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The Forum's gone soft / becoming Facebook



Née T4WFA. Now without Cali :(
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A good moan. Well, it's a moan. You can judge if it's good!
Look away those who are easily offended. I accept I'm treading where others fear to go.

I use the 'Unread Posts' feature on the forum, so tend to read virtually everything that gets written, more or less as it gets written.
In the past, 8 out of 10 of my clicks resulted in something worth reading. But recently that percentage has fallen off a cliff.
So many of the posts recently have been short platitudes: "I'm so excited for you", "Welcome", "I'll sure you'll enjoy it", ":thumb" "3 more sleeps" "congratulations" "looks great" etc. Hopefully you get the idea.

It's clearly nice that new owners are excited, but I have to say I'm not that personally invested in everyone's new van that I want to see each and every reaction, and that it is all becoming a bit tedious. I'm not objecting to seeing photos of new vans, and hearing owners first impressions; it's all the hackneyed follow ups that I'm finding tedious.

Perhaps some facebook style emoticons would help? Until then, can I encourage members to just click 'like' to show they are not as cold hearted as me?
And let this miserable fu*ker regain his past levels of productivity.......
Oh, and anyone posting "short platitudes" as comments here can bugger off!
A good moan. Well, it's a moan. You can judge if it's good!
Look away those who are easily offended. I accept I'm treading where others fear to go.

I use the 'Unread Posts' feature on the forum, so tend to read virtually everything that gets written, more or less as it gets written.
In the past, 8 out of 10 of my clicks resulted in something worth reading. But recently that percentage has fallen off a cliff.
So many of the posts recently have been short platitudes: "I'm so excited for you", "Welcome", "I'll sure you'll enjoy it", ":thumb" "3 more sleeps" "congratulations" "looks great" etc. Hopefully you get the idea.

It's clearly nice that new owners are excited, but I have to say I'm not that personally invested in everyone's new van that I want to see each and every reaction, and that it is all becoming a bit tedious. I'm not objecting to seeing photos of new vans, and hearing owners first impressions; it's all the hackneyed follow ups that I'm finding tedious.

Perhaps some facebook style emoticons would help? Until then, can I encourage members to just click 'like' to show they are not as cold hearted as me?
And let this miserable fu*ker regain his past levels of productivity.......
Maybe start to use the recent post section then you can pick and choose what you read!
A good moan. Well, it's a moan. You can judge if it's good!
Look away those who are easily offended. I accept I'm treading where others fear to go.

I use the 'Unread Posts' feature on the forum, so tend to read virtually everything that gets written, more or less as it gets written.
In the past, 8 out of 10 of my clicks resulted in something worth reading. But recently that percentage has fallen off a cliff.
So many of the posts recently have been short platitudes: "I'm so excited for you", "Welcome", "I'll sure you'll enjoy it", ":thumb" "3 more sleeps" "congratulations" "looks great" etc. Hopefully you get the idea.

It's clearly nice that new owners are excited, but I have to say I'm not that personally invested in everyone's new van that I want to see each and every reaction, and that it is all becoming a bit tedious. I'm not objecting to seeing photos of new vans, and hearing owners first impressions; it's all the hackneyed follow ups that I'm finding tedious.

Perhaps some facebook style emoticons would help? Until then, can I encourage members to just click 'like' to show they are not as cold hearted as me?
And let this miserable fu*ker regain his past levels of productivity.......
Well You're not a miserable f***er as you put it, and was seen by many in Eskdale.
I agree with your point on recent posts but bare (bear!!) in mind there has been the intro of the T6 which has brought many of us novices in asking questions.
Things will hopefully settle down once the rush of new model is over and the good old clocks can tick away merrily until the arrival of the T7...
I think Peter that Allison has hit nail on head.

We have recently had an influx of people new to the Cali, with a new Cali to enthuse over, and sorry if this goes against the grain but every forum needs new people and every new person should be welcomed.

It will settle down as new people become experienced people and we get back to long posts about camping, touring, understanding the "how to", but for now it's a lot of new faces and imo new faces is what every forum needs.
snd for those trying to interpret the above garbled message, I was posting and cooking noodles at the same time :sad

Even multi-tasking has it's limits
Hold on, sorry, the penny just dropped. Clunk, It's Saturday night and most of the usual reality tv programs are finsihed until the autumn. Also it's a bank holiday weekend 'down there'.
So T4WFA is missing his fix and trying to provoke a Saturday night riot here to compensate. Hmm. On an English bank holiday weekend he could be barking up the wrong tree...
Good luck... Hope the massage oil helps :thumb
I also see many newcomers introducing saying they are in the wait of a 6-er....witch for them is very good news but we regulars and more experienced are indeed more intrested in trip reviews,....
But everyone has been a newcomer so i give them all the credit!

