New Ocean 6.1 Water Ingress



Looking to buy
Hi all, came down to Liverpool to collect our new Ocean last Thursday, unfortunately after heavy rain last night we have water droplets appearing along the rear roof trim in van side around the tailgate area. I haven't investigated further yet as my son is up there sleeping still, but as we're heading back home - 200+ miles north - I'm curious what the dealership will suggest. I'll investigate further once the family are all up but just wanted to ask for some initial thoughts from the forum ahead of contacting the garage (so apologies for the reactionary, premature nature of this post!) - has anyone else noted a similar issue on their new Cali and if so what was the remediation please? I've read about water coming in on the tailgate from either the door seal or light area but the result in those was water down the tailgate side itself, not the van. Was already on tenderhooks re all the stories of water problems but am more than disappointed we have an issue from new!!


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We had this a while back. Turned out the tailgate seal had moved. After refitting no problems. Another candidate is water leaking through the tailgate stop light. This forum has lots of threads on water ingress into various parts. Either take back to the dealer or try a quick fix at home. For the tailgate seal take a rubber hammer and suitable length of wood. Place the wood along a section of the seal and tap with the hammer - not too hard. If still leaks then back to dealer. Brake light replacement more tricky, leave to dealer.
Hi all, came down to Liverpool to collect our new Ocean last Thursday, unfortunately after heavy rain last night we have water droplets appearing along the rear roof trim in van side around the tailgate area. I haven't investigated further yet as my son is up there sleeping still, but as we're heading back home - 200+ miles north - I'm curious what the dealership will suggest. I'll investigate further once the family are all up but just wanted to ask for some initial thoughts from the forum ahead of contacting the garage (so apologies for the reactionary, premature nature of this post!) - has anyone else noted a similar issue on their new Cali and if so what was the remediation please? I've read about water coming in on the tailgate from either the door seal or light area but the result in those was water down the tailgate side itself, not the van. Was already on tenderhooks re all the stories of water problems but am more than disappointed we have an issue from new!!

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Thats exactly where our 2019 T6 leaks from too.

Ours is being looked at for a couple of other reasons including this. Will update when I know more. :)
The seal looks and feels like it's fitted OK, best I can tell here, but I'll get the dealer to check today on the way up the road. I don't see any sign of water anywhere else on the tailgate, just a spot at the plastic tailgate moulding but that could've been when opening it. You can barely see it in the photo in area in shadow.

Thanks both for info.

When ours went in for a blind that was smelling from being wet, they said they could not find any leak, it then got a lot worse over winter. When it went in again they did a rain test for a day (hosepipes spraying water onto the van over a long period to mimic rain) then they found the leak. Also to do this they have to take all the rear tailgate trim out. So I would make sure the dealer sets up a rain test so they can find the exact leak point, otherwise they are guessing
When ours went in for a blind that was smelling from being wet, they said they could not find any leak, it then got a lot worse over winter. When it went in again they did a rain test for a day (hosepipes spraying water onto the van over a long period to mimic rain) then they found the leak. Also to do this they have to take all the rear tailgate trim out. So I would make sure the dealer sets up a rain test so they can find the exact leak point, otherwise they are guessing
Great news, you have a solution. What did the dealer actually do to sort it?
Having just ordered ours, this fills me with disappointment..!

I have a Land Rover Defender (2001) that leaks like a sieve, I'd hoped the Cali was better built/tested. Seems like I'll have two cars with "character"

Its amazing, that these two vehicles command such high prices..!
Having just ordered ours, this fills me with disappointment..!

I have a Land Rover Defender (2001) that leaks like a sieve, I'd hoped the Cali was better built/tested. Seems like I'll have two cars with "character"

Its amazing, that these two vehicles command such high prices..!
Unlike Land Rover there is no Official Leak Rectification Manual for the California.

@HighlandCamper I suspect it’s the same as my tailgate leak on a T6.1 Beach. Mine seems to be ok after the seal was replaced (under warranty) a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the comments all. It was a long day yesterday getting back home but suffice it to say, we've agreed with the dealer to keep an eye on the leak, it occurred when the pop top was up in some pretty nasty weather. Whilst I'm not thrilled about it, we weren't able to leave the vehicle with the dealer (for hosepipe tests etc as discussed) as we needed to get home, if I note this again I'll raise it immediately. I didn't see any sign of water other than the few droplets on that trim piece, I do think it's odd it was on the van side rather than the tailgate side...

Any other comments gratefully received!!!
Thanks for the comments all. It was a long day yesterday getting back home but suffice it to say, we've agreed with the dealer to keep an eye on the leak, it occurred when the pop top was up in some pretty nasty weather. Whilst I'm not thrilled about it, we weren't able to leave the vehicle with the dealer (for hosepipe tests etc as discussed) as we needed to get home, if I note this again I'll raise it immediately. I didn't see any sign of water other than the few droplets on that trim piece, I do think it's odd it was on the van side rather than the tailgate side...

Any other comments gratefully received!!!

@HighlandCamper , if you are able to share a few more pics - one from further away so that we can guess the orientation/location and then a closeup, it will help.

