Fridge lid gas strut support problem



VIP Member
Sydenham, London
T5 SE 174 4Motion
On our Cali it appeared that this support arm was too strong/ stiff. In closing the fridge lid it moved slightly sideways eventually pushing off the sirclips (split retaining washers) I eventually bought a set of new struts with fixings and clips only to find that the new strut was as stiff as my old one. The movement is worse where it fits at the plastic side of the fridge lid. The triangular bracket wobbles even after tightening up as much as I dare do. Does anyone know what the small bolts screw into on the other side of the plastic lid or are they just self tappers into the plastic. I'm reluctant to undo this bracket in case some retaining nuts fall off inside the fridge lid. Has anybody ventured behind the plastic and below the glass lid and seen this bracket fixing ?
We had this problem, it was fixed under warranty as the base of the strut was in the wrong position, they had to reposition it and plugged the old hole. Not ideal but works fine now
We had this problem, it was fixed under warranty as the base of the strut was in the wrong position, they had to reposition it and plugged the old hole. Not ideal but works fine now
That's interesting SurryCali you'd have thought that the position of these struts were on a template with exact dimensions rather than hit or miss. If you could put a photo on some time, showing the new position from the old (now plugged) stating dimensions might be helpful to me and maybe others although my immediate concern is the top of the strut fixed to the lid top. Thanks for your reply have a happy 2016.
I also have a similar problem with my 08 Cali, the circlip came off and when I replaced it it soon came off again. I don't know if we damaged it but anyway now I need a new strut which is fine but I've noticed that the plastic fried lid where the triangular fixing fits is damaged. :( I've been quoted £24 for the strut and £202 for a new fridge lid. Any alternative ideas welcome?
I also have a similar problem with my 08 Cali, the circlip came off and when I replaced it it soon came off again. I don't know if we damaged it but anyway now I need a new strut which is fine but I've noticed that the plastic fried lid where the triangular fixing fits is damaged. :( I've been quoted £24 for the strut and £202 for a new fridge lid. Any alternative ideas welcome?
Hi Joss Apps sounds like we do have the same problem. Before splashing out over 200 quid for a new lid maybe it's worth tracing the fixing to the fridge lid on the other side of the plastic. It might be possible to fit a backplate or washer(s) to reinforce ( ie sandwich) the flimsy plastic bracket mounting. I've not attempted it yet I was hoping someone here knew how to do it. The other thing is, how long would a new lid last with the pressure put on it by the very stiff gas strut ?
Viking, I like your thinking, before I remove the lid and try to strip it apart has anyone tried to do this?
I have tried :) It works but I'm not completely satisfied...
My problem was the two screws holding the triangular fixing in the lid. They came loose frequently even after taighting. Found out that the holes were worn out and to big. Tried other screws with bigger threads, but the same result after a while. Drilled it out to make a bigger hole and glued a plastic plug in the holes. Works okay but nut perfect...the screws still come loose a bit, but it works.
I'm sure there is a way that will last.
Thanks, was it obvious how to take the lid apart to get to the back of the screws / bolts?
I didn't take the lid apart, only removed/dismounted it from the fridge and kitchen unit. From what I could see and remember from it, there were nothing special inside the lid where the screws went in.

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