I got more problems with registred members who do not post (even when member for years ...) and reading here with no input whatever.
There's a topic on that by myself running and i feel since i started that a few came to public......witch i find a good thing.

As for other forums or facebook , for me it is a no go ....only one ...and thats this place!

I am trying to be the last on the planet not to be registred on facebook , instagram , twitter and all those things!
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Perhaps some facebook style emoticons would help? Until then, can I encourage members to just click 'like' to show they are not as cold hearted as me?
And let this miserable fu*ker regain his past levels of productivity.......
@hotel california in a similar vein to your question about people not posting, can I ask why some like yourself don't use the like, agree etc buttons? Unlike some this is not a loaded question intended to provoke I would just like to know!
@hotel california in a similar vein to your question about people not posting, can I ask why some like yourself don't use the like, agree etc buttons? Unlike some this is not a loaded question intended to provoke I would just like to know!

I rather reply with an answer instead just tapping a like i say liking disagree a bit to much facebookstyle .....
Seems some notice i rarely use those feature....:thumb
Nothing personal , but guess i am not in those things .....
I see many disagrees in posts by people who don't even contribute the actual topic...
why on earth...?
When i joined this forum three years ago....the like/ disagree feature was not there .....for me it can be turned back that way.
I got many likes and thanks in those three years witch i realy apriciate , but i could live without the feature.
Sometimes i get more satisfaction from one good reply on a post by me than 10x one like...
Liking is indeed a quick and easy way to respond on a mesage
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can I ask why some like yourself don't use the like, agree etc buttons?
I didn't know you could find that info, but have just found mine. (Just look on your profile page if you are similarly unaware).
I rather reply with an answer instead just tapping a like i say liking disagree a bit to much facebookstyle .....
Seems some notice i rarely use those feature....:thumb
Nothing personal , but guess i am not in those things .....
I see many disagrees in posts by people who don't even contribute the actual topic...
why on earth...?
When i joined this forum three years ago....the like/ disagree feature was not there .....for me it can be turned back that way.
I got many likes and thanks in those three years witch i realy apriciate , but i could live without the feature.
Fair enough! :thumb Completely agree about hitting the disagree button with no reply WTF. Think the other buttons speak for themselves but if you hit the disagree button at least back it up with a reply as it may help someone in a round about way!
I didn't know you could find that info, but have just found mine. (Just look on your profile page if you are similarly unaware).
View attachment 13617
Heavens, not sure how to analyse that lot... Where's Sigmund when you need him... :Nailbiting
I'm afreud he's left....

Sorry .... it's what happens when one has been cooking noodles for too long :sad
Lol, I would love to say you just beat me to it but in honesty it would have taken me a few hours to come up with that! Its definitely now in my repertoire along with:
Colleague "are we having a take away tonight?"
Me "yes can do, I hear that new Chinese is good"
Colleague "do they deliver?"
Me "no but they do chicken, beef, pork etc"
Makes me laugh anyway.
I confess to having a Facebook page.

I have also managed to accumulate 5 friends,

I feel like Wilhelmina no mates :sad
I don't normally go for this kind of thread, but surely it's a case of horses for courses 'innit? All of these types of forums have a similar type of 'rooms' setup (Intros, Show Us Yours, Deep Tech, Unfounded Speculation, Anything Goes area called 'Insert Name Of Founder's Saloon' etc) and a broadly similar set of user types & after a while you get to know who fits in which of your own subjective pigeonholes, or at least you think you know ... :

- here for the technical stuff only, anything else is a waste of electricity / time / bandwidth
- here for the craic, all about the social & community bit and saying hi / ooooh ahhh / good for you
- here as their other-half is glued to Downtown / Six Nations and "it's not a waste of time, it's research"
- here to help along the noobs, putting something back in in return (and maybe show off a little bit?)
- don't mention the T-word, looking for passive-aggressive "who, moi?" fisticuffs (see also #3 and #4)

I'll put my hand-up to several of the above & most people are a mix of more positive attributes (!) but G-Jen is right that all forums need a regular supply of new blood, otherwise there's just a small regular hardcore and a revolving door of one-timers asking all the same questions & then disappearing (often when a bored regular sees 'em off just for the fun of it). You've got to get new people on-boarded so they feel they'll get their £13 worth & before you know it you've got a virtual / real-life community going.

In your scenario I'd say be more selective & let the bits you're not interested in pass you by - as a friend at work says when we have a minor issue, "it's not war is it?".