I would do a few things:
1. What wildcamper has suggested in post #2. Carefully check the seals on top. Though it may seem that it seals well, if the seal is not seated well, water will find the easiest way in - where the seal is not so tight as the other areas. you can also use a soft mallet to seat the seal. Run your hand along the seals and if it is not seated well, you should be able to feel it as well.
2. Use something like Gummi Pflege to keep the rubber seals supple and clean. This also helps to create a better seal.
3. The area on top where the gate hinges are - is an area that is usually ignored when cleaning. See that the area is clean and visually inspect all seals and just push them in with hand to get a feel of how well they sit.

This does not seem to be a big problem but better to understand it and address it asap.
Thanks for the comments all. It was a long day yesterday getting back home but suffice it to say, we've agreed with the dealer to keep an eye on the leak, it occurred when the pop top was up in some pretty nasty weather. Whilst I'm not thrilled about it, we weren't able to leave the vehicle with the dealer (for hosepipe tests etc as discussed) as we needed to get home, if I note this again I'll raise it immediately. I didn't see any sign of water other than the few droplets on that trim piece, I do think it's odd it was on the van side rather than the tailgate side...

Any other comments gratefully received!!!
When the elevated roof is down, in very heavy rain the water will tend to run off on all 4 sides, but when elevated gravity will direct it to the back and despite there being a large gully behind the large tailgate seal it can overwhelm the seal before draining away on the sides.
Check the gully behind the seal is clean.
A trick I have used, to check seals are sealing is as follows.
Run a thick line along the sealing face of the seal with a cheap lipstick. Shut the door and then reopen. If the seal is connecting with the door properly then there should be a similar line on the door along the whole length. If not, examine the missed areas. Either the seal is too proud except for the missed areas, or the missed areas are pushed on too far and need lifting up slightly. Propably the former in which case ease the seal off a little and use a length of wood with a mallet or hammer to resit it properly. Wipe off lipstick on door, reapply on seal and repeat as necessary.
Or, return to Dealer.
We had this a while back. Turned out the tailgate seal had moved. After refitting no problems. Another candidate is water leaking through the tailgate stop light. This forum has lots of threads on water ingress into various parts. Either take back to the dealer or try a quick fix at home. For the tailgate seal take a rubber hammer and suitable length of wood. Place the wood along a section of the seal and tap with the hammer - not too hard. If still leaks then back to dealer. Brake light replacement more tricky, leave to dealer.
Yep, also had this problem (2019 T6 Ocean). Dealer said it was the rear tailgate brake light, fixed it but recently noticed a few drops again, so needs to go back to the dealer. Its just a few drops not a torrent, but still it shouldn't happen.
Yep, also had this problem (2019 T6 Ocean). Dealer said it was the rear tailgate brake light, fixed it but recently noticed a few drops again, so needs to go back to the dealer. Its just a few drops not a torrent, but still it shouldn't happen.
Get them to do a rain test, or they are guessing and you might have to keep going back as the issue is not solved
When the elevated roof is down, in very heavy rain the water will tend to run off on all 4 sides, but when elevated gravity will direct it to the back and despite there being a large gully behind the large tailgate seal it can overwhelm the seal before draining away on the sides.
Check the gully behind the seal is clean.
A trick I have used, to check seals are sealing is as follows.
Run a thick line along the sealing face of the seal with a cheap lipstick. Shut the door and then reopen. If the seal is connecting with the door properly then there should be a similar line on the door along the whole length. If not, examine the missed areas. Either the seal is too proud except for the missed areas, or the missed areas are pushed on too far and need lifting up slightly. Propably the former in which case ease the seal off a little and use a length of wood with a mallet or hammer to resit it properly. Wipe off lipstick on door, reapply on seal and repeat as necessary.
Or, return to Dealer.
We had exactly that, never had it with the roof down, only a couple of drops seen and otherwise dry.
Its just a few drops not a torrent, but still it shouldn't happen.
You may be only seeing a few drops, but if the rest of the water is going inside the tailgate, it can wet the chair holders and also cause rust in the mechanism inside. Always best to get water ingress in that area checked well.

However, do not get overly worried about it. A regular check of the chair holders to see if they are wet or not should give you sufficient inputs on how bad it it.
I had this on my T6, just as your pictures show. Roof was always down. The seals don't cope well with any debris at all. There's a short lip on them that fills up with muck very easily leaving a small gap to the interior. Leak solved by cleaning seals with a soft brush.
Thanks for the comments all. It was a long day yesterday getting back home but suffice it to say, we've agreed with the dealer to keep an eye on the leak, it occurred when the pop top was up in some pretty nasty weather. Whilst I'm not thrilled about it, we weren't able to leave the vehicle with the dealer (for hosepipe tests etc as discussed) as we needed to get home, if I note this again I'll raise it immediately. I didn't see any sign of water other than the few droplets on that trim piece, I do think it's odd it was on the van side rather than the tailgate side...

Any other comments gratefully received!!!

Did you ever resolve this as I have exactly the same thing and the dealer now wants to take my van to the body shop for the tailgate lid to be checked, but looking at it, it seems to have the same panel gap as non leaky vans!
I’m also intrigued if the original poster has had More issues and had them resolved. Have similar issue on my 2023 ocean .
Water dripping on my head all night in the rain.
Coming down the plastic moulding as mentioned by the poster



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