Insurance via the Caravan and Motorhome Club?



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T6 Beach 150
I have just spent a ridiculous number of hours on the telephone trying to arrange appropriate insurance for our new 2019 Beach. What a depressing long winded process that has left me feeling that I've just been mugged.

Until August this year I was the proud owner of a 2016 Beach which I then sold and factory ordered a new Beach. I collected that new vehicle last Thursday by taking advantage of VW's complimentary five day insurance scheme available to owners of brand new commercial vehicles, thus giving me time to arrange proper cover. So yesterday and today I have been trying to secure the same level of insurance that I have enjoyed for the last four years.

For those last four years I have been insured through the Caravan and Motorhome Club (Devitt Insurance). The policy that they arranged included such features as an identical new replacement vehicle for the first two years if the policy holders vehicle is stolen and not recovered etc etc. Also included was £5000 cover for contents. Anyway, long story short, I was very happy with this policy and tried to take out the same policy on my new van. Alas, first they raised the MPV issue and said they couldn't insure it. When I reminded them that they had had no problems with taking my money to insure both our last, identical Beach and the SE before that, they then referred the matter to the underwriters. The result was a request for photos to confirm that the new Beach is indeed a Beach. Having provided said photos they said that yes, they were prepared to insure my new vehicle. The premium? £711.08. Last years premium was £389 hence the feeling of being mugged.

I asked, why the massive price hike? I have no convictions in the past or pending, have had no accidents and have the full 9 years NCB. They said it is because the last Beach had a new list price (incl options) and before discount, of £52k as opposed to this one at £65k. Also they didn't recognise the Back2You Guardian tracker and poo pooed the Auto Watch Ghost immobiliser but did mention that a tracker would only have a minimal effect on the premium.

If that is how they treat a loyal customer then I will go elsewhere. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Subsequently, I tried four other insurance providers:

1. Caravan Guard - £452.50. They offered a similar level of cover to the C and MH club. It looked a good deal until they told me that they wouldn't cover the vehicle if it was parked in the official secure long stay parking at Gatwick airport. Also, I was only allowed to do 11000 miles a year. I may not do that many but don't want this kind of restriction. They also required a wired in tracker with annual subscription! Result: Unsuitable.

2. Comfort - £386.59 - Not a bad policy but 10,000 miles per year max so also unsuitable.

3. LV - £238.81- basic cover at a very basic price. 12000 miles per year max. However I'm reluctant to use LV again after a massive price hike in a car policy a couple of years ago. Also, + £238.81, it looks to good to be true!!!

4. VW - £482.72 - similar to LV but no mileage limit, they couldn't care less where I leave it but there is no contents cover. They did guarantee to always use VW repair centres and genuine VW parts for any accident damage and their quote is good for three years.

So as I needed to get insurance by midnight tonight, who did I go with, LV or VW? Answer: VW ...... Not because their cover is any better but purely because by the time I had spoken to them I had lost the will to live and just wanted it sorted.

So the result is I have not ended up with the cover that I really wanted or at a sensible price. Anyone else had the same dismal experience?
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Is there something in particular in the contents that you need insured? Could you add that to another policy such as your home insurance instead?

I had a bad experience with the motorhome club insurance when I was insuring my new Ocean last year. They had a deal on where they were undercutting any competitors' (renewal) quote by £50 or something but they wouldn't let me have it because it was a new vehicle. The best they could come up with was almost double the quote I eventually went for with comfort. Needless to say, I told them to get stuffed!

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
I'm with LV. £177 on a new Beach on multicar, with full NCB transferred across to the Beach. I'm 42.

10,000 miles including business use (not carrying goods). Insured either at home or at storage place.

£500 excess (300 voluntary). £200 extra if I want to use a repair shop not on their list.

Full refund if stolen/written off in 1st year.

They've confirmed by email that everything factory fitted is covered.

I declined legal expenses, as this adds up over multiple vehicles. We get it included with our RAC cover.
I have unlimited mileage with comfort. The difference between that and accepting a restriction (8,000 miles pa was what I was quoted) worked out £20 per year.

Thee VW quote sounds good,
Is there something in particular in the contents that you need insured? Could you add that to another policy such as your home insurance instead?

I had a bad experience with the motorhome club insurance when I was insuring my new Ocean last year. They had a deal on where they were undercutting any competitors' (renewal) quote by £50 or something but they wouldn't let me have it because it was a new vehicle. The best they could come up with was almost double the quote I eventually went for with comfort. Needless to say, I told them to get stuffed!

