Not even received and repair required!


Rich Purdy

VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
After many years of consideration, we finally decided to buy what we have visualised to be a great family addition (new T6 Beach), our boys are now 5 and 2 and we believe a perfect age to start our enjoyment before teenage years hit! However, we have not even taken receipt and were informed today during dealer receipt checks that the Bellows require replacement - it appears to have been torn on one of the roof securing clips. This is a vehicle that we identified through showroom viewing, and avoided a lengthy waiting list for the exact desired specification, and it was very close. It is worth pointing out the VW branch have been very open and honest, and very considerate to our 'right to veto' should we not wish to proceed. We do not necessarily want to dismiss this Cali, however, I am concerned about a repair even before registration, and what the long term effect may be of having the Bellows replaced outside factory fit and any subsequent consequences (inevitable that this would fall outside of any warranty period.

Having only joined the VWCC last weekend, this is not my ideal first post, but I would be grateful of views / comments. Ultimately, we don't want to commit to something that has been visualised to be a great family experience, if we have to live with consequences down the road (no pun intended) which may be avoided by looking at another Cali (although we're massively disappointed to not be picking up on Saturday and using it straight away). We could be minded to keep searching / waiting / order our own spec for 2018 - but massively frustrated having taken some years to consider right timing etc. Advice / experience of this type of repair is most welcome to help our decision making. Thank you in advance.
Hi and welcome.

A bellows repair is not all bad, you just need to make sure it is being done by one of the California specialist dealers or else you may end up with a hash job.
Hi and Welcome!
Personally I would say that a replacement bellows fitted by VW should not cause you any future problems. I'd be more concerned as to why it caught and if the roof got damaged in any way. Can you go along and look at the damage yourself paying attention to the roof for any creases etc that shouldn't be there.
After many years of consideration, we finally decided to buy what we have visualised to be a great family addition (new T6 Beach), our boys are now 5 and 2 and we believe a perfect age to start our enjoyment before teenage years hit! However, we have not even taken receipt and were informed today during dealer receipt checks that the Bellows require replacement - it appears to have been torn on one of the roof securing clips. This is a vehicle that we identified through showroom viewing, and avoided a lengthy waiting list for the exact desired specification, and it was very close. It is worth pointing out the VW branch have been very open and honest, and very considerate to our 'right to veto' should we not wish to proceed. We do not necessarily want to dismiss this Cali, however, I am concerned about a repair even before registration, and what the long term effect may be of having the Bellows replaced outside factory fit and any subsequent consequences (inevitable that this would fall outside of any warranty period.

Having only joined the VWCC last weekend, this is not my ideal first post, but I would be grateful of views / comments. Ultimately, we don't want to commit to something that has been visualised to be a great family experience, if we have to live with consequences down the road (no pun intended) which may be avoided by looking at another Cali (although we're massively disappointed to not be picking up on Saturday and using it straight away). We could be minded to keep searching / waiting / order our own spec for 2018 - but massively frustrated having taken some years to consider right timing etc. Advice / experience of this type of repair is most welcome to help our decision making. Thank you in advance.
I don't really see a problem. Basically their equivalent of the PDI check showed a problem. The bellows will be replaced and have a warranty as long as the rest of the vehicle. They seem to be very thorough. These things happen. Lots, and I do mean lots of vehicles have repairs, bodywork dings or paint scuffs etc fixed,done during delivery, before handing over to the purchaser who is never informed. At least they told you. Could have just replaced it without informing.
Hi and welcome.

A bellows repair is not all bad, you just need to make sure it is being done by one of the California specialist dealers or else you may end up with a hash job.

Thank you, I am making an assumption that the VW dealer will conduct in house or as you say contract to a specialist - this is definitely worth clarifying. TY.
Hi and Welcome!
Personally I would say that a replacement bellows fitted by VW should not cause you any future problems. I'd be more concerned as to why it caught and if the roof got damaged in any way. Can you go along and look at the damage yourself paying attention to the roof for any creases etc that shouldn't be there.

