Which stereo Have I got?



Highlands, Scotland
Cali now sold
Any clues anyone.. I assume its the RNS 510.. I cant get the phone/bluetooth side of things to work and no DAB. I would love an upgrade so my Iphone works handsfree and improve the sound/DAB but confused as to what I already have? Advise please. (2011 5:1 Cali SE) Go with VAG or try Kenwood etc but which??

It's the RNS510, I'm not sure but I think you need to have the "premium" option for the phone to work. Do you have a microphone above the sun visor?
If your phone does calls and Bluetooth music with your current set-up, I'd stick with that.
There have been hundreds of threads on this issue but with you already having the 510, you are starting nearer the top of the 'what can be achieved' curve.

Your money might be better spent on a great mount for your phone, a phone upgrade if you are due one, and perhaps a larger data plan to stream radio.

You can take all the latter with you when you upgrade your Cali, whereas to many buyers, you'd be reducing the value of your van if you stick an non OEM unit in it.

Other opinions will of course be along shortly!
still no DAB and bluetooth with my set up though... iphone 8 in use but useless with my set up. non bluetooth. not too mention what seems a preastoric sat nav built into it!
still no DAB and bluetooth with my set up though
Are you saying your phone calls work through Bluetooth and / or Music works from your phone via Bluetooth?
still no DAB and bluetooth with my set up though... iphone 8 in use but useless with my set up. non bluetooth. not too mention what seems a preastoric sat nav built into it!
Yes the SatNav will be prehistoric if it’s not been updated since 2011.
all ways been within vw dealership... kinda thought they might av updated or offered it.. only had the van for 1 service myself...
all ways been within vw dealership... kinda thought they might av updated or offered it.. only had the van for 1 service myself...
No, you buy an Update DVD from the parts department, or you can get cheaper update dvds from eBay vendors which are in fact copies of the official VW DVD.

There have been a number of Firmware and Map updates since 2011.
If you want to keep everything OEM then Hazzydayz have an offer on at present.

They are well recommended. Might give you a trade in price.

Yikes £1050+vat and still won't have Bluetooth unless you buy the £300 ish module (which the OP could add to his non dab unit).

It's why I suggested the OP 'sticks' rather than twists. There is an easy and very cheap way to add Bluetooth ... I'll try and find a link...

Edit.... Here you go. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JK0G8KC/?tag=unique09f-21
I know its not exciting or perfect, but I studied this for ever when I had my 2010 Cali and still think it's the best route for you (I tried plenty.... Including the car player radio plug in unit... Which was awful but promised dab and Bluetooth).
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Radioplayer car details here... Looks like they may be trying again. The original was so full of bugs.... http://www.radioplayer.co.uk/blog/radioplayer-car-launch
It was the answer to the OP's dream... A plug in box (into the aux in in the glove box) that added Bluetooth and dab, leaving the original head unit in place.
Yikes £1050+vat and still won't have Bluetooth unless you buy the £300 ish module (which the OP could add to his non dab unit).

It's why I suggested the OP 'sticks' rather than twists. There is an easy and very cheap way to add Bluetooth ... I'll try and find a link...

Edit.... Here you go. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00JK0G8KC/?tag=unique09f-21
I know its not exciting or perfect, but I studied this for ever when I had my 2010 Cali and still think it's the best route for you (I tried plenty.... Including the car player radio plug in unit... Which was awful but promised dab and Bluetooth).
Depends on if you want a “Make do” fix or OEM. Anything but OEM is going to be a compromise.
Hazzydayz could just fit the BlueTooth .
Remember, when they fit the DAB unit I believe it includes the VW DAB aerial in the Side Mirror not a stick on aerial and everything will just work.
Depends on if you want a “Make do” fix or OEM. Anything but OEM is going to be a compromise.
Hazzydayz could just fit the BlueTooth .
Remember, when they fit the DAB unit I believe it includes the VW DAB aerial in the Side Mirror not a stick on aerial and everything will just work.
The reality is, going the hazeydays route the op would pay £1050 + 20% plus several hundred £ for the Bluetooth module, so he'd still have a very unresponsive screen (vs modern stuff), and what most of us think is crap sat nav compared to Google maps.

For £25 and an hour of careful installation time, he'd have Bluetooth calls, music streaming all controlled by that single grey button mounted discreetly by the headlight switch. No wires visible. He can use the far superior Google maps on his phone...with the built in unit available as a back up sat nav when no data signal.

You can bang on as much as you like about 'making do' but spending £1.5k on a £30k (?) Cali needs to give a massive gain over a £25 solution.

Unless you listen to radio 5 on MW or Test match special, going dab from just fm isn't a great gain.

Anyway, each to their own, but if I was contemplating spending over a grand, I'd be looking at the kenwood type units with dab and carplay etc, and put the 510 in a box until I sold the Cali on.
The reality is, going the hazeydays route the op would pay £1050 + 20% plus several hundred £ for the Bluetooth module, so he'd still have a very unresponsive screen (vs modern stuff), and what most of us think is crap sat nav compared to Google maps.

