Wind Power



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
hi everyone,
just wondering if anyone has used a wind generator to top up the batteries in the Cali. We are planning on a long trip which includes plenty freedom camping for several days a time and wondering if this would be a good option. I read that wind is more efficient than solar power if the conditions are right. Reading the forum, it seems solar is favored.

We are planning to tow a camping trailer behind which would be used to fix the wind generator and loosely attach/detach the power feed cable as required to the batteries.

Be good if anyone can share any experiences in this area.

If you’re taking a trailer then just chuck in a spare battery, about the same space as a wind turbine?
Unless your on top of a hill and away from hedges and trees you would need to get fairly high to get a constant breeze.
I have seen small wind turbines on the narrow boats on the Kennet and Avon canal. Don't have to be in top of a mountain to get a good breeze. These small ones are always spinning, even with a light breeze. It may work as a secondary option including a solar setup as I think the output from the small turbine will be pretty low.

Also, with twin battery + solar, you may need additional power only in an emergency. Chuck a small petrol.powered Honda eu10i in the trailer and then you are safe. It is light and very portable and silent. Don't overthink your power requirements. People on the road manage with much less.
There is a reason micro generation wind turbines never caught on, no saying they are not any good but they need to be in the right place speaking as someone who has used one on a boat.
I have seen small wind turbines on the narrow boats on the Kennet and Avon canal. Don't have to be in top of a mountain to get a good breeze. These small ones are always spinning, even with a light breeze. It may work as a secondary option including a solar setup as I think the output from the small turbine will be pretty low.

Also, with twin battery + solar, you may need additional power only in an emergency. Chuck a small petrol.powered Honda eu10i in the trailer and then you are safe. It is light and very portable and silent. Don't overthink your power requirements. People on the road manage with much less.
Small safe generators normally generate insignificant amounts, large powerful types are often antisocial, noisy and potentially dangerous, fine on a blue-water yacht on a circumnavigation otherwise nah. Now a decent solar panel is just the thing for summer touring if campsite hookups are not used.
If you’re taking a trailer then just chuck in a spare battery, about the same space as a wind turbine?
do you mean to link into the auxiliary setup?
Unless your on top of a hill and away from hedges and trees you would need to get fairly high to get a constant breeze.
Not necessarily true. We always have a breeze in NZ and I'm surprised there are no wind turbines, or that I've seen. We don't always get the sun for solar so this was my thinking.
Not necessarily true. We always have a breeze in NZ and I'm surprised there are no wind turbines, or that I've seen. We don't always get the sun for solar so this was my thinking.
Shane, you will be surprised as to how much power the newer panels can generate in low light conditions.

On the generator, no need to wire it in. Just let it be there as a backup.
maybe easier and cheaper just to start the engine for an hour :D
Shane, you will be surprised as to how much power the newer panels can generate in low light conditions.

On the generator, no need to wire it in. Just let it be there as a backup.
can you recommend which are the latest panels to go for?
Roger is a forum sponsor. I got a kit from him during lockdown and (like many others) was very pleased with both service and product

can you recommend which are the latest panels to go for?
Not an expert on this but what I am aware of is that of the two types, PV panels are cheaper but do not last long when compared to Crystalline Panels.

Crytalline panels are of two further types - mono-and poly-crystalline. Mono are the most expensive but efficient. Poly is less efficient, but again, we are not talking about a lot of power generation on top of a campervan.

When you check with providers in NZ, these could be some of the aspects you keep in mind on panels.

Then you have the MPPT controller. Victron seems to be the best on performance and most importantly after sales support.
hi everyone,
just wondering if anyone has used a wind generator to top up the batteries in the Cali. We are planning on a long trip which includes plenty freedom camping for several days a time and wondering if this would be a good option. I read that wind is more efficient than solar power if the conditions are right. Reading the forum, it seems solar is favored.

We are planning to tow a camping trailer behind which would be used to fix the wind generator and loosely attach/detach the power feed cable as required to the batteries.

Be good if anyone can share any experiences in this area.

hi everyone,
just wondering if anyone has used a wind generator to top up the batteries in the Cali. We are planning on a long trip which includes plenty freedom camping for several days a time and wondering if this would be a good option. I read that wind is more efficient than solar power if the conditions are right. Reading the forum, it seems solar is favored.

We are planning to tow a camping trailer behind which would be used to fix the wind generator and loosely attach/detach the power feed cable as required to the batteries.

Be good if anyone can share any experiences in this area.

sounds like a faff to me... Roger at Solar Camper Solutions does great kit. Our battery never seems to dip under 80% fridge running full tilt etc
Slightly off topic, and for use of a different purpose, but can anyone recommend a good wind turbine?
I have a 12v wind lily on pre-order, the water lily is an excellent robust little turbine, I hope the wind / water version will be as good.
I’ll review it when I receive it.

The waterlily looks really interesting Douglas. Thanks for posting. Have you written a review for it? Would seem to make sense to wait for dual purpose water/wind version.

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