I'm awaiting some photos, as currently can't get to the dealership, am told that it appears to have been caught under one of the clips and most likely down to inexperience of being operated. It will never be positively determined whether this occurred at factory or within showroom (that's my guess - maybe being demonstrated?). If the canvas is not folded in correctly, can this cause the creases you identify? Again, thank you, for piece of mind I will definitely seek clarification & check.
I'm awaiting some photos, as currently can't get to the dealership, am told that it appears to have been caught under one of the clips and most likely down to inexperience of being operated. It will never be positively determined whether this occurred at factory or within showroom (that's my guess - maybe being demonstrated?). If the canvas is not folded in correctly, can this cause the creases you identify? Again, thank you, for piece of mind I will definitely seek clarification & check.

Who is the dealer @Rich Purdy ?
I don't really see a problem. Basically their equivalent of the PDI check showed a problem. The bellows will be replaced and have a warranty as long as the rest of the vehicle. They seem to be very thorough. These things happen. Lots, and I do mean lots of vehicles have repairs, bodywork dings or paint scuffs etc fixed,done during delivery, before handing over to the purchaser who is never informed. At least they told you. Could have just replaced it without informing.

That's right it was on their equivalent to PDI and being covered by VW warranty, not dealership. Perhaps I'm being too sensitive to it, yes - you are quite right and I'm very happy that the dealer has been honest and open - and fair throughout. I guess I didn't know enough about potential down the line effects, but if approved repairer and warranty still extant, best mitigation available. Thank you.
The Beach clips and buckles system is not the best design in the world and takes a bit of patience, technique and practise to use. It really could do with refining but like many Cali aspects this does not seem a VW priority. How bad is the damage? If very minor I'd rather take the money (there should be a fair bit on offer) and run rather than have a non factory installation. Check the Cali manufacturing video to see what goes into fitting a roof.

This video below is getting old but shows perfectly the technique and how to roll the fabric behind the webbing (you'll feel a seam/tab on the back of the webbing just below the clip and the rolled fabric needs to sit below this). It also shows perfectly how to first just pull the roof down gently under its own weight and it will sit up a bit, gather the material in then check outside for trapped material. Then back inside to pull the roof down, roll fabric each side behind and under the clip, then actually clip each side, then the buckles, then push the shutter home gently with both hands while lifting the buckle each side unless they will get caught, etc, etc! Finally sit down with a sweaty head, slightly stressed and puffed out. Do it each morning for a month non stop and it gets easier. :)

FFS VW, just refine it a bit. ;)

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sing happens........probably at the showroom - inexperience.
I am sure VW will replace and all will be well. As an insurance you may want to consider buying a "bungy" from the forum shop, . My dealer, Clive at Birmingham Van Center, gave me some excellent advice. "If you have to force something it's probably wrong - just be gentle and all will be fine." Great advice!
Dealer is VW Poole, I have found them very straight, open and honest.

I think that they have a good reputation and any replacement bellows done there should be to a high standard. Disapponting I know but as long as the warranty is not affected which I'm sure it won't be then it will be fine.
The Beach clips and buckles system is not the best design in the world and takes a bit of patience, technique and practise to use. It really could do with refining but like many Cali aspects this does not seem a VW priority. How bad is the damage? If very minor I'd rather take the money (there should be a fair bit on offer) and run rather than have a non factory installation. Check the Cali manufacturing video to see what goes into fitting a roof.

I haven't yet seen the damage, verbally told it is a tear where one clip has been applied, awaiting photos. I believe it's too bad to accept. I'm concerned re: the non factory installation, although I recognise that this is also a repair that specialists conduct with fair frequency, and noting the other replies to the post. I'm going to check out the video now - TY.
poo happens........probably at the showroom - inexperience.
I am sure VW will replace and all will be well. As an insurance you may want to consider buying a "bungy" from the forum shop, . My dealer, Clive at Birmingham Van Center, gave me some excellent advice. "If you have to force something it's probably wrong - just be gentle and all will be fine." Great advice!

I definitely think that is sage advice and applicable to either Beach / Ocean. Although, I've also received conflicting advice re: the bungee's, because it is my believe that this is predominately to help with Ocean electrically operated, vice Beach manual, and the practice with the Beach seems to be more of an art of canvas packing - I'm unclear how the bungee would help this?? Thank you.
I haven't yet seen the damage, verbally told it is a tear where one clip has been applied, awaiting photos. I believe it's too bad to accept. I'm concerned re: the non factory installation, although I recognise that this is also a repair that specialists conduct with fair frequency, and noting the other replies to the post. I'm going to check out the video now - TY.