For £25 and an hour of careful installation time, he'd have Bluetooth calls, music streaming all controlled by that single grey button mounted discreetly by the headlight switch. No wires visible. He can use the far superior Google maps on his phone...with the built in unit available as a back up sat nav when no data signal.

You can bang on as much as you like about 'making do' but spending £1.5k on a £30k (?) Cali needs to give a massive gain over a £25 solution.

Unless you listen to radio 5 on MW or Test match special, going dab from just fm isn't a great gain.

Anyway, each to their own, but if I was contemplating spending over a grand, I'd be looking at the kenwood type units with dab and carplay etc, and put the 510 in a box until I sold the Cali on.
I really don't know where some people get some of the ideas they have about the RNS510. Updated and set up properly they work very well. Mines taken me from South Wales to North Cape and to Southern Italy faultlessly. Never been stuck in traffic that could have been avoided, never lost navigation because of loss of GPS in cities, mountains woods etc: because of its ability of Inertial Guidance using the vehicle sensors and compass, doesn't depend on a phone signal or a data sim it just works, even after 25km in a tunnel in Norway it was spot on with the turn at the exit unlike Google maps that moaned for 24kms about loss of GPS .
Kenwood is a good choice as certain models are sold by VW and so could be integrated properly into the vehicle.
That unit is £25 for a reason.
Have you really used google maps welshgas? I’ve used the 510 in a 180 se I briefly owned. I had to lick my finger each time to make the screen respond. I’ve the posh unit (discovery media?) in my T6, and in my opinion, google maps trashed them both for clarity, common sense and traffic accuracy. Also, Google knows my calander so I don’t even need to input the destinations. Yes you may get stuck planning a new route in a remote part of the country without data, but the OP already has his existing 510 to get him back to civilisation. Where there is no signal I tend to find their are few traffic jams!

No one is saying the inbuilt systems aren’t a marvel of our time compared to a paper road atlas and printing out directions from ‘Autoroute’, but the world has turned again.

Anyway, the OP was after advice about Dab and Bluetooth. Your solution gets him both for £1500+, I get him half way there for £25. His call.
I really don't know where some people get some of the ideas they have about the RNS510. Updated and set up properly they work very well. Mines taken me from South Wales to North Cape and to Southern Italy faultlessly. Never been stuck in traffic that could have been avoided, never lost navigation because of loss of GPS in cities, mountains woods etc: because of its ability of Inertial Guidance using the vehicle sensors and compass, doesn't depend on a phone signal or a data sim it just works, even after 25km in a tunnel in Norway it was spot on with the turn at the exit unlike Google maps that moaned for 24kms about loss of GPS .
Kenwood is a good choice as certain models are sold by VW and so could be integrated properly into the vehicle.
That unit is £25 for a reason.
I want to swop my RNS 510 with yours!
Maybe I need a firmware update?
The Sat Nav traffic data on mine is so unreliable. See the two pics they were taken at the same time, the 510 showing a clear road and the (accurate) Google map showing the reality. This congestion is in place for hours so the traffic data used by the 510 should have time to show it. I don't blame the 510 but it's source data. image.jpeg image.png

Have you really used google maps welshgas? I’ve used the 510 in a 180 se I briefly owned. I had to lick my finger each time to make the screen respond. I’ve the posh unit (discovery media?) in my T6, and in my opinion, google maps trashed them both for clarity, common sense and traffic accuracy. Also, Google knows my calander so I don’t even need to input the destinations. Yes you may get stuck planning a new route in a remote part of the country without data, but the OP already has his existing 510 to get him back to civilisation. Where there is no signal I tend to find their are few traffic jams!

No one is saying the inbuilt systems aren’t a marvel of our time compared to a paper road atlas and printing out directions from ‘Autoroute’, but the world has turned again.

Anyway, the OP was after advice about Dab and Bluetooth. Your solution gets him both for £1500+, I get him half way there for £25. His call.
Yes, with an iPhone 7 and an Huawei Android phone. Both worked after a fashion. No live data in the welsh valleys, but poor phone reception as well. Likewise in N Wales and along areas of the coast. Abroad we tried the iPhone. GPS signal lost in every tunnel and had to wait to regain position. Live data for maps etc worked as long as good signal otherwise but re-routing was laughable.

How many Updates of Firmware and Maps has your RNS510 had since 2013?

Screen works perfectly as a Touch Screen, even with a protective film on it. So the fact that your unit has failed you doesn't mean that ALL other RNS510 units are rubbish. In fact all it actually means is that your unit is damaged or you don't know how to update and use it properly.

And do include the cost of the Data Plan and Phone in your comparison of prices.
Built in Unit - Annual cost of 24/7 Data plan for a true comparison.

So based on my wifes iPhone 7 and Data Plan.
SatNav £1500 - Data Plan Only 24/7 £600/yr, so after 3 years you would have spent £1800 on Data.

I know you and others will say " but I have the Data already ", true but if you are using the phone for SatNav then you have NO option to a Data Plan and they don't tend to come down in price. Shop around for other plans- enough horror stories about that .

