Leisure battery level

Patrick T

Patrick T

VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Recently the leisure battery seems to not be holding charge for very long despite hardly using any electrical items whilst we are away, the only thing really being used is the fridge box so having had a couple of hours trip back from the Lakes, the battery was showing 100%, I left the fridge unit on over night at level 3 and the battery is now down to 50% which seems very low for an overnight usage...?? I'm sure that we have previously had 2/3 days before getting anywhere near requiring a top up...?? I'm hoping that it might just be that the battery needs changing as it is nearly 6 years old....., anything else I can try to confirm this ...???
Thanks all.
There are a few potentials here :

1) its just hotter at the moment and the fridge is using more power.
2) Your batteries are near end of life (or one is). It's generally recommended to change both at the same time. The voltage is a good broad indicator of condition.
3)The fuse between the two leisure batteries has gone reducing your capacity by half.
4) The screen isn't reading accurately (related to the earth shunt less likely on a newer van). if the voltage was still good but capacity showing as lower this may be the case.
Oh and try a charging on hookup for 24 hours and see if that helps, VW recommend once a month on hookup to maximise battery capacity and life.

at 6 years though they are likely to be gettingn tired.
I would put the vehicle onto Mains so that the Mains Charger is charging.

If you can - check the voltage on each Leisure Battery. They should be the same. If NOT then check the 50/75 amp ( it varies ) Cube Fuse on the +tve terminal on the Rear Leisure Battery.

These fuses are quit fragile so probably worth getting a replacement as the chances are it will break when taking it off to have a look.


I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this fuse has blown and you are basically running on only 1 leisure battery charged by the alternator only.
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There are a few potentials here :

1) its just hotter at the moment and the fridge is using more power.
2) Your batteries are near end of life (or one is). It's generally recommended to change both at the same time. The voltage is a good broad indicator of condition.
3)The fuse between the two leisure batteries has gone reducing your capacity by half.
4) The screen isn't reading accurately (related to the earth shunt less likely on a newer van). if the voltage was still good but capacity showing as lower this may be the case.

Thanks very much Matt, I'm afraid electrics are my nemesis so forgive my seemingly stupid questions.....
What would a healthy battery voltage be showing...?
What's earth shunt....?
How would I tell if one was better than the other...?
How would I check the fuse...? Is it just a visual ...?
Thanks and apologies again !!!!
I would put the vehicle onto Mains so that the Mains Charger is charging.

If you can - check the voltage on each Leisure Battery. They should be the same. If NOT then check the 50/75 amp ( it varies ) Cube Fuse on the +tve terminal on the Rear Leisure Battery.

These fuses are quit fragile so probably worth getting a replacement as the chances are it will break when taking it off to have a look.


I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this fuse has blown and you are basically running on only 1 leisure battery charged by the alternator only.

Thanks WG, as I said to Matt I am clueless with electrics so apologies,
How do I check each battery separately...?? Is it something can be done via the display screen ...?
Many thanks
A cheap multimeter will do the job, read off each battery separately from its terminals.

A full leisure battery should generally be around 12.6 or 12.7 but they can be around 13v for a time after charging.

If the voltages are lower than 11.8v it will be close to being exhausted, likewise if both batteries read differently then something is amiss.

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I'm betting the cube fuse is gone on the rear leisure battery. It's very common. I see it a lot on vans I install solar on.

Pull out the rear battery, remove the red plastic cap, remove the large red plastic nut, CAREFULLY remove the thick red wire, bearing in mind it is live, connected to the battery under the passenger seat. Do not let it touch anything metal!

Remove the cream coloured cube fuse from underneath the red lead's metal terminal - it has top and bottom metal rings that should be joined on one side behind the plastic casing. If this link is broken (or one of the metal rings drops on the floor) then the fuse is gone and you have been running on one battery only.
CAREFULLY remove the thick red wire, bearing in mind it is live, connected to the battery under the passenger seat.
Hi Roger
Do you need to remove the seat to do this?
How do you prevent it from touching something at the front when you're fiddling with the fuse at the rear battery?
Or have I misunderstood something?
Hi Jolberg,
Reading Rogers post above, all the work is on the rear battery, there is no need to go near the front underseat one. He is only warning that the underseat one is still connected and therefor, the wire you're working on is still live (12v) and must not be shorted to earth while it's disconnected.
Hi, I’ve been Reading this post. I have a cover made of rubber on the battery under the front seat so I’m unable to check the battery voltage. Is it possible to check it somehow without removing the cover ? Is it possible to remove the cover without removing the seat? I would like to check it the voltage of the rear battery is the same as the front one as you wrote.
Moreover I have a spare battery I removed from the main battery since it was dead . I charged it and it goes ok. May I use it to replace any tired leisure batteries?

Are the leisure batteries on the 6.0 ocean the same amp front and rear?

I found a 75 ah ago on the rear, don’t know what’s inside the front case. I had a 68 ah under the hood as main battery.
Hi, I’ve been Reading this post. I have a cover made of rubber on the battery under the front seat so I’m unable to check the battery voltage. Is it possible to check it somehow without removing the cover ? Is it possible to remove the cover without removing the seat? I would like to check it the voltage of the rear battery is the same as the front one as you wrote.
Moreover I have a spare battery I removed from the main battery since it was dead . I charged it and it goes ok. May I use it to replace any tired leisure batteries?

Are the leisure batteries on the 6.0 ocean the same amp front and rear?

I found a 75 ah ago on the rear, don’t know what’s inside the front case. I had a 68 ah under the hood as main battery.
1. Both Leisure Batteries should be replaced as a pair, same type, AGM, and same amps, 75.

2. Easiest way to check the voltage on a SE/Ocean, disconnect the Red +tve lead on the the rear battery and connect your multimeter between the disconnected Red lead and the Black -tve terminal, or read the voltage on the Control Panel while the Red lead is disconnected.

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