People walking across our pitch



Guest User
I may be alone in this but we are on a campsite at the moment in Norfolk and for some reason other Campers seem to think it is OK to use our pitch as a cut through to the toilet block! Not only is it annoying for us but it sets our dog off barking aswell. I always thought there was an etiquette to this type of thing?

Moan over !
We had people playing hide and seek around our van and camp recently I felt the same.

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We've had this problem a few times. We have used a windbreak as a fence.
Agree. The layout of some sites though actively encourage you to go across other pitches. At Brean Sands there was a shortcut from our main field to the toilet block across a little bridge. The way you could find the way back was by locating the fairy lights on the back of one of the caravans storage covers!
My dogs would go nuts too...
Agree. The layout of some sites though actively encourage you to go across other pitches. At Brean Sands there was a shortcut from our main field to the toilet block across a little bridge. The way you could find the way back was by locating the fairy lights on the back of one of the caravans storage covers!
My dogs would go nuts too...
I used those fairy lights as my guide too !
And felt uncomfortable walking through those pitches
Dig a deep pit accross the short cut. Put a few assorted hissy and very cross deadly snakes down there and then cover it with sticks and leaves.

It works every time on the films. :thumb

Don't forget where youv'e dug the pit!
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We had similar recently.
Our "pitch" was in the "rally" field which meant there were no actual pitches.

We did the right thing and pitched well away from anyone else.

Turns out the "rally" field also functions as the feral chav kid free for all.
Parents happy in their "permapitch" at the opposite end of the site, noisy irritating aggressive offspring with attitude literally running past the van door.
Needless to say, when challenged just responded with verbal abuse. Nice.

Now if I'd taken my dog off it's lead doubtless the site owners would've read me the riot act.

......7.....8......9.......10. Annnnnnd breath....
We have had the same problem on more than one campsite, normally it is just kids whose parents let them do what they want, however we have had grown adults do it as well and think it is OK to walk through our pitch less than a foot away from our door. It is just pure laziness at the end of the day, they possibly shave off 2-3 seconds of their journey to the loo. Also the problem is once one person does, others think it is OK and you end up with a steady stream passing your van for the whole day. I would never dream of walking on someones pitch myself and if our kids did it I would make them go back and apologise.
We now carry a small windbreak in case of this so we can mark our territory.
I think that is in part due to the British site custom of not having hedging defining the pitch.
In European sites there is usually some form of hedge around the pitches (although admittedly often somewhat damaged) and this does seem to stop the wanderers.

I have noticed this more and more in recent years, in fact it becomes more annoying the older I get!
Previously we have had caravans for many years and most recently a motorhome, but have now taken delivery of a California. I hope that it isn't the fact that the size of it leaves extra space for becoming even more annoyed at the trespassers!
I hope that it isn't the fact that the size of it leaves extra space for becoming even more annoyed at the trespassers!
Yep, in some peoples minds small Cali outfit means you're not using all the space so they will. :rage
If the camp site is not full, why not just move pitch to something more suitable?

That's the beauty of having a Cali isn't it. Don't like the neighbours, move on.

Try that with an outwell family tent and all the associated paraphenalia :).
I've posted about this subject in the past, I've fallen out with people on sites before now about this, it's pure laziness and ignorance.
We've got a nice big windbreak now and will use it strategically when needed!

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I used to have that problem all the time until I had a couple of signs made up which I just place prominently at each end of the pitch. :shocked

We used to have a trailer tent which we loved and toured with for 15 years. However, once pitched you were stuck with that pitch unless you wanted to spend another 2 hours moving it.

Nobody really wants the hassle of moving pitch or site but with the Cali you have the re-assurance that it can be done in a relatively quick time, and that gives comfort of mind even if you opt not to do so.

A mate of mine was telling me about a site he stayed on in Derbyshire a couple of weekends ago, people turning up at all hours, overcrowding, everyone (and I mean everyone) smoking eCigs, and music provided by competing in car stereos. You can't change human nature when the sun comes out in the UK, but you can always move on if you have a Cali :).

I think that is in part due to the British site custom of not having hedging defining the pitch.
In European sites there is usually some form of hedge around the pitches (although admittedly often somewhat damaged) and this does seem to stop the wanderers.

We had it in Belgium sometimes even with hedges ... children take any shortcut they can.
I may be alone in this but we are on a campsite at the moment in Norfolk and for some reason other Campers seem to think it is OK to use our pitch as a cut through to the toilet block! Not only is it annoying for us but it sets our dog off barking aswell. I always thought there was an etiquette to this type of thing?

Moan over !
Stay at bloody home
Happend to us a couple of weeks back.

We left a day early.

Site manager called us while going home. We explained why we left but we had accepted the last pitch available however we didn't know it was next to the pool!

He emailed us with an invite to go back for free for the full term of our stay.

Pretty good service i think.
Keep away from campsites especially the seriously over priced British ones, that's 95% of them!

Cross the channel, use the Aires and roam the remote places. Far less chance of conflict then.
quite right @rod_vw we have booked 2 x muncipal campsites for our return to UK + €17.60 per night for 2 persons, inc electric and they have swimming pools
Happend to us a couple of weeks back.

We left a day early.

Site manager called us while going home. We explained why we left but we had accepted the last pitch available however we didn't know it was next to the pool!

He emailed us with an invite to go back for free for the full term of our stay.

Pretty good service i think.
Unfortunately it's just seems to be that society as a whole is becoming more ignorant
Unfortunately it's just seems to be that society as a whole is becoming more ignorant

I think it is a British thing, we are currently touring around France and Italy and have had no problems with chavvy neighbours at all. When in the U.K. I have lost count of the amount of times I have moved pitch due to the neighbours from hell arriving!
I think it is a British thing, we are currently touring around France and Italy and have had no problems with chavvy neighbours at all. When in the U.K. I have lost count of the amount of times I have moved pitch due to the neighbours from hell arriving!
probably right we're in

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