T6 Ocean Drawers

Daniel French

Daniel French

T6 Ocean 204
I love a good bit of storage, and always thought there could be a few more drawers in the cupboard of the T6 Ocean... So having a look round on this forum, I stumbled upon a link to Calicap and their solution to adding some more drawers:-

I can read German (for my sins) but if you can't, google translate within Chrome is handy for navigating their site, and making sense of what is written on there... I placed my order on Monday for the drawer units and also two chair covers...

Having taken delivery of the goods today (three days later!), I wanted to get the drawers fitted ASAP, but the fitting instructions are in german, so thought it'd be handy to others to have a step by step (albeit it's a pretty straight forward install) guide:-

First take out the existing drawer, shelf (and shelf brackets), and then give the panels a wipe down with methylated spirits to remove any grease or contaminants:-
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Then get the shelf runners out of the pack (one of mine was a touch 'wonky' as pictured below) but I think this was a bit of transit damage... A bit of force and it levered back into alignment:-
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Mark out the right hand side first - this side has the larger brackets... Also ensure the 'hooks' on the runners are at the back, and the front of the upright lines up with the front of the existing shelf runner, as per the picture below, and mark with a pencil - DO NOT REMOVE STICKY TAPE...
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Repeat for the left - again DO REMOVE STICKY TAPE
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Once you are happy with the alignment, remove sticky tape (it's worth warming the tape a little to get it nice and tacky) and then carefully 'stick' the runners to the line that you've marked out. Once they are stuck into place, you can start inserting the drawers.

Take note that the 'hook' on the back of the runner needs to be pushed into the hole of the back of the drawers:-
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I then tightened up the screws in the drawers, and the first drawer was in:-
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Same again for drawer two:-
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Same again for drawer three:-
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And then finally refit the original drawer, and it should look something like this:-
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And best of all - the cupboard door closes perfectly. However, the tolerances are tight, so make sure you line everything up before you stick any of the drawer runners down.
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As the drawers are OEM VW, the fit and finish looks like it came straight out of the factory like this, and I think it's a great upgrade. The total fitting time was about 45 minutes, including unpacking and repacking all of the cupboard / new shelves :thumb
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Great informative and detailed post. Thank you. These drawers are on my list of things I need but budgets and priorities are important to me!! (most of us I guess!)

Will be using your post as a ref point some time soon. Thanks again.
Hi everyone, just wondered whether anyone has fitted these in the T5 SE? the listing says for T6 Ocean but would like to know if compatible with the earlier SE model. Many thanks!
Hi The 3 drawer set is not Compatible with the T5 se i'm afraid but we are working on a set that will be available in a couple of weeks they will contain 2 drawers and a shelf for the T5.
Thanks for the speedy reply, that’s great to know, we’ll hang fire and wait for these to become available. :thumb
I can't see why the full stack doesn't fit in the T5, there
looks to be loads of room for manoeuvre on those drawers.
you are looking at a picture of a t6 with a t5 set of drawers in
yes but thats not the reason it wont fit.

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