Rich, just edited my post if you check back up there ^^^ to give some Beach roof advice and a useful how to video (ever wondered what happened to Lofty after Eastenders?). The Beach roof is totally different to SE/Ocean in operation.
Couple of thoughts:
Just double check the problem isn't at the scissor (low) end. If it is, you'll need to check for buckling of the roof panel.
You might add a tear or two in your period of ownership, so I'd see if a 'credit note' arrangement couldn't be arranged....take it as it is, knowing you can return for the fix within 3 years.
Oceans are now with coloured bellows. I'm not sure if they are available for the Beach? If they were, you might take the opportunity to brighten up the van with matching bellows and get the dealer to cover the extra cost for your inconvenience.
Rich, just edited my post if you check back up there ^^^ to give some Beach roof advice and a useful how to video (ever wondered what happened to Lofty after Eastenders?). The Beach roof is totally different to SE/Ocean in operation.

Thank you Max, really useful video, with some practice I can see how this could become a slick operation - and how inexperience could cause concern. Hence the bungee for the Beach is not useful in the same way for SE/Ocean. Being strict to check clearances and fabric tucked in seems to be key. Thank you.
When I bought my Cali, an SE a similar problem happened with the bellows resulting in a small tear to the canvass. Basically an inexperienced sales person didn't have a door/window opened when lowering the roof . I went along just to make sure that the only issue was the very small tear which was the case and rectified by the dealer. If they send you pics/video and replace the bellows then I personally I wouldn't worry and enjoy your Beach.
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Thank you Max, really useful video, with some practice I can see how this could become a slick operation - and how inexperience could cause concern. Hence the bungee for the Beach is not useful in the same way for SE/Ocean. Being strict to check clearances and fabric tucked in seems to be key. Thank you.

Well........I wouldn't ever call it slick, maybe just slightly less frustrating! :D

TBH I delegated it to my son who took great pride in perfecting the technique.
Couple of thoughts:
Just double check the problem isn't at the scissor (low) end. If it is, you'll need to check for buckling of the roof panel.
You might add a tear or two in your period of ownership, so I'd see if a 'credit note' arrangement couldn't be arranged....take it as it is, knowing you can return for the fix within 3 years.
Oceans are now with coloured bellows. I'm not sure if they are available for the Beach? If they were, you might take the opportunity to brighten up the van with matching bellows and get the dealer to cover the extra cost for your inconvenience.

Thank you, led to believe its clip end, although will definitely check any impact to room. You're right re: coloured bellows, and yes now available for Beach - ours is blue. Unlikely to be able to sell the 'credit note' principle to the Mrs, as she'll instantly think our boys are exposed to all the elements! Seeing the size of damage, hopefully via photo tomorrow is key. Thank you.
When I bought my Cali, an SE a similar problem happened with the bellows resulting in a small tear to the canvass. Basically an inexperienced sales person didn't have a door/window opened when lowering the roof . In my case I went along just to make sure that the only issue was the very small tear which was the case and rectified by the dealer. If they send you pics/video and replace the bellows then I personally I wouldn't worry and enjoy your Beach.

Hopefully get some photos tomorrow, and I'm minded to visit at the weekend. Really appreciate all the rapid advice!
My dealer told be that a bungee would be no help with a Beach.
I was told the same, though I think we have the same dealer!

He said that the bungee would cause permanent creases in the bellows if the roof is kept closed for a long time, eg over winter

Not sure if it's true but I haven't fitted my bungee yet

I was surprised how much effort is required to attach the clips and how much material has to be stuffed behind them. I can see how a tear of this nature can easily happen.

This is one reason why I've held back on buying am internal topper as it can only add to the problem (IMO)

To the OP,. I would accept the repair and move on. If the tear is small presumably you could still use the vehicle I'm the meantime?

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I would expect a small tear due to error by someone at the dealers if they changed it and not told you would be none the wiser. Trust is the best thing with finding a dealer for your van. Breeze in Southampton has my trust and although there sales for the Cali is Poole branch. When you pick up your van you will be far more aware of how easy it is to catch the bellows and because of this be more careful when lowering the roof.
Collect and Enjoy asap :thumb

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