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
I don't know what they are playing at? Very strange.

There isn't anything specific. It's just that if I needed to replace all of the contents, the cost would be considerable. I give your suggestion a go.
Many thanks.
I’ve just gone with Comfort. Initial online quote was £80 above the eventual price at £320 after speaking with them to lose the breakdown cover and get the club discount 10k a year mileage limit. Contents: camping type stuff covered - still need to read the small print re this - but not personal belongings (jewellery, bikes etc). No issue with the mpv thing.

Others were much higher and CCC dismissed me when I didn’t have a tracker.
I had the same issue the year before last with CMC. I then did a new online quote and the policy was only about £30 more than the year before. Which they accepted when I phoned up to renew. They could not explain why the hike. This year no such hike. Having had a large no-fault claim supported by them I have put up this but will move to another insurer if not competitive. Same issue with CCC re tracker.
I’ve just gone with Comfort. Initial online quote was £80 above the eventual price at £320 after speaking with them to lose the breakdown cover and get the club discount 10k a year mileage limit. Contents: camping type stuff covered - still need to read the small print re this - but not personal belongings (jewellery, bikes etc). No issue with the mpv thing.

Others were much higher and CCC dismissed me when I didn’t have a tracker.
I suppose that I do around 10k a year in the van but I just don't want to be restricted.
I had the same issue the year before last with CMC. I then did a new online quote and the policy was only about £30 more than the year before. Which they accepted when I phoned up to renew. They could not explain why the hike. This year no such hike. Having had a large no-fault claim supported by them I have put up this but will move to another insurer if not competitive. Same issue with CCC re tracker.
I intend to fire off a blistering Email to them later today asking for a full explanation. It wont get me anywhere but it might release a bit of steam.
Don’t you have a 14 day cooling off period.
It seems the change in Body Type to MPV does have an effect. The usage of a MPV, multi purpose vehicle, is probably seen as different to Motor Caravan by the Underwriters.
Probably, but who do I get to give me the cover that I seek at a reasonble price. So far I haven't found anyone.
Maybe 2 seperate policies. One for the vehicle as is, and a seperate camping equipment policy?
Just renewed with CMC/Devitt. Just over £200. 5 year old Beach.

Way back when it was new we also had the 'can't give you the offer because it is new' answer. Went with LV and then Saga. This year will be the 2nd with Devitt. The good thing about their policies seems to be no restriction on time abroad. Lots of the others are 6 weeks or less.
Just renewed with CMC/Devitt. Just over £200. 5 year old Beach.

Way back when it was new we also had the 'can't give you the offer because it is new' answer. Went with LV and then Saga. This year will be the 2nd with Devitt. The good thing about their policies seems to be no restriction on time abroad. Lots of the others are 6 weeks or less.
There is a restriction - 270 days.
Does the VW insurance include new replacement if stolen ,written off ?
If not worth considering GAP insurance.
Important to have if buying a car on PCP.
Probably, but who do I get to give me the cover that I seek at a reasonble price. So far I haven't found anyone.
Have you tried Safeguard? Our premium is around £370-ish. Brand new vehicle for the first two years if written off/stolen and not recovered, no issues with being an MPV. Policy document states that it is caravan/motorhome cover. Dealer fitted extras (eg bike rack) are covered. I don't know if there is a mileage limit but worth a chat with them?
I have just spent a ridiculous number of hours on the telephone trying to arrange appropriate insurance for our new 2019 Beach. What a depressing long winded process that has left me feeling that I've just been mugged.

Until August this year I was the proud owner of a 2016 Beach which I then sold and factory ordered a new Beach. I collected that new vehicle last Thursday by taking advantage of VW's complimentary five day insurance scheme available to owners of brand new commercial vehicles, thus giving me time to arrange proper cover. So yesterday and today I have been trying to secure the same level of insurance that I have enjoyed for the last four years.

For those last four years I have been insured through the Caravan and Motorhome Club (Devitt Insurance). The policy that they arranged included such features as an identical new replacement vehicle for the first two years if the policy holders vehicle is stolen and not recovered etc etc. Also included was £5000 cover for contents. Anyway, long story short, I was very happy with this policy and tried to take out the same policy on my new van. Alas, first they raised the MPV issue and said they couldn't insure it. When I reminded them that they had had no problems with taking my money to insure both our last, identical Beach and the SE before that, they then referred the matter to the underwriters. The result was a request for photos to confirm that the new Beach is indeed a Beach. Having provided said photos they said that yes, they were prepared to insure my new vehicle. The premium? £711.08. Last years premium was £389 hence the feeling of being mugged.

