Photos from the caravan salon of the VW Grand California

Why call it California Grand if its official name is Grand California?
Thanks for all the great pics.

The drop-down (lower) cupboards in the sleeping area seem a bit odd/impractical - personally I'd have preferred at least some of them to be shelves or platforms for putting stuff when parked, like portable speaker, books, pairs of specs etc. Looks like it was designed by someone who's never actually slept in a van.

IMO the whole interior in white looks a bit sterile, like the robotic medical bay on the Starship Enterprise. I hope they don't going for that look in the next edition of the T6 size Cali.

[EDIT: but maybe I'm just getting old...:( :rolleyes:]
Thanks for all the great pics.

The drop-down (lower) cupboards in the sleeping area seem a bit odd/impractical - personally I'd have preferred at least some of them to be shelves or platforms for putting stuff when parked, like portable speaker, books, pairs of specs etc. Looks like it was designed by someone who's never actually slept in a van.

IMO the whole interior in white looks a bit sterile, like the robotic medical bay on the Starship Enterprise. I hope they don't going for that look in the next edition of the T6 size Cali.

[EDIT: but maybe I'm just getting old...:( :rolleyes:]

Looks a bit like an airline cabin
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Had a look at some hymercars last week and layout looks exactly the same,as does cooking area,shower/toilet and all the cupboards just look like any van conversion to me,nothing too special
especially don't like the two rear side sticky out bits which enable the bed to be transverse
Dave and lisa
Had a look at some hymercars last week and layout looks exactly the same,as does cooking area,shower/toilet and all the cupboards just look like any van conversion to me,nothing too special
especially don't like the two rear side sticky out bits which enable the bed to be transverse
Dave and lisa
For me drop down beds as now appearing in Burstners, Adrias etc are a game changer. Fixed beds take up so much room.
Personally, with a bigger van I'd much prefer more lounge seating space so you can stretch out a bit in the evenings (and days if it's raining too much to venture out).
It all seems a bit cramped in there.

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I like the T-shirt in picture 2
Has it been built down to a cost rather than up to the standard of the concept? The pricing seems very low and the look bares little resemblance to the prototype. It will face stiff competition.
Now we also know where all those nicked Cali campingtables/chairs ending up , VW are re-using them ....:D
I like the T-shirt in picture 2

The Vw tee warn by the VW staff or the pink Look Mum No Computer tee in the second pic of the last set of pictures?
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Thanks for sharing.

What was your opinion of it, having seen it in the flesh?
Im a bit cofused about this one. Because its a VW and has the word California in it, it will automatically fall under the umbrella of the famous California campervan bubble.

It looks amazing but its not a Cali, its a fully fledged mortorhome and and the size of one as well. And, then if you start looking at motohomes, wow, the market is well and truly satuaratrd with some absolutely beauties (and proven history to boot) and we could start adding photos and prices of any motorhome for true comparisons.

Its great marketing by VW to put California in the title so people feel they can have a ''Cali' campervan experience but with the space of a motorhome.
The Vw tee warn by the VW staff or the pink Look Mum No Computer tee in the second pic of the last set of pictures?
The staff one - do like the shopping bag as well:)
My thoughts? It's all very much a quite luxurious version of any Ducato / Mercedes campervan... Most of the smart and lightweight options of the T5/T6 are gone. Probably this is exactly where they can win over the competition and in this price class but they missed the opportunity to level up the 'grand' design.

The only thing I could smile about is the Load Lok rail on the bottom of the bed / garage (last image). A statement to make clear it is a Crafter after all...

VW California Club
