Inconsiderate dog owners.



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T6 Beach 150
Now I'm aware that a dog to many owners is an important member of their family so any criticism of their pooch's behavior is likely to bring forth howls of indignation and protest .........and they'd be right because it's the owners themselves not the animal that should be brought to heel. Not all of us want to share our pitch with someone elses uncontrolled hound nor do we want to listen to it howling or barking through the night or pick up its mess before we can occupy a pitch.

Over recent years I've experienced very few unpleasant episodes whilst camping as most people are on the whole pleasant, friendly and considerate. However of those rare occasions that I can recall, the majority have involved poorly controlled dogs.

On one occasion we had food stolen from our awning in broad daylight. Another episode involved two ladies with at least three dogs which they shut in a van overnight. These animals howled and barked constantly until very late at night where upon I finally lost patience and let forth with comprehensive instructions to the owners at full volume. They must have taken the hint as the dogs were moved to their caravan and silence prevailed. Only last week I had trouble with another hound on a site near Hindhead. Every time I started to cook this persistant creature appeared from nowhere. As soon as the raw sausages and bacon were revealed this mutt stuck to me like a limpet. Any amount of course language, hissing and chasing seemed to have little effect. All this was going on whilst the owners were presumably enjoying a peaceful time in their tent or caravan. Eventually half a bowl of cold washing up water seem to pursued it to Foxtrot Oscar. I've lost count of the number of times over the years that a meal or picnic has been interrupted by the sudden arrival of an uncontrolled opportunist four legged stomach. Your then left with no choice but to hold your plates of food out of reach whilst trying to ward off it's attempts to sniff or devour any food spread out within it's reach. When the owner eventually appears you are often greeted with words like "Oh he won't hurt you, he's an old softy really" but rarely an apology.

My point being that I appreciate others love for their pets but that doesnt mean I want you to share them with me. Please keep them under control. If I wanted a dog I'd probably already have one!

Please ignore this post if you are one of the majority of responsible owners. Enjoy.
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Dogs off leads is my biggest annoyance and I am a dog owner myself. Just to note, there are plenty of campsites around that don't allow dogs at all and many with fog free pitches.
"fog free pitches". They think of every thing these days!
I'm a dog owner - as you can see from the photo(!) and I agree with you absolutely. It makes me cross that there are some owners, thankfully few in number, who just don't get that they are responsible for their dogs and that other people are entitled to have nothing to do with them.
Once or twice I've found it was actually the campsite owner's mutt that had free rein to roam the site looking for BBQs, bitches in season, etc. Or a hound from a neighbouring housing estate.

But yes, some campers can also be cretins with their dogs.

Our dog is perfect, fortunately. And when she's not she's still adorable. :Grin
that there are some owners, thankfully few in number, who just don't get that they are responsible for their dogs and that other people are entitled to have nothing to do with them
Sorry but they aren't few in number - there are shed loads of them....

The worst are those that say 'he's only trying to be friendly' when we've just been covered in mud as they jump up at us. They aren't trying to be friendly they need to be trained and kept on a lead. The indignance you get as well when you try to protect yourself is incredible - it's as if have a right to do whatever they like.

And that's from people who like dogs. Don't get us going on cats...........
Sorry but they aren't few in number - there are shed loads of them....

And that's from people who like dogs. Don't get us going on cats...........

Oh I agree!!

I always keep my cat on a lead :shocked
That’s a soap box fav of mine. I can’t throw a ball for my dog to bring straight back but a feral kid can run across my pitch with his/her mates whilst it’s parents get hammered in peace.

I just don’t get how it’s automatically assumed the entire campsite is your kids playground.

Oh bolloxs Bozza, now you’ve got me all stressed out!!
1: Dogs that Yap when left alone drive me nuts. If you can't leave them without stressing out the whole campsite then take them with you or don't go out.

2: Dog mess anywhere winds me up. If you don't clean it up then you should be made to eat it.

3: Owners walking their dogs with those ultra thin, ultra invisible extending leads should be garrotted with the bloody things. I nearly broke my leg by being tripped up by one.

4: Owners who allow their dogs to jump up at strangers just because you've smiled and muttered something about "dear little dog" should be sentenced to seven days in the stocks having muddy dog paws wiped all over them.

Don't get me going on kids with bikes, kids kicking balls, kids on scooters, all being allowed to run riot next to people's pride and joy.
Owners walking their dogs with those ultra thin, ultra invisible extending leads should be garrotted with the bloody things. I nearly broke my leg by being tripped up by one.
I get wound up by this type when cycling, owner on one side of the path, dog on the other; by the time they rein them in you’ve come to a full stop.

Then the ones who are not on leads, as you approach them the owner stands on one side of the path telling the dog on the opposite side to “stay” while you pass nervously between them ....

And have you noticed all the poo bag trees? :headbang

Mind you, at least the dog gets the owner out, unless you’re out in the country somewhere you don’t seem to see many people out walking just for the sake of it.
I get wound up by this type when cycling, owner on one side of the path, dog on the other; by the time they rein them in you’ve come to a full stop.

Then the ones who are not on leads, as you approach them the owner stands on one side of the path telling the dog on the opposite side to “stay” while you pass nervously between them ....

And have you noticed all the poo bag trees? :headbang

Mind you, at least the dog gets the owner out, unless you’re out in the country somewhere you don’t seem to see many people out walking just for the sake of it.
"Poo bag trees" What's all that about?

Why bother to pick up biodegradable dog mess in a non biodegradable plastic bag only to hang it on trees and hedge rows? It makes me so angry every time I see this practice that I'd be in favour of a 364 day a year open season on these feral owners. I'd ban dog walking altogether on the other day. It isn't an occasional isolated thing either, it's common place everywhere these days. I live next to a large area of beautiful ancient woodland regularly frequented by dog walkers. The Parish Council have provided a bin for dog mess disposal but do they use it? No not all of them. I hate to say this but I'd much rather they left it than carry out this awful ritual.
That’s a soap box fav of mine. I can’t throw a ball for my dog to bring straight back but a feral kid can run across my pitch with his/her mates whilst it’s parents get hammered in peace.

I just don’t get how it’s automatically assumed the entire campsite is your kids playground.

Oh bolloxs Bozza, now you’ve got me all stressed out!!
Oooooo this thread seems to have opened up a rich seam of latent frustration.
While we’re at why not include Audi drivers ;)

Just imagine arriving on site followed closely on to your pitch next by an Audi dog owner with kids o_O
While we’re at why not include Audi drivers ;)

Just imagine arriving on site followed closely on to your pitch next by an Audi dog owner with kids o_O
Audi dog owner who's coughing all the time with the modern screaming kids. that's my nightmare
Kids for me but it doesn't bother me too much as I don't really feel like its a real life problem worth worrying about. On dedicated pitches its not an issue.

In 3years of camping (say 100nights) I've have only come across one dog that run amok on an empty campsite. This was recently. Liked the kids and my dogs but a bit timid. Owner very apologetic but not in control. Then the dog did a no 2 the following morning and I watched the owner (80metres away) waiting for him to pick it up. He didn't and drove off when his other half returned. I went and picked it up once my other half returned.

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