Hello fellow Cali lovers! I don't often post on here. In fact this is only my second time, so apologies in advance if I get it slightly wrong at points. I do however love reading the threads and have been helped out on numerous occasions by the generosity of members sharing their knowledge and experience. So thank you!!!
So, Fridge lid gas strut I hear you say, get to the point! The fridge on my Cali stopped working luckily it was still under warranty and was replaced, thank you VW! However after about two weeks I noticed that the Fridge Gas Strut had worked its self loose and freed its self from one of its fixing points. Simple I thought I'll just screw it back on. Ur no not that simple at all. But also not that difficult. The lid its self would have to come off.
Any how to actually get to the point in question. It's a job I had to do so thought I'd take a few pics along the way and share in the hope that someone might find it useful one day.
So firstly the tools I used/needed
Number 2.5 and 2 Allen key
Small spanner for leverage.
Small screwdriver
I X pint of cyder (optional) those cleaver ones amongst you will notice that this is actually pint number two.
Firstly I removed the nut holding the strut to the wardrobe. No 2 Allen key
Offending article

Secondly I unscrewed the two hinges holding the lid on. I put a bit of tape under the hinge to catch any wayward screws. No2.5 Allen key
Once the lid was off the gas strut could be placed/screwed back in place.
Once this was done its then just a matter of reassembling in reverse order. Taking care when marrying the screws/nuts up to their holes as your screwing steel into aluminium.
Hope thats been of use to someone. Cheers
P.s. Can anyone recommend a trusted non main dealer for servicing in Yorkshire? Thanks in advance.
So, Fridge lid gas strut I hear you say, get to the point! The fridge on my Cali stopped working luckily it was still under warranty and was replaced, thank you VW! However after about two weeks I noticed that the Fridge Gas Strut had worked its self loose and freed its self from one of its fixing points. Simple I thought I'll just screw it back on. Ur no not that simple at all. But also not that difficult. The lid its self would have to come off.
Any how to actually get to the point in question. It's a job I had to do so thought I'd take a few pics along the way and share in the hope that someone might find it useful one day.
So firstly the tools I used/needed

Number 2.5 and 2 Allen key
Small spanner for leverage.
Small screwdriver
I X pint of cyder (optional) those cleaver ones amongst you will notice that this is actually pint number two.
Firstly I removed the nut holding the strut to the wardrobe. No 2 Allen key

Offending article

Secondly I unscrewed the two hinges holding the lid on. I put a bit of tape under the hinge to catch any wayward screws. No2.5 Allen key

Once the lid was off the gas strut could be placed/screwed back in place.

Once this was done its then just a matter of reassembling in reverse order. Taking care when marrying the screws/nuts up to their holes as your screwing steel into aluminium.
Hope thats been of use to someone. Cheers
P.s. Can anyone recommend a trusted non main dealer for servicing in Yorkshire? Thanks in advance.