This fell off the other day!



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T6 Beach 150
image.jpeg This fell off the other day. Well actually Mrs B helped it but that's another story.:headbang

As I am sure that we are not the first Cali owners to have had this happen can anyone answer the following queries?
Is this trim item normally just glued on? The rear of this item looks like this:
As nothing appears to have broken off I am wondering how it stayed on there for so long.

Also the lower B post trim panel now looks like this:
Should the thin grey plastic section to the right of the hole (next to the rubber door seal) extend right the way up to the same height as the rest of this trim panel or has that been snapped off as well. I have examined the top edge of this upright section and cannot be certain if it had an extra peice or not.

If the trim piece was just glued on and the B post lower trim has always been this shape then I will stick it back on. If on the other hand it and the B post trim are in some way broken then I will attempt to get it replaced under warrantee.

Sorry this is trivial but these little things wind me up no end.
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Not glued but mabye melted there seems to be two spots where the plasic is a bit deformed?
View attachment 19186 Well actually Mrs B helped it but that's another story.:headbang

As I am sure that we are not the first Cali owners to have had this happen can anyone answer the following queries?
Is this trim item normally just glued on? The rear of this item looks like this:
View attachment 19187
As nothing appears to have broken off I am wondering how it stayed on there for so long.

Also the lower B post trim panel now looks like this:
View attachment 19188
Should the thin grey plastic section to the right of the hole (next to the rubber door seal) extend right the way up to the same height as the rest of this trim panel or has that been snapped off as well. I have examined the top edge of this upright section and cannot be certain if it had an extra peice or not.

If the trim piece was just glued on and the B post lower trim has always been this shape then I will stick it back on. If on the other hand it and the B post trim are in some way broken then I will attempt to get it replaced under warrantee.

Sorry this is trivial but these little things wind me up no end.
According to the details on the drawing on this link, Part 15 is the lower B pillar trim and you appear to have a part missing.
Not glued but mabye melted there seems to be two spots where the plasic is a bit deformed?
That's possible although I thought that those spots were where the injection moulding sprew was cut off.
The exact same bit fell off our T6. I just glued it back on as like you I could not see how it attached before. I am sure I have seen some other posts with same issue.
That particular part in question doesn't line up with my blind when I close it on my van,so I only drop it down as far as it wants to go
I can prize it over to the right and it will accommodate the blind for a short period until it moves back out of line again!
.....another petty anoyance to fix :(

According to the details on the drawing on this link, Part 15 is the lower B pillar trim and you appear to have a part missing.
Thaks WG,
I can see item 10 (the chunk that fell off) and item 15 (B post trim) but I cannot see anything else that might be missing. Unless you mean item 16 but that's only the auxilliary heater vent.
I have just had a quick look at our Beach and with out getting Mrs B to destroy that one as well I am none the wiser as you cannot see anything with the trim piece in place.
Perhaps HC is correct and its heat sealed in place. Anyway its a lousy fit as it always stops the blinds going down fully, without jiggling, on every Cali that I've every looked at.
IMG_1402.JPG I got my Ocean new 3 days ago and I am having the same issue. The bit where the blind drops into is not properly aligned. I can push the bottom trim of the pillar towards the door and it all lines up nicely but if it is knocked it goes back out of line. It seems so minor but reallly infuriating as I was expecting much better quality than this. There doesn't seem to be anything holding the bottom trim tightly in place. Does anyone know how the trim is fitted to the pillar? I think the problem is with the bottom pillar trim and not the recess for holding the blind because when the bottom trim is pushed in close it all works fine, it just won't stay in that position.
I had this problem on a hire vehicle. I have it the short sharp shock treatment, it stayed in place until it went back. Not sure I try that on my own not yet anyway.

It's OK on my vehicle. I have loose silver trim above the fridge. Noticed it on pickup and it's pinged out again.

But guys, what do you expect ... in the end we paid only pennies for these irons .... hahaha
View attachment 19186 Well actually Mrs B helped it but that's another story.:headbang

As I am sure that we are not the first Cali owners to have had this happen can anyone answer the following queries?
Is this trim item normally just glued on? The rear of this item looks like this:
View attachment 19187
As nothing appears to have broken off I am wondering how it stayed on there for so long.

Also the lower B post trim panel now looks like this:
View attachment 19188
Should the thin grey plastic section to the right of the hole (next to the rubber door seal) extend right the way up to the same height as the rest of this trim panel or has that been snapped off as well. I have examined the top edge of this upright section and cannot be certain if it had an extra peice or not.

If the trim piece was just glued on and the B post lower trim has always been this shape then I will stick it back on. If on the other hand it and the B post trim are in some way broken then I will attempt to get it replaced under warrantee.

Sorry this is trivial but these little things wind me up no end.
I had exactly the same. Got the dealer to fix it as there were a couple of other snagging issues, but still not perfect.
We have had this problem on both by T5 Cali and now my T6, it has been in twice to be fixed still does not work properly and us resells annoying, sadly I think I need to learn to live with it.
Are there any diagrams anywhere showing how the trim is attached? Might be able to come up with a more permanent way of keeping it in place if I knew what behind all the plastic.
Ours does not work either, we have to whack it before we pull blind down. VW tried to fix it but it is now exactly the same again.
I think that the little piece of trim that I mentioned had been knocked off is usually stuck onto the lower B post trim by VW using a couple of dobs of some form of glue, probably super glue. You can see faint traces of where the glue was from the pictures in my original post. They show as little white spots on the lower B post trim and on the underside of the trim piece that fell off. This part of the trim fixing seems a bit of a lash up to me.

