Freshwater tank icon not showing on electrics screen



T4 Hightop
Not sure if I'm being a complete idiot, but the freshwater tank doesn't seem to be displayed on the central electrics control screen. I'm not plugged in to the electrics. Does that make s difference? I'm sure it used to be there, even if empty? I've just filled it to capacity, and still nothing? Any ideas? It's s t4 Cali exclusive 2001.
Are you seeing an 'empty' tank icon or no icon at all? If there's no icon at all then it sounds like the display is faulty. If you have the 'empty' tank icon then the sender is likely to be faulty.
Are you seeing an 'empty' tank icon or no icon at all? If there's no icon at all then it sounds like the display is faulty. If you have the 'empty' tank icon then the sender is likely to be faulty.[/

No, theres no icon or anything. Is it easy to replace the display? Or not??
One more thing that may be worth checking would be the fuses for the camper side of things. I've had it happen where removing the water pump fuse causes strange things to happen on the central electronics display until the ignition is turned back on or some other jiggery pokery.

I don't know if the displays are easy to get refurbed. I've only ever seen secondhand units on eBay for quite high priced.
Didn't we have a similar thread a short while back?

As Monsieur Fromageboro says, pull the fuse , number one at the top I think drives the main control panel.

It's more likely to be a sender gone down.
Ok, I'll give this a try and let u know!

VW California Club
