to dry off the glass, and start the engine a few minutes before we leave to get the air con working to clear the screen. I think the "no condensation" comment referred only to that which occurs on the canvas.
We are two plus two dogs. We find that with the pop up elevated, no condensation, with it down, lots, in pre heater days. No windows open with the pop up elevated. What we havn't done is no heater, roof open with Cali cozy combination yet, not been warm enough.
Hope that clarifies it a bit
Unless it's warm weather (rare in the UK!) you will always get condensation on the single glazed windows in the California, and probably more so if you have a cosy as some of the moisture in the air would have condensed on the roof canvas. I always carry a couple of micro fibre cloths to dry off the glass, and start the engine a few minutes before we leave to get the air con working to clear the screen. I think the "no condensation" comment referred only to that which occurs on the canvas.
I recently received an internal Comfortz Cozi topper from Nick. Although I've not had chance to try it out yet I thought I'd add a few comments about my initial impressions plus some photos. The cozi arrived in a nice waterproof bag so if you were to remove it you can easily keep all the bits together. It comes also with thorough instructions, however, I'd recommend watching the fitting video available on youtube. The link is here: .It's only a few minutes long and makes the job much quicker after having watched the video.

The installation probably took about an hour in total and once in place the interior of the van was immediately quieter and did seem instantly warmer too. The material has a quality feel to it and when lying on the bed the ambient light is much nicer and not so bright.

Most of the fitting time was taken placing lots of small pieces of velcro around all the corners to get a neat fit but taking a little time certainly paid off. Initially it looks as though the final look is going to be a little loose as the cozi is so big, but, once all in place and all velcro fitted it provides a neat and taught result.

I did need to use some of the small extra velcro fittings provided towards the rear sides of the roof to provide a little extra support and I ended up tying the elastic side supports directly to the plastic loops on the roof.

Once tested out for real, which should be fairly soon, I'll provide some more feedback. Initial impressions are though that it should be a really nice addition and one that once in place just stays there!

Eventually I am able to provide an update on the internal topper in use. We used it for the first time last week. I have to say that it is excellent. It cuts down on the light so you don't wake up as soon as the sun comes up! It keeps noise out and the heat in. In the morning the temperature was notably warmer upstairs which was great for our husky who likes it cool downstairs!

Overall it creates a much nicer environment than the standard tent material provided by VW does. An excellent addition to any Cali which once fitted remains in place all the time!
How's the fit? Any chance of some photos? Can't get mine to fit even though I've tried 3 times now! :headbang
If you scroll through past posts (about November last year) I put some shots on just after I'd fitted mine.

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