Driveaway awnings and the C&CC



T5 SE 140

Which drive-away awnings do people use on camping and caravan clubsites? The pitches are 8*5metres, so something like a Vango Kela won't fit as that plus the van comes to about 6m wide.

Are narrower awnings available, or do people park sideways?

I've never taken much notice before, but now I am thinking of getting one I don't want to find out that whatever I buy doesn't fit!


I have a tailgate awning and unfortunately many of CC we have tried usually have very short pitches that arent long enough or wide enough. I think however they often give a camper a narrower space.

We tend to use the certified sites anyway and have never had a problem on those.
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I use a Vango Cruz, and never had a problem with C&CC

I park across the pitch and put awning down the pitch
A California with a Kela should fit within a 8x5m pitch if aligned like @Taff7996 shows. We will be putting this to the test on our first CCC trip.

My calculations...
20180314 Ocean and Kela dimensions.jpg
I've done what I should have done to start with and phoned the club and the site we plan to stay on. They both say parking sideways is fine.

The official line was to ask for a bigger pitch when booking and check with the site first to make sure they don't mind sideways campers.
I can't tell from Taff's photo but it looks like you'd have to drive across the grass to orientate yourself like that.

If that's right, and you like a quiet life, I'd be careful doing that a some sites when the grass is cutting up (ie those times when you chose hardstanding over grass precisely because the grass is too wet).
You may get a mini-Hitler having a rant at you, and to be fair, I'd be a bit upset if I was in charge of maintaining the site.

Obs if I've mis-read the photo, the above doesn't apply.
I know you asked about C&CC sites, but be aware the Caravan Club (or whatever its new name is) would not let you park like that on 99% of their sites even if it would physically fit.

VW California Club
