Help! Radio Sat Nav screen not working!!


Mark Langdown

T5 SE 180 4Motion
Being the nice Dad that I am I loaned my 2015 T5 California to my son for this recent Bank Holiday weekend.

I went through all of the basics but left one small element of detail out (should have known better with a 25 year old) "don't use the radio for too long a period of time as you will run the battery down".

And guess what? Flat battery. He did the right thing to ring me first and I advised him to read the manual first to get the right procedure for jump starting a Cali. A Fellow VW owner helped jump start the vehicle but since that, the Sat Nav and Radio Screen will not work.

There is not fuse location diagram with this vehicle and upon inspection we cant find a blown fuse.

Any ideas anybody?

Thanks in advance.
perhaps hold the "on" button for several seconds as i have to do with my tomtom sometimes.
Brainwave: or enter a code?

Thank you. The problem that I have is that the screen will not come on at all - its black. I have tried the reset but nothing works. It may be the head unit fuse. Can anyone tell me which one it is?
There is a Fuse Layout in the VIP section.
Check the fuses in the dash near the gearstick....
Head unit all sorted. VW had to remove the unit from the dash and connect it to their computer. Upgraded the software and rebooted. All working ok.:)
Head unit all sorted. VW had to remove the unit from the dash and connect it to their computer. Upgraded the software and rebooted. All working ok.:)
You deserve lots of cool parent brownie points for letting your 25yo loose with your pride and joy. Not sure I would be able do the same and still sleep at night when they were away.
You deserve lots of cool parent brownie points for letting your 25yo loose with your pride and joy. Not sure I would be able do the same and still sleep at night when they were away.

Hi Johnny

I have to admit that the purchase is as a rental unit from our camp site so as difficult as it is I have to get used to the idea of other people driving it. Better off starting with family rather than a complete stranger

The good news is that VW reset it under warranty.

VW California Club
