A mostly sensible review from The Mail

A rare link to the Daily Fail that I actually clicked!
Yes, a good review, from someone living in one for a proper holiday.
Best motoring journalist's review I've read of the California. Nicely balanced and well researched. He even admitted he was late to the party on knowing how to operate the night heater.
I missed that because I bought the sun this morning
Good review. Thanks for posting.
How refreshing to see a journo that actually has done his homework too and crediting the Westfalia California as first to carry the name despite the claims put out by the Press Machine!;)
Just another fanboy disguised as a journalist. ;)
Curious what he has to tell about a Big White one
It reflects how most of us feel about our Californias I think.

There was one bit I was going to take issue with, but then I thought I'd see what others think....

There is one issue that bothers British owners though, the California is a straight left to right-hand drive swap, so the rear sliding door is on the driver’s side in the UK.

It doesn't bother me at all, in fact I prefer it as I get out of the driver's door and just open the side door, but I'm usually on my own and I don't have children. What do you think?
It reflects how most of us feel about our Californias I think.

There was one bit I was going to take issue with, but then I thought I'd see what others think....

It doesn't bother me at all, in fact I prefer it as I get out of the driver's door and just open the side door, but I'm usually on my own and I don't have children. What do you think?
Who camps at the side of the road?
I think most RH California owners just take it as-is and most conversions (?) are hating the 'wrong side' sliding door being exactly that why they bought a conveted van. I don't think there are right-hand-door converted campervans available in the UK.
Doesn’t bother us either, but again we don’t have children that we need to pitch out into the road!
Doesn’t bother us either, but again we don’t have children that we need to pitch out into the road!
It is not a problem, there is obviously access between the front seats to the nearside passenger door from the rear seats, you can even put the child lock on the sliding door to prevent the little darlings jumping out.
Having used our Cali for transporting kids, I found the “wrong side” less of a problem than I was expecting- I either stop with drivers side to the kerb, or invite the passengers to disembark via the front passenger door. The biggest irritation for me is when I reverse onto my driveway, the sliding door is against the hedge, inconvenient for loading (first world problems......!)

Having switched from a converted T5 to a T6 Ocean, the door on the 'wrong' side has been less of an issue than we feared. I've had to switch vehicles round the way they park on our drive to suit loading it up. Don't have kids and don't often park on the road either, car parks aren't an issue. Everything still feels the wrong way round inside though!
I think the cali door is on the correct side, if there are kids to let out in the road, I can easily hop out the drivers door & control their exit.

The more usual scenario is inebriated adults, & for them I can reach behind and operate the door handle.
I like it and it is only slightly problematic in the U.K. On the continent it is absolutely fine , whereas a L hand door could be more of a problem.
Jack undid his seatbelt on Sunday afternoon on the A3, at three years old he is unable to do it up. I had to pull into a lay-by just before the M25 junction. I felt very vulnerable doing his seatbelt up with traffic wizzing past me at speed.

Only rarely do I have a problem with the offside sliding door. This was one of those occasions.

I could have gone between the front seats and done it back up without leaving the van, but accessing the clip around a group 2 isofix child seat with the side door closed is not particularly easy.

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