Roof top doesn’t close on right rear corner



T5 SE 174
Hi there
While roof lowered found out the roof is a bit open for about 0.5 cm at the right back corner tailgate side.
Left side is closed totaly
I can push it a little down
Menu says roof is closed
There is notting stuck inside or out.
No extras on the bed.
Never seen it before
Is this normal or not good
Its just a small thing but dont want water or something get in to it.
Anyone ??
has the mattress moved? If the small mattress section at the tailgate end, or the large main mattress have slipped, then this is enough to prevent the roof fully closing....even enough to put a crease in the aluminium roof skin.

Also check to confirm that nothing has got placed under the mattress sections e.g. pen.

Raise and lower the roof several times and check that awning is not jamming mechanism. Fit a bungie cord to keep canvas inboard.
Is there an awning bracket involved?
If roof doesn’t come down squarely it can hang up a little
Just a thought . HTH
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Yes we have checked the matress
We already have a bungee
Nothing different than normal
We did the roof up and down a few times
Nothing stuck
We will check everything again
Is the plastic hook in the roof still OK and do you have clips on the end of your folding mechanism?
This will pull down the roof and fix it in the closed position.

Like these clips (and hooks)
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Problem solved !!
We bought a special 3D mesh mat for underneath the vw standaard rooftop matress a few months ago
Dealer said it would fit perfectly and could stay there while roof is closed.
We made the mat a bit shorter so it isnt underneath
the half round end pillow anymore.
Maybe the roof was a bit open al the time but we didn’t notice.
Bit strange it did close on one corner though.
Thanks for thinking
Is the plastic hook in the roof still OK and do you have clips on the end of your folding mechanism?
This will pull down the roof and fix it in the closed position.

Like these clops (and hooks)

Are these things standard on the t5 california ??
Looked for it but couldn’t discover them on the folding mechanism.
Maybe it better to put them on anyway ?
I had the same thing yesterday after our van had been parked with the roof up for five days, but in my case it was the front above the driver's side that was raised after the display said the roof was down. I only noticed as I did a last check around before driving - if I hadn't noticed, the roof might have lifted up driving on the motorway. When I re-raised the roof to the maximum and then brought it down again, it closed properly, thank goodness. I think the roof piston must have sagged on one side while the vehicle was standing, so that the roof came down unevenly. Raising the roof again must have levelled things off (just as the pump operates at intervals automatically when the roof is up for long periods). There is a lot of information like this that could have been included by VW in the manual but isn't and that can only be found out here on the forum.

Having also had the roof canvas get caught in the scissors another time and bending the roof, despite me checking round and having a bungee, I am more and more convinced the electric roof is the Achilles heal of the California Ocean, as has been indicated in many other threads here.
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Don't worry.
On the second morning of the first trip ever back in may 2010, I left the blankets on the top. I closed the roof, it showed roof closed and I went away.
When I came back to the pitch I was horrified to see my roof completely out of shape at the back. The front had closed normally. I opened the roof again, very carefully, removed the blankets and cushion, and closed the roof again. This time it closed normally without any sign of damage, except from that black plastic trim on the scissors. Now, after 10 years of use, it still closes normally. I now only leave the pyjamas on top, all the rest goes in the back on the back mattress.
I had the same thing yesterday after our van had been parked with the roof up for five days, but in my case it was the front above the driver's side that was raised after the display said the roof was down. I only noticed as I did a last check around before driving - if I hadn't noticed, the roof might have lifted up driving on the motorway. When I re-raised the roof to the maximum and then brought it down again, it closed properly, thank goodness. I think the roof piston must have sagged on one side while the vehicle was standing, so that the roof came down unevenly. Raising the roof again must have levelled things off (just as the pump operates at intervals automatically when the roof is up for long periods). There is a lot of information like this that could have been included by VW in the manual but isn't and that can only be found out here on the forum.

Having also had the roof canvas get caught in the scissors another time and bending the roof, despite me checking round and having a bungee, I am more and more convinced the electric roof is the Achilles heal of the California Ocean, as has been indicated in many other threads here.
We had the same problem with the roof bellows....Although we thought we had checked it coming down it got caught and made some small (very small) holes in the bellows and also bent the roof... Luckily I did an apprenticeship in motor body repair so it wasn’t too difficult to get it back perfectly into shape.... I can tell you that now every time the roof comes down I not only have my wife check outside but also stick my head up inside to make sure it’s coming down evenly... Not going to do that again.....

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