Auxiliary heater - temperature sensor



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion

I don't like the 'insensitivity' of the temperature sensor for the auxiliary heating system. Even on position 1 or 2 it can become very hot in the car, and then it switches off and the temperature might drop with more than 5 degrees before the heater switches on again.

Where is the sensor located in an Ocean (2019) model? Are there options to have the heating working in a more smooth way?

I don't like the 'insensitivity' of the temperature sensor for the auxiliary heating system. Even on position 1 or 2 it can become very hot in the car, and then it switches off and the temperature might drop with more than 5 degrees before the heater switches on again.

Where is the sensor located in an Ocean (2019) model? Are there options to have the heating working in a more smooth way?
The Sensor is located in the Heater Inlet in the Passenger Footwell on a LHD Vehicle.
Thanks for the info. Any possibility to have this sensor replaced by a more sensitive one?
Thanks for the info. Any possibility to have this sensor replaced by a more sensitive one?
I would think the sensor is only measuring the temperature and the sensitivity, ie the switching on and off is a function of the control circuit.
The Eberspacer only runs at I think three heat settings, High, Medium and low, with on or off control, the trick is is to try and ballance it so it runs on low without the heater switching on and off, the colder the outside temperature is the easier this is to achieve. The heaters are really too good.
I find that on number three, with the front windows cracked open makes for a warm night with temps blow 2oc. Anything above 2oc i don't turn the heater on as the van retains some good heat and the heater isn't really required
It's a known challenge with any transporter, the intake is in the drivers step which is the last part of the van to get warm and is even shielded by the seats when swivelled to make it even less likely. It means it always thinks its colder than it probably is in the rear cab where you are sat.

I have a Webasto fitted in mine instead of a Eberspacher but I get exactly the same issue even with a thermostatic panel. I know for my webasto you can get a "room temperature sensor" which can be placed in an area closer to where you might sit, it helps a lot. I am sure such a device is available for the standard/eberspacher one too but no idea if it's feasible to fit to a cali.
I have the room temp sensor fitted in a boat Eberspacer D2 heater and they run exactly the same, the Eberspacer controller only has three heat settings and fuel rates to suit.

VW California Club