Every Cali that I have ever seen has exactly the same issue. The blind covering the sliding door will not go fully down without a bit of jiggling of this trim.
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IMG_0390.JPG I'm sure someone mentioned this a while back but if you pull off the panel, you need to pull off the one above it first, you will find the panel is held with a number of threaded pins. The top pin has a black rubber washer over the pin, if you remove the washer when the panel goes back it sits flush.

This thread motivated me and I've just been out and removed the washer and it all seems ok. Have to see if it squeaks or rattles or pops back out again over time but for the moment it seems ok.
Closer examination of the drawing leads me to think that nothing has broken off the Lower B Trim and the Blind Lower Moulding clips in under the Door Seal. You could use glue but I would prefer Double Sided Tape.:thumb
Hot glue? Can be peeled off if needed.
View attachment 19551 I'm sure someone mentioned this a while back but if you pull off the panel, you need to pull off the one above it first, you will find the panel is held with a number of threaded pins. The top pin has a black rubber washer over the pin, if you remove the washer when the panel goes back it sits flush.

This thread motivated me and I've just been out and removed the washer and it all seems ok. Have to see if it squeaks or rattles or pops back out again over time but for the moment it seems ok.
Do you have any photos of what it looks like behind the trim? I'm wary about pulling something off a van that is only 4 days old without knowing how it is all fitted together as I dont want to damage anything that I cant see. Thanks
I had this problem on a hire vehicle. I have it the short sharp shock treatment, it stayed in place until it went back. Not sure I try that on my own not yet anyway.

It's OK on my vehicle. I have loose silver trim above the fridge. Noticed it on pickup and it's pinged out again.

I also noticed some of the silver trim coming away from the top of the cupboard above the fridge. The trim curves round and just at the end where it is close to the window it has come away by about a millimetre or so. I pushed it back and it stayed for a few seconds then came out again. Disappointed that this has also happened after only a few days since new! Not too major so will stick back with double sided tape I think. Was this the same area you noticed?
I also noticed some of the silver trim coming away from the top of the cupboard above the fridge. The trim curves round and just at the end where it is close to the window it has come away by about a millimetre or so. I pushed it back and it stayed for a few seconds then came out again. Disappointed that this has also happened after only a few days since new! Not too major so will stick back with double sided tape I think. Was this the same area you noticed?

Yep, me too! You will get used to all these bits breaking and falling off, next to go will be your wardrobe door, then your blinds will start creeping up in the middle of the night.

It's all the fun of being a Cali owner
Do you have any photos of what it looks like behind the trim? I'm wary about pulling something off a van that is only 4 days old without knowing how it is all fitted together as I dont want to damage anything that I cant see. Thanks
Sorry, I didn't take any photos at the time and I'm reluctant to pull the trim off again because the type of clip used will lose its grip if it's used too much.

It is a very easy job, took me all of two minutes. I didn't know how it went together so I got my fingers under the offending panel where the seal runs down the door. This had the effect of releasing the upper trim which I pulled away slightly before pulling the lower trim forward just enough to get at the rubber washer. Once that was removed from the top pin I just had to get each of the three pins, starting with the lower one first, into their respective holes. It's easy to do as you can see where they have to go. The top trim is a little more difficult as it has two quite large tabs which need to fit under the corresponding clips on the frame. The plastic is quite flexible though so it was just a case of pulling the top tab over the clip and the second one followed suit. Final job was to get both trims to fit into rubber seal and push both trims firmly back into place.

I must admit I was too reluctant to do this but it did turn out a very straightforward quick job. Perhaps the dealer would do it for you if you show them this thread?
I also noticed some of the silver trim coming away from the top of the cupboard above the fridge. The trim curves round and just at the end where it is close to the window it has come away by about a millimetre or so. I pushed it back and it stayed for a few seconds then came out again. Disappointed that this has also happened after only a few days since new! Not too major so will stick back with double sided tape I think. Was this the same area you noticed?

Yes the same on mine and the one I hired. I noticed there is a hole in the top of the plastic and wondered if a screw is missing,
Sorry, I didn't take any photos at the time and I'm reluctant to pull the trim off again because the type of clip used will lose its grip if it's used too much.

It is a very easy job, took me all of two minutes. I didn't know how it went together so I got my fingers under the offending panel where the seal runs down the door. This had the effect of releasing the upper trim which I pulled away slightly before pulling the lower trim forward just enough to get at the rubber washer. Once that was removed from the top pin I just had to get each of the three pins, starting with the lower one first, into their respective holes. It's easy to do as you can see where they have to go. The top trim is a little more difficult as it has two quite large tabs which need to fit under the corresponding clips on the frame. The plastic is quite flexible though so it was just a case of pulling the top tab over the clip and the second one followed suit. Final job was to get both trims to fit into rubber seal and push both trims firmly back into place.

I must admit I was too reluctant to do this but it did turn out a very straightforward quick job. Perhaps the dealer would do it for you if you show them this thread?
Yes, that sounds like an idea. I just wonder what the rubber washer was there for though?
Yes the same on mine and the one I hired. I noticed there is a hole in the top of the plastic and wondered if a screw is missing,
I noticed an indentation but didnt have time to check fully. There could well be a pin or something to hold it in place. I will look before I stick back on.

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