TDI 1.9 vs 2.0 vs 2.5?



Looking to buy
Hi all!

This is my first thread after introducing myself, so apologize if it's not the best quality/topic on the forum!

I'm looking for my first Cali, and I've read a lot of issues about T5 family (not only Calis, but also Transporter, Caravelle, ...). One of the most common issues are related to the TDI 2.5 engine.

Considering that I almost nothing about engines, my general understanding is that a TDI 2.0 is the most reliable one, followed by 1.9 and finally 2.5. However, I'm very confused by the whole matter, and I would like to know what you think on the topic.

I think that the best way to talk about this in an objective way would be to share some reference about study on engine (or T4/T5/T6/T6.1) reliability. I'm a newbie, but I love to instruct myself in a data-oriented way :)
:welcome Lovaj,

where to begin? this is a massively subjective and open ended subject, to which there will be no definitive answer.

I would suggest a search of all forums.
There is lots of information about potential engine problems with all models, not just the T5.

I presume your reference above relating to the 2,5 litre T5 refers to the potential issue with cylinder bore wear cause by EGR cooler degrading which is a known issue with a known fix & affecting a relatively small amount of engines in a defined date range? (This will be a contentious comment)

Peoples experiences differ greatly as would be expected with the pure amount of engines currently on the roads across the water cooled Transporter range and the massive variables of those users / outcomes.

IMO the T5 engine can get a fair amount of bad press, (which is mistakenly applied to all T5 engines) due to the EGR issue, but there are T5 engines having done hundreds of thousands of miles with no issues.

no one person or collective will be able to give you a definitive answer as to which is the “most reliable“ in the range from T4 - T6.1.
you will merely get conjecture of individuals personal experience, remember that particularly the bad experiences are reported, not necessarily the good, which may lead to more confusion in the long run.

there has, as far as I’m aware, never been a study on the various engine comparing like for like as that would be virtually impossible to provide objective data.

if you’re looking for the safest bet you could take, look for a brand new van and extend the warranty to 5 years, you then guarantee 5 years worry free motoring.

I wish you well in your research, please feel free to ask any specific targeted questions you may have during your research, to which I’m sure you will receive targeted responses from the forum.
Our son has a LHD California Freestyle which he really loves. Maintenance much more strait forward and cheaper. Apparently the engines go on forever, but that engine rattle, l couldn't live with it.
From personal experience...

T4 - 1.9 TD (68bhp) sold @180K miles. Super reliable.
T5.1 - 2.0 TDI (140bhp)- No issues so far.
:welcome Lovaj,

where to begin? this is a massively subjective and open ended subject, to which there will be no definitive answer.

I would suggest a search of all forums.
There is lots of information about potential engine problems with all models, not just the T5.

I presume your reference above relating to the 2,5 litre T5 refers to the potential issue with cylinder bore wear cause by EGR cooler degrading which is a known issue with a known fix & affecting a relatively small amount of engines in a defined date range? (This will be a contentious comment)

Peoples experiences differ greatly as would be expected with the pure amount of engines currently on the roads across the water cooled Transporter range and the massive variables of those users / outcomes.

IMO the T5 engine can get a fair amount of bad press, (which is mistakenly applied to all T5 engines) due to the EGR issue, but there are T5 engines having done hundreds of thousands of miles with no issues.

no one person or collective will be able to give you a definitive answer as to which is the “most reliable“ in the range from T4 - T6.1.
you will merely get conjecture of individuals personal experience, remember that particularly the bad experiences are reported, not necessarily the good, which may lead to more confusion in the long run.

there has, as far as I’m aware, never been a study on the various engine comparing like for like as that would be virtually impossible to provide objective data.

if you’re looking for the safest bet you could take, look for a brand new van and extend the warranty to 5 years, you then guarantee 5 years worry free motoring.

I wish you well in your research, please feel free to ask any specific targeted questions you may have during your research, to which I’m sure you will receive targeted responses from the forum.

Thank Perfectos for your long and detailed answer, I really appreciate it. Starting from the bottom, getting a brand new van would be the best option, but unfortunately I can't afford it: a California Ocean is ~60k euros in Spain, which is out of my budget.

On the other hands, second California Comfort Line can be found at ~30k euros with <200k kms, which with an engine TDI 2.0 would be seem a good deal (of course if everything else is in order.

Also, for vans that need conversion the price is more or less the same: a Transporter can be found ~10k/18k euros with <200k + 20k euros of conversion (I would rely on a company for the job, I don't have neither the skill, nor instrument and time to do the conversion myself).

So, in the end I think I will just look for something with a TDI 2.0, since 2.5 seems to have a worse reputation. TDI 1.9 would be also ok, but unfortunately I need a vehicle more recent than 2006 because of environment restrictions in Madrid and Spain (good cause though).

I'll let you know if I have doubts on my search, thank you again!
Thank Perfectos for your long and detailed answer, I really appreciate it. Starting from the bottom, getting a brand new van would be the best option, but unfortunately I can't afford it: a California Ocean is ~60k euros in Spain, which is out of my budget.

On the other hands, second California Comfort Line can be found at ~30k euros with <200k kms, which with an engine TDI 2.0 would be seem a good deal (of course if everything else is in order.

Also, for vans that need conversion the price is more or less the same: a Transporter can be found ~10k/18k euros with <200k + 20k euros of conversion (I would rely on a company for the job, I don't have neither the skill, nor instrument and time to do the conversion myself).

So, in the end I think I will just look for something with a TDI 2.0, since 2.5 seems to have a worse reputation. TDI 1.9 would be also ok, but unfortunately I need a vehicle more recent than 2006 because of environment restrictions in Madrid and Spain (good cause though).

I'll let you know if I have doubts on my search, thank you again!
Unfortunately you like many many thousands are looking to buy a camper which has pushed the prices up all over the world. At least you have the benefit of not having to travel far to get decent weather. Good look with your search..

VW California Club