I asked, why the massive price hike? I have no convictions in the past or pending, have had no accidents and have the full 9 years NCB. They said it is because the last Beach had a new list price (incl options) and before discount, of £52k as opposed to this one at £65k. Also they didn't recognise the Back2You Guardian tracker and poo pooed the Auto Watch Ghost immobiliser but did mention that a tracker would only have a minimal effect on the premium.

If that is how they treat a loyal customer then I will go elsewhere. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Subsequently, I tried four other insurance providers:

1. Caravan Guard - £452.50. They offered a similar level of cover to the C and MH club. It looked a good deal until they told me that they wouldn't cover the vehicle if it was parked in the official secure long stay parking at Gatwick airport. Also, I was only allowed to do 11000 miles a year. I may not do that many but don't want this kind of restriction. They also required a wired in tracker with annual subscription! Result: Unsuitable.

2. Comfort - £386.59 - Not a bad policy but 10,000 miles per year max so also unsuitable.

3. LV - £238.81- basic cover at a very basic price. 12000 miles per year max. However I'm reluctant to use LV again after a massive price hike in a car policy a couple of years ago. Also, *+ £238.81, it looks to good to be true!!!

4. VW - £482.72 - similar to LV but no mileage limit, they couldn't care less where I leave it but there is no contents cover. They did guarantee to always use VW repair centres and genuine VW parts for any accident damage and their quote is good for three years.

So as I needed to get insurance by midnight tonight, who did I go with, LV or VW? Answer: VW ...... Not because their cover is any better but purely because by the time I had spoken to them I had lost the will to live and just wanted it sorted.

So the result is I have not ended up with the cover that I really wanted or at a sensible price. Anyone else had the same dismal experience?

Borris you wrote on my thread the below do you still feel the same way?

I've just read this entire thread and now wish I hadn't bothered.

It 's left me with the following thoughts:
1. Why not find an insurance company that will insure the whole vehicle and then get on with life?
2. What's written on the V5 will not effect resale values.
3. Unless I've missed it, where is the evidence that MY19 Beaches are being classed as motor caravans on the V5?

I'm sorry that a lot of owners feel very strongly about this issue but in the end does it really matter?
Does the VW insurance include new replacement if stolen ,written off ?
If not worth considering GAP insurance.
Important to have if buying a car on PCP.
For the first year only. Purchased outright.
Have you tried Safeguard? Our premium is around £370-ish. Brand new vehicle for the first two years if written off/stolen and not recovered, no issues with being an MPV. Policy document states that it is caravan/motorhome cover. Dealer fitted extras (eg bike rack) are covered. I don't know if there is a mileage limit but worth a chat with them?
Thanks, I will give them a try in the morning.
My other problem has been that ever since we picked up our van last Thursday, we have had family staying. So the van hasn't turned a wheel since and I haven't had the chance to go near it. Finding the time to arrange the insurance whilst small people systematically trash our home has been a challenge. Where ever I hide the grand children always seem to find me! Still they are returning home tonight so I might be in with a chance tomorrow.
I have just spent a ridiculous number of hours on the telephone trying to arrange appropriate insurance for our new 2019 Beach. What a depressing long winded process that has left me feeling that I've just been mugged.

Until August this year I was the proud owner of a 2016 Beach which I then sold and factory ordered a new Beach. I collected that new vehicle last Thursday by taking advantage of VW's complimentary five day insurance scheme available to owners of brand new commercial vehicles, thus giving me time to arrange proper cover. So yesterday and today I have been trying to secure the same level of insurance that I have enjoyed for the last four years.

For those last four years I have been insured through the Caravan and Motorhome Club (Devitt Insurance). The policy that they arranged included such features as an identical new replacement vehicle for the first two years if the policy holders vehicle is stolen and not recovered etc etc. Also included was £5000 cover for contents. Anyway, long story short, I was very happy with this policy and tried to take out the same policy on my new van. Alas, first they raised the MPV issue and said they couldn't insure it. When I reminded them that they had had no problems with taking my money to insure both our last, identical Beach and the SE before that, they then referred the matter to the underwriters. The result was a request for photos to confirm that the new Beach is indeed a Beach. Having provided said photos they said that yes, they were prepared to insure my new vehicle. The premium? £711.08. Last years premium was £389 hence the feeling of being mugged.