Each to his own and be happy with your own decision BUT don't go hammering others for their choice just because you cannot get on with yours.
I'm sure and expensive phone/data plan and App Connect is perfectly suitable for you, its just not for me as it doesn't perform as well as a built in unit properly maintained.
Yes, with an iPhone 7 and an Huawei Android phone. Both worked after a fashion. No live data in the welsh valleys, but poor phone reception as well. Likewise in N Wales and along areas of the coast. Abroad we tried the iPhone. GPS signal lost in every tunnel and had to wait to regain position. Live data for maps etc worked as long as good signal otherwise but re-routing was laughable.

How many Updates of Firmware and Maps has your RNS510 had since 2013?

Screen works perfectly as a Touch Screen, even with a protective film on it. So the fact that your unit has failed you doesn't mean that ALL other RNS510 units are rubbish. In fact all it actually means is that your unit is damaged or you don't know how to update and use it properly.

And do include the cost of the Data Plan and Phone in your comparison of prices.
Built in Unit - Annual cost of 24/7 Data plan for a true comparison.

So based on my wifes iPhone 7 and Data Plan.
SatNav £1500 - Data Plan Only 24/7 £600/yr, so after 3 years you would have spent £1800 on Data.

I know you and others will say " but I have the Data already ", true but if you are using the phone for SatNav then you have NO option to a Data Plan and they don't tend to come down in price. Shop around for other plans- enough horror stories about that .

Each to his own and be happy with your own decision BUT don't go hammering others for their choice just because you cannot get on with yours.
I'm sure and expensive phone/data plan and App Connect is perfectly suitable for you, its just not for me as it doesn't perform as well as a built in unit properly maintained.
Lol welshgas......are you really claiming buying vw’s built in sat nav is a money saving option? I think you need a coffee.
Anyway, the OP has got the idea. Over and out.
Lol welshgas......are you really claiming buying vw’s built in sat nav is a money saving option? I think you need a coffee.
Anyway, the OP has got the idea. Over and out.
Well you do have to compare Like with Like.
Disingenuous to compare the cost of a built in SatNav with using a unit with/without AppConnect without taking into account the partial/full cost of the Smartphone + the data package that goes with it.
If it means having to pay increased Data charges just so that you can be assured of equivalent SatNav performance and Internet Music/radio to compensate for lack of DAB or storage capacity for music etc: then it could save money. Do the sums . A Smartphone is a Jack of all trades and a master of none and costs to use it and that cost should be taken into account over the lifespan of the SatNav unit. Otherwise you are just fooling yourself .
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I want to swop my RNS 510 with yours!
Maybe I need a firmware update?
The Sat Nav traffic data on mine is so unreliable. See the two pics they were taken at the same time, the 510 showing a clear road and the (accurate) Google map showing the reality. This congestion is in place for hours so the traffic data used by the 510 should have time to show it. I don't blame the 510 but it's source data. View attachment 38939 View attachment 38941

View attachment 38940
The same happens on the M4 at the Brynglas Tunnels. Congestion every day. Is it normal - Yes. Is there a quicker alternative route - No
Not even the local radio stations mention it. The only time they do is when the tunnels are closed and there is an accident and then the RNS510 re-routes you, otherwise it is a non-news event with no timely alternative route.
Bet the Arundel Bypass is like that during commuting times anyway - Is there a timely alternative? if not then there is no point reporting it - that's just life.
If there was an unexpected problem then it probably would be reported and an alternative suggested.
Lord I wish I aint asked... lol... no seriously I thought a straight forward VW swop/upgrade would be easy... will have a look at all your options now thanks...
Lord I wish I aint asked... lol... no seriously I thought a straight forward VW swop/upgrade would be easy... will have a look at all your options now thanks...

Good man. If you have the energy ask WelshGas if today he is arguing that the built in navs need a data connection to be any good, like he was last month.

Without a data connection, even the new T6 factory navs use traffic and roadwork data that in my experience is about a week old. I spent the first month in my T6 taking detours around roadworks that were cleared a week ago!
That's when WG told me I needed to connect it with a data USB. Now he says you don't need that and therefore save money vs a smartphone.....
Good man. If you have the energy ask WelshGas if today he is arguing that the built in navs need a data connection to be any good, like he was last month.

Without a data connection, even the new T6 factory navs use traffic and roadwork data that in my experience is about a week old. I spent the first month in my T6 taking detours around roadworks that were cleared a week ago!
That's when WG told me I needed to connect it with a data USB. Now he says you don't need that and therefore save money vs a smartphone.....
Get your facts correct please. I know nothing about the present generation of VW SatNavs only about AppConnect in conjunction with a Smartphone. The RNS510 does as it says on the tin whereas a Smartphone has limitations . There have been enough comments about Smartphone navigation and overall I'm not filled with confidence. You do need an element of common sense when dealing with SatNavs , none are perfect but I find the Smartphone apps at the low end of the spectrum.
I suggest reading the handbook.

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