I asked, why the massive price hike? I have no convictions in the past or pending, have had no accidents and have the full 9 years NCB. They said it is because the last Beach had a new list price (incl options) and before discount, of £52k as opposed to this one at £65k. Also they didn't recognise the Back2You Guardian tracker and poo pooed the Auto Watch Ghost immobiliser but did mention that a tracker would only have a minimal effect on the premium.

If that is how they treat a loyal customer then I will go elsewhere. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Subsequently, I tried four other insurance providers:

1. Caravan Guard - £452.50. They offered a similar level of cover to the C and MH club. It looked a good deal until they told me that they wouldn't cover the vehicle if it was parked in the official secure long stay parking at Gatwick airport. Also, I was only allowed to do 11000 miles a year. I may not do that many but don't want this kind of restriction. They also required a wired in tracker with annual subscription! Result: Unsuitable.

2. Comfort - £386.59 - Not a bad policy but 10,000 miles per year max so also unsuitable.

3. LV - £238.81- basic cover at a very basic price. 12000 miles per year max. However I'm reluctant to use LV again after a massive price hike in a car policy a couple of years ago. Also, *+ £238.81, it looks to good to be true!!!

4. VW - £482.72 - similar to LV but no mileage limit, they couldn't care less where I leave it but there is no contents cover. They did guarantee to always use VW repair centres and genuine VW parts for any accident damage and their quote is good for three years.

So as I needed to get insurance by midnight tonight, who did I go with, LV or VW? Answer: VW ...... Not because their cover is any better but purely because by the time I had spoken to them I had lost the will to live and just wanted it sorted.

So the result is I have not ended up with the cover that I really wanted or at a sensible price. Anyone else had the same dismal experience?
I had similar problems, it was if Know body had Ever heard of a California Ocean. I went with VW cost about £450
Borris you wrote on my thread the below do you still feel the same way?

I've just read this entire thread and now wish I hadn't bothered.

It 's left me with the following thoughts:
1. Why not find an insurance company that will insure the whole vehicle and then get on with life?
2. What's written on the V5 will not effect resale values.
3. Unless I've missed it, where is the evidence that MY19 Beaches are being classed as motor caravans on the V5?

I'm sorry that a lot of owners feel very strongly about this issue but in the end does it really matter?

Yes. My comments stand.

Your thread was about bringing pressure to bear on the DVLA to change the California's V5 - Body Type back.

I'm not interested in how the DVLA wants to classify the California's body type. As long as I can continue to use it in the manner that I have always done, they can call it a Flying Saucer for all I care.

Any issues thrown up by insurance companies are usually to suit their own purposes i.e £££. If there are any issues, then I suspect they may try to cite a change of perceived risk involved in owning an MPV as the reason. If they do then that would be codswallop. Anyone like me, who has owned a pre MPV Cali and now owns a MY19 MPV California will not have changed the way they use it just because the DVLA have changed the body type classification. Of course, there may be other reasons but none have come to light so far.

It is also worth noting that of the five insurance providers that I contacted only the Caravan and Motorhome Club's broker (Devitt) said they wouldn't insure an MPV........and even they caved in when challenged. The rest didn't mention the MPV thing at all. All offered cover of some degree or other.

My thread was intended to show two things:
1. The best way for an insurance provider to treat a loyal customer in order to ensure they go elsewhere and
2. Just how difficult it is to get the right cover at a reasonable cost.
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My thread was intended to show two things:
1. The best way for an insurance provider to treat a loyal customer in order to ensure they go elsewhere and
2. Just how difficult it is to get the right cover at a reasonable cost.

I'm sorry to be a grumpy old git but I'm afraid those have both been true for a long time now Borris. Insurance companies know they'll rake in more out of 'loyalty penalties' than they'll lose on a few people realising they've been shafted and switching at renewal time.

I gave up fretting about it and now just accept that I have to renegotiate or switch on every single one of my insurance policies every single year, or I will get stiffed.

One thing I've learnt is never ever EVER be on an automatic renewal, always insist the policy lapses unless you actively renew.
I'm sorry to be a grumpy old git but I'm afraid those have both been true for a long time now Borris. Insurance companies know they'll rake in more out of 'loyalty penalties' than they'll lose on a few people realising they've been shafted and switching at renewal time.

I gave up fretting about it and now just accept that I have to renegotiate or switch on every single one of my insurance policies every single year, or I will get stiffed.

One thing I've learnt is never ever EVER be on an automatic renewal, always insist the policy lapses unless you actively renew.
Absolutely. I know this and do the same with other policies. However this company have been pretty good up until now. My premiums have been reduced slightly year on year and the cover was very good.

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